Rdio & Sync in the 2012 Ford Fiesta

Earlier this year I drove to Austin, Texas from Toronto in a Ford Focus with two friends, it was the playlist that made the long drive bearable. This summer I’ve been used Rdio, a music streaming service that is fairly new to Canada. You can use listen your favourite music on all devices online or off. You can also create playlists with friends and share your tunes on Twitter & Facebook. Rdio has been a hit at the cottage, awesome on the subway, and perfect for road trips. My free trial ran out last month and I IMMEDIATLEY went to pay for the service. That’s how you really know something is amazing. Below you will find my road trip playlist from my Montreal trip in August. It’s good to work with. It took about six hours to drive with traffic so having access to TONS of music in the car was essential.  I have the Rdio app on my iPhone and connected it to the Ford Fiesta using Sync & USB. You’ll need to turn on Bluetooth in your smart phone in order to connect it using Sync. If you are having trouble at all the manual has step by step instructions on getting you connected. Make sure you plug the phone right into the USB jack if you are not using Bluetooth. I got frustrated wondering why it wasn’t working until I realized… I plugged it into the car charger and not the actual car. Whoops! Using a USB to connect is a fool proof way to get your music from device to car. Happy Music Monday 🙂 CASIE  

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Nuvo Burlesque – I’m in an Army of Sass and it’s HOT.

It’s been three weeks of rehearsal for our shows in December. I waited a couple weeks till we had something to show you. I could literally make GIFs of everything we do. Lead by creator & choreographer of Nuvo-Burlesque Carla Catherwood, and commercial choreographer Lindsay Ritter, we are the ARMY OF SASS. I saw the Electronic Cabaret a few times this summer and I knew I needed to be part of it. This is one of the coolest things I’ve done in the last year (at least). I have a video of us doing a routine but I am shy to show you my skills just yet. This is a sneak peek of what we’re working on. I hope you come to the show. There are about 50 of us. It is burlesque like you have never seen before and I am SO STOKED to be part of it. My sister Jenie is also in the troupe along with the lovely Jaclyn Genovese, Carolyn Van and a whole bunch of other babes. PERFORMANCE: Friday December 7 & 14, 2012 WHERE: The Virgin Mobile Mod Club, Toronto Until next time my friends, <3 CASIE & the Army P.S. If you’d like to dance with us there is a DROP-IN CLASS Wednesday night’s 8:30-9:30pm at King West Fitness. LMK if you decide to come. It will be the highlight of your week!

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Social TV, Dance Routines, Everyday, Awesomism

It’s been a busy day! Arrived early at the office, did some writing, and a conference keynote all before noon. I posted the slides from my presentation  with Stephen Henrik  (The Globe & Mail) on the Pulp&Fiber blog. The subject was ‘Role of Social TV in Building the Brand’ read it here.  For the record, if you know Stephen, he did not say “shake that” during the presentation. Last night my sister came with me to dance at King West Fitness. We are BOTH In the Army of Sass from now until December. We perform at the Virgin Mobile MOD Club Theatre on December 8th & 14th. Book your calendar. The show is ALWAYS sold out. It’s going to be AWESOME. Jenie and I haven’t danced together since we were kids and we’ve never actually been in the same class. Nuvo Burlesque’s ARMY of SASS Toronto  Nuvo-Burlesque Dance on Vimeo.     [View the story “Army of Sass – FW 2012” on Storify] Army of Sass – FW 2012 Storified by CASIE STEWART · Thu, Sep 20 2012 14:04:25 Rolling 40 women strong in my Wednesday’s #armyofsass #performanceandtraininggroup @meghannorah @aidanmorris http://instagr.am/p/PzWmXghygM/Carla Catherwood So many ladies in class for @nuvoburlesque #armyofsass last night. @ King West Fitness http://instagr.am/p/Pz7lloya80/CASIE STEWART Rarrrr #armyofsass w/ @nuvoburlesque & @jeniestewart. @ King West Fitness http://instagr.am/p/PxvVpqya0m/CASIE STEWART In other news, check out this chill track by artist “Everyday“. He’s from the same mgmt that brought us The Weekend. I blogged his first video with Kate Upton over the summer. I’m into it. Hope your day has been magical. If not, you still have time to make it awesome. Go out and get it! <3 CASIE

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Canadian National Exhibition 2012

The CNE yesterday was so fun. I had not been since I was a kid. Rode the midway at sundown. Played some bingo. Tried bacon wrapped hot dog in beer batter covered in bacon w/ Nutella. Saw a Styx cover band. Scored free parking. Saw soem surfing babes. Drove top town in Hawaii’s car watching the air show. This weekend has been perfect end of summer fun. Hope you’re having a great one! CASIE

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I’ve Been Meaning to Write You… So I will Today!

[View the story “Letter Writing Party tonight 8PM. BE THERE.” on Storify] Letter Writing Party tonight 8PM. BE THERE. Lower Ossington Theatre, Performance Bar. PWYC! Storified by CASIE STEWART · Fri, Aug 17 2012 15:50:34 When was the last time you wrote someone a note and sent it in the mail? People don’t do it much but I really love the art of writing, sending, and receiving. This week I recieved a hand written note (thanks Erica!) and sent a love note to someone special. Sent a handwritten love note today. Did you?CASIE STEWART Send a love note tonight at the Performance Bar, Lower Ossington Theate <3casiestewart See my post on the SummerWorks blog here: Performance Bar – Letter Writing Party tonight! " " SummerWorksSummerWorksWhen was the last time you wrote someone a note and sent it in the mail? People don’t do it much but I really love the art of writing, se… After I write some letters I’m heading to the Mod Club for Chick-A-Boom Room’s Electronic Cabaret: Part 2. I’m stoked. I went to the first one and it was so good. Steve Jobs & Apple images with a ton of dancers on stage in electronic inspired , glowing outfits. Love it.

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You’re Part of It, We’re In This Together

Yesterday I treated myself to a nice brekky at the Drake Hotel before afternoon meetings, SummerWorks, and a media dinner. I was feeling meh and a dining experience for one always makes me feel better. I’m working on some new things to launch at casiestewart.com in September. This space hasn’t changed much since it started in 2005 and I feel that it needs to grow along with how I have. It all started as “people, places, things & thoughts, in attempt to keep more memories” and it’s an amazing memory bank for me but I feel it could be better. I’d love your thoughts on things you would like to see me do, write about, or cover. Some ideas from around my head and the Internet are: Monday Inspiration Memory lane – stories of meeting people IRL Contests App/Product reviews New music Travel Tuesday WIWT (what I wore today) – my outfits Blogger interviews more videos Hat & collar from H&M I just went to this totally RAD media preview of the X-Men exhibit at TIFF and have a really fun SummerWorks theatre show to tell you about. I’ll be writing all day and trying to keep mute as I’m fighting a cough. I have little to no voice at the moment so don’t bother calling me, Tweet! I hope your corner of the Internet is full of sunshine 🙂

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