Get inspired!! Do Something Good – RIGHT NOW ♥

OK. Contest closes today. I’m ready to kick some ass in the Daily Challenge ‘Do Gooder’ Contest. I’m trying to win a camcorder so I can start video blogging. Daily Challenge is the worlds largest network of ‘ Do Gooders‘ and a media sponsor for the upcoming TwestivalTO. Please take a couple minutes TODAY to vote for me and my story. It’s about how my mum, sister and self served an afternoon meal to those without, followed by opening our home anyone alone to share our Christmas dinner. I only have 25 damn votes right now. I know I can win the unit with your loving vote. Your five minutes of internet timetoday is much appreciated!! See you at Twestival on Feb. 12!!

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what make? who says?

I’m watching a Beautiful Mind on Diva. Every time I watch this movie I feel a special connection to it. I have many times throughout my life felt like an outsider because of the way I thought about things. It has always been different than anyone else since I was a wee little lady. Mum said I used to pick out all my own outfits and match them my own way, I used to make art that was beyond my years too. I remember Mum getting into a fight with my grade 8 art teacher because she hid my work in her office and when Mum went to buy it in the art sale, it wasn’t there. This is all interesting but my question is, what really defines a genius? A test? A way of thinking? Being really good at something? A genius is a person who successfully applies a previously unknown technique in the production of a work of art, science or calculation, or who masters and personalizes a known technique. A genius typically possesses great intelligence or remarkable abilities in a specific subject, or shows an exceptional natural capacity of intellect and/or ability, especially in the production of creative and original work, something that has never been seen or evaluated previously. Traits often associated with genius include strong individuality, imagination, uniqueness, and innovative drive. [Source: Wikipedia.]

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mail is great, especially when it has style

I love getting mail. Makes me happy. I mean real old fashioned snail mail. The kind mum sends in the summer when she’s sailing on her boat and abandons the internet. The kind with stamps. The only people who really send me mail are mum and companies that want me to test out, chat about, review their stuff. I get all my packages delivered to my office because I love when they get dropped off at my desk and the girls go ‘oooooooh what did you get this time’ and it makes me feel even happier to get it. This year I have been given subscriptions to Wired (totally love the most) and Flare (props to Canada). Flare arrived this week. Getting mags for free and delivered is much more fun than buying them. I like this section on of stuff. I buy alot of vintage stuff and this is ‘stylespiration‘. Yes, that is a word, I just added it to the Urban Dictionary.

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the batch in new zealand. you don’t say?

I’m watching the Bachelor, well listening to it while I do things around the house. Anyhow, one of the destinations for the show that is on next episode is New Zealand. Looks to me like they are in the beautiful and warm North Island where they take a helicopter flight over the massive hill ranges followed by a bungy jump, Possibly in Taupo? I watched Dad bungy jump there when I was 12. I wanted to do it so bad. You had to be 13. I’m still upset about it. Most of my family lives in New Zealand and they are cool. I have Canadian & New Zealand citizenship which is very lucky, thanks to Mum & Dad!! If you are looking for the best trip of your life and a way to show yourself how awake and alive you are, get moving and plan a trip to the Land of Plenty!! Music video by OMC performing Land Of Plenty 1996 Universal Music NZ Ltd.

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two thousand and shine = simple abundance

“You must first bewho you really are,then,do what you need to do,in order to have what you want.” – Margaret Young This year, again, I am attempting to read the book Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach. The reason make another attempt is due to the fact it is written in the style of one page per day starting on January first and I would like to read it as so. The 366 essay’s focus around finding simplicity and living a more content and fulfilling way of life. It is a lovely book. So lovely that this very copy came to me because my mum’s dear friend gave her a copy two years in a row! Ha!

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save them. save yourself. you wild thing.

One of my favorite books as a kid was Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. I loved this story. I just found out that mum complained at the library one time about how the book was horrible. Max was punished and sent to bed without dinner for bring mischievous. She had never heard such a story in New Zealand! This thought is quite funny, mum took another read of the story and saw it in a different light from then on. The book is regarded as an American classic in children’s lit and is only ten lines long. How inspiring!! My sister got me this great shirt for Chrissy this year. I’m feeling a bit wild today!! OMG UPDATE: the movie comes out october 16, 2009

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