I recently had the opportunity to travel to Montreal with their tourism board to learn about their upcoming food festival, MTL à TABLE. I had an awesome time discovering their culinary scene, meeting other bloggers/media, and being back in my second fav Canadian city. This is part one of my experience.
Scroll down to see what I got up to and get details on how YOU can win a round trip, including airfare to Montreal to experience MTL à TABLE for yourself!
I arrived at Renard Artisan Bistro at 9am to greet Chef Jason Nelson and my blogger partner in crime Jason from shutupandeat.ca. After visiting the smallest coffee shop in all of Montreal and we decided to venture 45min outside the city to get local meat, wine, and cheese, a trip Chef often takes on Sunday afternoons.
It was about 10am when we did a wine tasting at Vignoble Vertefeuille. I loved being at the farm. The air was fresh and the wine was good. Not a bad start to the day! Chef gets chicken, rabbit and wine from the farm on a regular basis.
Our next stop was Fromagerie Au Gré des Champs where we sampled cheese and said hello to the animals. It was my first time at a fromagerie and I have never tasted cheese so delicious!
This award winning fromagerie is one of very few in Quebec that uses raw unpasturized milk to make the cheese. It was DELICIOUS!
Love this beautiful lady.
We had heaps of laughs on the way back to the city where blogger Jason from shutupandeat.ca and I met up with the other bloggers for lunch.
Later in the day I really got my hands dirty prepping dinner. And by dirty I mean I got blood on my hands! This is the blood used for blood pudding. I tried not to think about it too much. Look at my crazy face, ahhhh!
Stay tuned for the next post about the rest of my MTL à TABLE experience…until then enter the contest below to win a MTL à TABLE experience for yourself.
Contest closes Friday, October 17, 2014
Savour Montréal’s foodie paradise with the MTL à TABLE contest. Enjoy a trip through Montréal’s creative gastronomy at MTL à TABLE Montréal’s Restaurant Week. Enter the contest and you could win a foodie experience in Montréal including:
- Air transportation for two provided by Air Canada.
- Two night’s accommodation for two in a Sweet Deal Package hotel.
- Gift certificates for two including two dinners in a MTL à TABLE participating restaurant.
- A culinary tour for two with VDM Global DMC
- 10 transit passes for bus or metro.
Total value $2,192
Winner announced Monday. Bonne chance my friends!
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