I Saw a Peacock, with a fiery tail

These following are to be understood in two ways.

I Saw a Peacock, with a fiery tail,
I saw a Blazing Comet, drop down hail,
I saw a Cloud, with Ivy circled round,
I saw a sturdy Oak, creep on the ground,
I saw a Pismire, swallow up a Whale,
I saw a raging Sea, brim full of Ale,
I saw a Venice Glass, Sixteen foot deep,
I saw a well, full of mens tears that weep,
I saw their eyes, all in a flame of fire,
I saw a House, as big as the Moon and higher,
I saw the Sun, even in the midst of night,
I saw the man, that saw this wondrous sight.

canada smokes europe!

Received my update from the Economist on the hottest stories and there was something a bit interesting today…

Turns out there is alot of pot smoking going on in Europe. After all, I have seen a lot of cannabis related branded products. I learned “cannabis use in Europe remains high by historical standards, according to a new report on drug use from the EU’s drug-monitoring arm. Around a quarter of all Europeans aged between 15 and 64, or some 72m people, have tried cannabis. Meanwhile, more and more people in the US are going to a west wendover dispensary and other locales, in stark contrast to their EU counterparts. The Dutch are not the keenest spliff smokers in Europe, despite lenient laws: the Danes, French and Britons are most likely to have puffed on a joint at some point in their lives. The highest levels of usage are reported among people between the ages of 15 and 24.” I think that in Canada we might just smoke then in this category. Being that it is legal in most Canadian provinces, residents are able to consume their cannabis is many different ways, such as through these dab pens sold at slickvapes.com
From what I hear, we smoke alot of pot, so I did some research. Turns out, I am right. I’m always learning about the latest cannabis products and there are so many on the market at the minute. My friend recently got a cannabis subscription box from https://flowerpwr.ca/ and she loves it. It seems like everyone I know is smoking cannabis at the minute!

CBC reports from the UN, “Canadians use marijuana at four times the world average, making Canada the leader of the industrialized world in cannabis consumption, a recent United Nations report found.

The 2007 World Drug Report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime says that 16.8 per cent of Canadians aged 15 to 64 smoked marijuana or used another cannabis product in 2006. The world average is 3.8 per cent.”

late night pizza poppers

N: hey did i tell u what happened on Saturday?

Case: no!

Case: do tell

N: so i walk into pizza pizza.. same guy is there.. and he goes “alone tonight? that’s a shocker.. no chicken wings tonight??” lololol

Case: lololol

Case: omg hilarious

Case: he knows you

Case: and us

Case: love it

N: lol yuupppp

Case: thats hot

Something suspicious…

This is not a free cruise. I just got a call from a +0000000000000 number, whoever called me knew my number and name. They offered me this cruise in Florida for 2 days if I answered some questions. I know this game. I played it before. They do not include port charges or government takes. I’ve read about the cruise line before also. It is sub par and two star. If they call you, don’t waste your time. Unless, you and a friend are in Florida and have a few days to waste along with about $300.

NOW Obama!!

Two of my best friends Tahnee & Aga grace the pages of NOW! Magazine this week. They were in Dundas Square last week celebrating the wonderful Presidential victory of Mr. Barack Obama.

The caption reads:
who: Barack Obama supporters
where: Dundas Square
when: Tuesday, November 4, 11 pm
what: Celebrating Obama’s historic victory in the U.S. presidential election.
More coverage, page 16.
Photo By Sam Javanrouh

This photo, on Tahnee’s FB is worth at least a thousand words. That’s my girl!

be nice to yourself this week

mem lamed ayin
Removing Negative Thoughts

By scanning these letters right to left you connect to the spiritual energy of this name. The meditation is linked to the photo and you can also experience it by connecting here.

A little spiritual tune up from Yehuda:

The month of Scorpio is the perfect time to be reminded of this. We tend to be extra hard on ourselves under the influence of this energy. But at the same time, there is always a little poison in the vaccine. Meaning, if we can learn to be nice to ourselves, even when we are in the throes of self-hatred, we can inoculate ourselves against that inner critic for the rest of the year.

Be nice to yourself this week. You have so many gifts from the Creator that were given to you so you could share them with others. The more you are patient and tolerant of your shortcomings and failures, the more your gifts will come out.

And the more your gifts come out, the better you will feel. Be well. Enjoy your week!

All the best, Yehuda Berg