another thing for spring
sketch pad

i did it for africa

didn’t over do it
I made all my cards for family and friends this year as I have before. It’s so much better to do it that way. I also hunted around for some gorgeous vintage scarves that were carefully packaged up for my friends. It’s lovely when they open the present knowing that I made the card and a special effort to give them something I know they will love.

cold? snug.
I think this unit is following me around. Later that day I saw it on TV and today I got an email offering me a buy one get one free special. I think it’s silly, however, I’d have to try it to find out just how useful it could be. I’m thinking it may be practical for an outdoor sporting event. Especially if you had a few sewn together so you could keep the whole family warm. Family size snuggie. Feel free to take advantage of this offer that was in my junk mail. I don’t need it. I have heating, blankets and many lovely sweaters from New Zealand that my Nana knit.