How (NOT) to Fail

When I was at Uni in Australia I so clearly remember a friend saying to me “The Most important thing about life is building relationships”.  That moment and phrase have stuck with me in everything I have done since. (It was 2004 so, in Internet years, that’s ages!).  That’s the thing I feel people really MISS about social media, it’s all about building relationships.


I scrolled though a presentation earlier about not NOT to fail as a brand which talked about how brands build relationships. And how they are not great at it. Brand relationships are not the same as human relationships. Some of my fav slides below followed by the 110 page presentation.  You might enjoy clicking through over lunch today 🙂

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Time Flies When You’re Makin’ Stuff

Time Flies When You’re Makin’ Stuff

I really love the TimeHop app. I’ve subscribed to it via email for about a year and they recently just released an app for mobile. The best thing  is the reminder of that you did one year ago, “it’s a time capsule for you”.


I can’t believe it was almost exactly four years ago my sister and I dressed up for the subway dance party. It’s crazy how fast time flies.

There was booze in that coffee cup and I look like Waldo’s girlfriend.

One of the coolest things about the Internet is that it keeps all your memories. I deleted thousands of files from my computer last night and Sean asked, “do you need these?” I happily answered, “No, they’re all on the Internet.” Yes, I have the important stuff backed up but almost everything I’ve created over the last decade has been published. CRAZY. Crazy awesome 🙂

This is Subway Dance Moves


How about lunch with Mark McEwan today?

What are you doing for lunch? Today from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., you can enjoy a hot and tasty lunch prepared by 15 unique food vendors from local restaurants at Yonge-Dundas Square.

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The event is organized by Second Harvest,  a Toronto charity that prevents good food from being wasted and feeds those in need. Every $10 raised allows Second Harvest to rescue and deliver enough food to provide 20 healthy meals for those in need. While you’re there,  you’ll also be able to say what’s up to Second Harvest ambassador Chef Mark McEwan.

Tickets are from $3-$5 and exchanged for delicious snack-sized dishes, with proceeds going to feed people in need across the city.

Lunch Money Days vendors:

  • Caplansky’s
  • Beaver Tails
  • Jack Astor’s
  • Ese
  • Millwood Melt Grilled Cheesery (!!!!)
  • Magic Oven
  • Pimenton
  • RealSports Bar & Grill
  • Smoke’s Poutinerie
  • Rock Lobster
  • Sullivan & Bleeker Baking Co.

While you’re there, tweet a photo of your lunch with the #lunchmoneydays hashtag, and you could win:

I won’t be able to stop by today but if you do please have a snack for me! Hmmm, now what should I have for lunch?


Jimmy & Michelle Mom Dancing?

Saw this on the news this morning and had a good laugh. Michelle Obama is the coolest First Lady EVER. I’m trying to remember my Mum doing these moves as a kid. I’m sure she had a few, the snaps. This will give you a good laugh. Enjoy!

Was so nice to visit Mum this weekend. This is her, Jenie, Sean, and I back stage for The Sheepdogs concert at Echo Beach last summer. I was probably showing them something amazing on TEH INTERNET.  I’m getting so sick of winter. I want to ride my bike and play outside already!

In other news, I cleaned James Dean, my lil’ 11″ Macbook Air last night using this program called Grand Perspective. It lets you creep inside your computer and see what taking up the most space. Somehow all kinds of my gmail.imap messages were saving on my unit and taking up HEAPS of space. I deleted them and now my computer is fast again. Get to know your data people!

It’s gonne be stormy tonight. Hopefully this is the last hurrah before Spring comes. Have yourself an awesome day!


I’m Sorry.

I’m Sorry.


I’m sorry I haven’t been blogging as much as I used to.

I had a great chat with a friend and loyal blog reader this weekend about my blog THIS IS MY LIFE. I have been updating daily for years up until January of this year and to be honest, I was tired and didn’t really feel like sharing. Maybe I had the winter blues? I’ve also been feeling a little dissatisfied with the blog. I would like to implement a few changes like switching to a more reliable web hosting platform in order to improve my reader’s experience. However, I need to learn more about A2 Hosting first.

I started blogging so I had a place to keep all my memories. A collection of people, places, things, and thoughts. It evolved, took me around the world, to red carpets, runways, TV, print, and even film. I would not have been able to do all those wonderful things without you guys reading about all the adventures. Thank you 🙂

In other news, I’m back on track this week after the nasty cold I had last week. Attended a funeral on the weekend and got to stop by and visit boith Mum and Dad with Sean. Always nice to give them hugs and have a few laughs.

Mum framed these and kept them out to show me. I’ve always been an artistic kid…


… with a flare for the media! This quote and artwork posted in the local paper when I was 7 years old.


I hope your week is off to a great start! Have an awesome day,


Harlem Reacts to the Harlem Shake

This makes me really glad we didn’t do one of these at the office. I wanted to last week but the trend was a short lived one. It’s crazy how fast memes move these days.

Thomas Sabo Winner!

Thanks to y’all who entered my Thomas Sabo Contest last month. The winner is Jamie Leigh! As a Canadian Ambassasor for Thomas Sabo I hope to do more giveaways this year. The new SS 2013 collection is now online. Check out some of my fav items on Pinterest.

Thanks for entering and reading!



HP Love Case Contest

HP Love Case Contest



Thank you. This was so fun. Much gratitude to everyone who entered. Having a blog is a bit of a strange thing, I’ve been publishing for years and with people not commenting much anymore, it’s nice to get feedback!

Storified by CASIE STEWART· Wed, Feb 20 2013 19:31:32

These are in no particular order and I LOVE THEM ALL.
Happy Vday @casiestewart I Chooooooose you to be mah Valentine 😀 #LOVECASE Jones
Yes, Parv. 
My Valentine for @casiestewart #lovecase 🙂
I love the Vine, thanks DV!
Ahh! Finally finished my Illustrated Valentine for @casiestewart #LOVECASE Hope she loves it! Vitan
Delicious. When am I coming over?
@casiestewart #LOVECASE
Dr. Who! Good one Hollie.
@casiestewart I love HP and well i find you rather.. #LOVECASE Pollard
Heart on for you too KH.
@casiestewart Look what I found in the park. It’s fate. #lovecase
Printed this out and now I need a new book to read. 
@casiestewart Happy Valentine’s Day and happy reading! #lovecase Lasting
You know I love vintage. Thank you Saminder!
@casiestewart i am not an artist, but came up with some great vintage photos and arranged them for you. #LoveCase gumer
Rock on!
@casiestewart I have been working on a few Valentine’s for you. Pick which one you like. YOU ROCK!! #LoveCase gumer
@casiestewart here is another one i made for you. #LoveCase gumer
@casiestewart i love you!!!! be my valentine. #LoveCase gumer
I used to make pop-ups alllll the time. I hope someone got this one on VDAY.
@casiestewart i #LoveCase and will you be my Valentine? gumer
@casiestewart the Coup d’état of my art for the night!! #LoveCase gumer
Love it.
I LOVE THIS ONE. LOVE. Chainsaw arms!
And finally, the random winner is CARLI. You are awesome too girl. 
Thank you x a million for entering. I love you for it. Sorry for my delay in posting these and a winner. Have been sick the last couple days and am on the road to recovery. Will hopefully have some more contests! I want everyone to win something 🙂 

Enjoy the day. Much love, 

Sunshine Raincoat





Felt like something warm, hearty, and healthy for lunch. Popped into Cafe Bernate for my fav avocado, chicken, brie sandwich on French bread. They have a great vegetable lentil soup too.

This weather has everyone feeling dreary after the long weekend. I love wearing my yellow raincoat on days like this to brighten things up 🙂


Thanks to Fernando at my office for sharing this. Enjoy!

Friday I’m in Love (with Weekend)

That long weekend was a magical thing. Was planning to head up north to the cottage but got stopped by the snow. Which, turned out for the better, got a bunch done around the house and we made it into a staycation.

This is the awesome 3Dprint from the Hop Pop Factory kissing booth last week w/ Sean. We had such a great Valentines week long celebration starting last Sunday (with a little blue box gift from Tiffany’s!) and went until the following Monday. We’re both full time romatics so Valentines Day lasts all year.


He gave me the most beauty rose before a dinner date.



We went to Playa Cabana Cantina, Dundas West for Mexican. It was wonderful. I need a vacation.





Kenny played a little prank at work on Friday.



Sean and I watched the entire season on House of Cards this weekend. great show. Had a chuckle at the movie categories on Netflix, can you guess who is who?




I love Claire’s style in House of Cards. Elegant, she means business.




This week is gonna be a wet one. Don’t let it get you down. Spring will be here soon and the weekend even sooner

Have a wonderful day 🙂


Sometimes I don’t feel like it. #8

Sometimes I don’t feel like it. #8

lately, I haven’t felt like blogging. I’ve been busy with work and I’ve not felt like sharing my private life.

Everything is fine, I’m happy and in love. I’ll get back on the blogwagon. 🙂



If You Want Someone To Do Work, Pay them!

Ok, it’s Social Media Week around the world and whether you are part of it or not, one thing you can’t deny is that social + media has become an integrated part of our lives. Raise your hand if you’re on Facebook?

Bloggers are taking front row seats at fashion shows, writing for magazines, being written about in magazines, appearing on TV, travelling on sponsors dimes and snatching up newly created jobs in just about every industry. You can’t avoid the shift in how media is now delivered or consumed.

Something happened today that inspired me…

I was scolded by a PR person (from an agency that I really like whom I have been posting & making videos about their things FOR FREE for over a year) because I didn’t promote a contest on MY blog to MY Twitter, enough. Some, but not enough. The second part of the scolding was because I didn’t make it to opening night for their ticketed event AND the winner I picked for my contest cancelled. So, the tickets went to waste. I’m sorry, I was ditched on Valentines Day ok! 

silver fork and knife on plate

The thing is, if they had of made a little contract and sent me some money, I would have been there (regardless of what happened) and promoted it. I probably would have asked friends to take part so we could go together.

I often get people wanting to me to post about an event, run a contest, share with my friends, and attend events. Do you know how long that takes? To and from event easy 2 hours, blog 1-5 hour, contesting, sharing online, writing copy, taking photos, coordinating winners. It takes hours to make and create content. If you paid me minimum wage I’d barely have enough to take myself out for dinner! Any idea how long it took me to build all those relationships with all those friends, contacts, how long it took me to build a blog and a name people recognize? A long fucking time. 

When everyone else in the marketing mix is getting paid,

why should I be expected to work for free?

I’m to blame for saying yes, I know. Thing is, I love so many of the PR people I do things with and really love getting mail. I only ever write/post about things I actually like so sometimes I don’t really mind if I don’t get paid. I also love sharing with my friends and we’re all really grateful when we get to do fun things.

Yes, agencies have sent me a whole bunch of neat things and to some cool shows but when it comes down to it, I can’t buy a house with those things if I save them. So, I’ll post about events/products when I have the time or I REALLY love them. Remember that gift that showed up from Stylemint & Jewelmint last month? I loved it! I blogged it because I was happy about it then I wore it, photographed it, tagged it, shared it and will do it again. BUT, if you want me to do a specific job at a specific time and you full well know that it’s MY JOB to do that, don’t insult me by asking me to do it for free. Girl’s gotta eat! Would you ask the roof fixer to fix your roof and not pay him? Would you get gas and trade for a new product from ______ brand? I didn’t think so!

If someone doesn’t think posting on my blog/social is valuable, they wouldn’t ask. I want to make my parents proud by earning a living, not asking for money because I need a bigger apartment (for all my free stuff). Don’t get me wrong, I love learning about new things before anyone else and mail honestly makes my day. Don’t stop telling me about cool things cause I can easily share it to my 7,600+ Twitter peeps.

I have a feeling one day I will be working at an agency or running my own and the whole game will have changed by then. It’s only a matter of time before rules get imposed on blogging or there’s a bloggers union. Now tomorrow I will get no PR emails. Urghhhh. That’s not what I’m saying, I love getting nice things.

BUT, I’d trade chips & chocolate bars for a cheque ANY DAY. AMIRIGHT?!

Watch This

casie stewart, autograph, famous, blogger, canada, toronto

I bet if I give all my love then nothings gonna tear us apart.

I Love You in 3D and underneath the moon.

I Love You in 3D and underneath the moon.


Shannon and I shot in the snow on Monday at lunch for Coral TV. After work I went to Untitled & Co. on Queen Street for the media preview of Hot Pop Factory‘s 3D kissing booth. I was so cool. I love 3D printing, I’ve told you about 8K times.


When they aren’t making 3D statues, people pendants or rings with faces on them  for Valentine’s, they make jewellery. I have this white 3D ring below and a matching necklace.


And I really want to wear this.


Untitled & Co is where I got the Thug Mansion Barbie sweater.


They also carry Stolen Girlfriends Club one of my fav designers from New Zealand.


Remember when I went to  New Zealand Fashion Week? One of the funniest things I’ve done ever.  The SGF show was in a theatre and it was a fashion wedding at the end.  My dream basically. 








This is me getting scanned and that on screen is me in 3D. This stuff below goes into the 3D printer to make objects that have been scanned (with Kinect) into files on  computer.



I really want one of these rings. You can order for around $40.  I am getting the photobooth print tomorrow and giving it to my valentine. &hearts; Wait till this technology gets better and faster.  I can’t wait.


Sometimes I feel like

Sometimes I feel like

life is moving so fast. So many things happen in a day, where does the time go?

Some ideas for your valentine!



Some great valentine ideas from Body Shop! Or, for your leather loving lover, some leather care from Carat!

View Post

Valentines Day Advertising

We did a funny blog post at the office about condom advertising and Valentines Day 🙂

Read it here.

Devil in the Blue Dress, Ford Blue


On Friday I went to Ford Canada’s annual Ford Blue party. I sat in this sexy blue 2013 Mustang, wore my fav Ted Baker London blue dress, and ate a bunch of blue candies. I love Ford events and how the brand consistently caters to media with small details to make sure they have a great time. The food was excellent, the entertainment was fun, and I had a few drinks of my fav Grey Goose.

Last year I travelled to Detroit twice with Ford and I really got to know the brand personally and learn that they reall know how to do social well. Ford is one of the top social brands in the world. Definitely a brand other brands should be following.

Thanks Ford for hosting us for a great night. They even had a shuttles running to take everyone back downtown from Sound Academy. I’ll be at the Auto Show next week to check out all the new cars Ford and the other auto companies have in store!






Keri & team Ford.




SHOW YOUR LOVE! $1,000 HP Tablet & Printer Giveaway

SHOW YOUR LOVE! $1,000 HP Tablet & Printer Giveaway

Who do you love? Me! Say it’s MEEEEE. We’ve been seeing each other every single day for years. I’ve told you stories, taken you on trips, sent you love notes, presents, and made memories.  THE INTERNET is where we met and it’s our favourite place to hang together. Now, I have something really special for you my valentines…

HP Canada and I are giving YOU an HP Envy x2 ($899) AND an HP Printer ($199)!


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All I ask of you to enter is to make me a Valentine that I can print. Send it to me on Twitter @casiestewart tagged #LOVECASE leave a link in the comments, or email [email protected].

I am going to print your creation using the HP ENVY x2 and Photosmart printer and share it here. One of you will win both the laptop/tablet and printer.  If you are outside Canada you can still win but shipping is not included. Contest ends on Valentines Day. 




New Drake Video: Started From The Bottom

I’m a fan of Drake and some friends of mine worked on this video. It’s good. It came out tonight during the Grammys after Drake won the Grammy for Best Rap Album. HOMETOWN TORONTO BABY!

drake started from the bottom video toronto TFC

The Future Will Be Here Tomorrow

The Future Will Be Here Tomorrow

Make the most of today 🙂





My first love is Art.

This came in an email from Mr. Brainwash. Love his emails. Have you watched the Banksy doc? It’s really good. You’ll find it on Netflix. Art & Copy is a good one too. Watched it again the other night. Looking forward to a great weekend of relaxing, hibernating and toblogganing.






The Grey Goose Cherry Noir Launch is Tonight

Thursday night, tonight is the launch of Grey Goose Cherry Noir in Toronto at The Thompson Hotel. I have been working on this launch with the client and team at Community Agency for a while now. I am super excited for the event and can’t WAIT for our guests to see what we have in store!

Couple Things You Need to Know

1. We are bringing Instaprint the Kickstarter Instagram Printer from New York JUST FOR THIS EVENT. MTV has used it, Bud Light used it for the Super Bowl and now, it will be HERE. If you Tweet #cherrynoir from the Thompson, your Instagram will print out then you can take it home forever (for free).

Instaprint from BREAKFAST ny on Vimeo.

  2. Follow @GreyGooseCherry on PinterestInstagram and Twitter. This is The Tale of Cherry Noir,  six chapters unravel to tell a story and we invite you to be part of it. This is a hint. 😉


3. Get ready to be introduced to the bolder, more dark, and seductive side of Grey Goose. The aroma is of rich ripe black cherries. It will be a sight, an enchanting journey if you will.


4. There are 1,930 Results when you Google “casie stewart” and “vodka”.  I have been a vodka drinker for longer than I care to admit. I was in a vodka commercial, I’ve been to countless vodka parties, and had my share of vodka hangovers.  I’m pretty stoked to be working on this and I hope you come along for the ride.

See you After Dark,


Are you switching to Blackberry now?

Yesterday my friends at Telus hosted a Google+ Hangout at the Toronto HQ to learn about Blackberry Z10. I tuned in over lunch to see my bestie Keri Blog. I heard her ask a questions while I was working and snapped this photo. Then I text it to her. Then I saw her check her phone. That is what we call META.


After work I went to Telus HQ to pick up my very own Blackberry Z10. The building is really neat. You should creep on by if you are in the hood or going to the ACC.  I took this 360 stereographic standing inside a silo type sales centre. These types of shots take practice but they are some of my favs.


Along with a Blackberry z10 Telus SPONSORED A GIANT PANDA IN MY NAME. Can you believe it? I’m a parent.  I’m a Mommy blogger! I named Ai for Love. 我爱你。Wǒ ài nǐ (I love you). We  both like bamboo, roaming, and black & white fashion.


I’ve been given two months service to really give the Blackberry z10 a fair go. My iPhone will still be primary device but you know me, I like to test out new things. I have high hopes for Blackberry as I am from Waterloo Region and I remember RIM growing up. In 1999, RIM introduced the BlackBerry 850 pager, I was in high school  (I had a pager in 1997). I remember the endless “RIM job’ jokes in college, university, and still now (they never really got old! haha).

RIM/Blackberry did so much for the area I grew up in and I would really love to see them succeed. I’m not gonna call it a comeback until I’ve had my hands all over it to form an honest opinion.



Last week I hanging with the lovely Natalie Deane from Cosmo TV at the Carlu for the official launch with all the city’s media & socialites. We had a hoot chatting up the social crowd, tasting everything in the room, and taking seflies with sass.


They had Ja Rule? Flo Rida perform which I though was a strange choice (why not someone Canadian guys?) but overall it was nice to see the room filled with glowing faces from the light of Blackberry. Telus invited me to join their team in VIP where I ate some really delicious chocolates and talked about the new device.


I’m looking forward to seeing that this little BB can do. I’ve only taken one photo and haven’t shopped the app store yet. I’m saving that for the weekend when I am in chill/hibernating mode.


Fun Things for Lovers to Do Next Week

 I’m pretty excited for the weekend to relax so I can play with some new gadgets (I will tell you about those later). Also, next week is Valentines and I realllllllly  love seeing hearts everywhere. There’s two things I’ll be at next week and I want to share them with you. I am in LOVE with 3D printing and the second, sadly only had wait-list tickets left.


My friends at Hot Pop Factory invited me to their event with Untitled & Co and Draft Print 3D for a 3D Printing Kissing Booth!They recently did a 3D Printed Candy Dispenser and this event is just got  Valentine’s. You can get yourself scanned in three dimensions they buy a  3D printed miniature of yourself. OF YOURSELF. You better bet I will be replicatin’.

When: Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb 12th & 13th, 6pm – 9pm
Where: Untitled & Co, 717 Queen St. West, Toronto


Cookies & Champagne Party for the Hip & Urban Girl

My friends Lisa & Wendy from Hip & Urban Girl  are having their annual Cookies + Champagne party on Tuesday, February 12.  The event is sponsored by American Express Canada and for the first time, all hip + urban guys are invited. (If you are a guys reading this, that means there will be lots of babes there!). Click the image below to get a tickets I wait-list ticket and hopefully I will see you there.
