That’s All I Can Think To Say

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to Me!



It’s my birthday! Yahooo. I don’t like to make that big of a deal, I celebrate myself and make the most of each day all year round. I just wanna hang out with my friends and eat some good food. My love got me this beauty ukulele and I can’t wait to sit in the park or the dock and play it. I’ve got a few chords down and I’ll be playing ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ in no time.


Have a dinner planned with a bunch of my besties after work. Mum and Dad are in town and will be stopping by the office at some point. Can’t wait to hug them both!

Thanks for the kind words and warm wishes. Love you!


Short Hair, Don’t Care


Cut it all off at lunch today. Thanks Sonia at Evolve Hair Studio for making me look and feel fresh!


Move Over Martha, There’s a New Stewart in Town

Move Over Martha, There’s a New Stewart in Town


Woke up and had coffee in the hot tub. Fleece and bathing suit is one of my fav outfits.


New flamingo bikini from Victoria’s Secret. I’m getting really good at ordering things online.


Got a new gardening set from the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. “Cray” print was the most complex and expensive design produced in 1884. The famous chintz design is by William Mossis and took 34 printing blocks to make the complex pattern. Found it at Winners!


Hoping to have a beautiful garden soon. It’s so great out today. Wear sunscreen!


Muskoka Recycles




Oh you know what time it is?

Hello Friend.

I’m going to the cottage right after work today. As in now.

Got a new gardening set. Gonna play outside alllll day tomorrow.

And not talk to anyone!!

Oh, pardon me! (Just kidding.)

Annnnnnnnnd on that note…I’m outta here!

Have a great weekend!


Ride & Shine

Ride & Shine


Took the long route to work today so I could ride more. Biked an hour at lunch too. My arms and abs are feeling the burn from so much riding. Reckon I forgot just how great of exercise it is. I’m stoked to be wearing this Napapijri poncho again, got it in Nov last year so we’ve not spent a full summer together. These khakis I picked up from GAP last week on a mega sale with a matching shirt. My first job ever was at that store so I’ve always had love for it. Crazy things is that I am still the same size as when I worked there at 16. Huzzahhhh!

Have driven past this sign so many times, took it’s photo today. Love the typography.



Hope you have a RAD DAY and RAD WEEKEND!

Much love, <3 CASIE

Palladium Momochrome Boots in the Park

Palladium Momochrome Boots in the Park


Took myself for lunch in the park yesterday. It was lovely. Sun shining bright, people on bikes, shirtless hipsters catching rays, picnic blankets, and puppies playing. This weather puts everyone in a great mood.

Video of the Day, Shot w/ HTC One + Zoe


These are my new Monochrome boots by Palladium, I was sent them last week and love. Super bright!


They come in a bunch of colours. Unfortunately I missed the preview at SoHo House this week but you can see photos from the lookbook by Sidewalk Hustle. Look at how cute Hawley and Kate are in theirs! Adorabs.

Have an awesome day!





Loving my new HTC One. I’ve got a campaign launching with them any day now. As soon as the link is live I’ll share with you. This phone was MADE for someone like me. I had training on it yesterday at lunch. There are sharing and social components to every aspect of it. I took a bunch of photos & used Zoe, the photo assistant on my way to work today and it made this video from all the content. I didn’t edit the video, add effects, or music, it was ALL DONE BY THE PHONE. THE FUTURE IS NOW.


I am so in love with this weather. Woke up with a smile and biked to work early. Life is good. This is my favourite month, my birthday is on May 8th. 🙂

Hope you have an awesome day.


Be Your Self



Me yesterday. Had a lovely bike ride. I love SPRING! Creeped this shirt on dude. LOVE!


Tuesday’s Grey and Wednesday too

Friday I’m in Love

Heading up North again this weekend. I’m a different kind of weekend warrior now.

Storified by CASIE STEWART· Tue, Apr 30 2013 06:26:11

Good morning love 🙂 @ Sobey’s STEWART
The Influence Hierarchy: Sweet Spot? Bloggers. STEWART
Vorfreude. @lauraserra’s photo STEWART

Where do we find the will and the courage to continue?

This is one of my fav songs on one of my fav all time albums. This weekend I sat alone, late and at the cottage kitchen table writing, finally working on that book I’m been talking about, and finally doing some web stuff I’ve been avoiding. It wasn’t until I slowed down, I realized how fast I was going. I’ve always liked MIA but “Live fast, Die Young” isn’t in my creative “take over the world” plan.  If I’m ever having a bad day, I go put on Lisa Loeb – Tails or White Stripes – Elephant. I love those albums.

This is Dad and I doing the CN Tower Eggewalk about a year ago, almost to the day. It was so awesome.

This Makes Me Happy

When problems overwhelm, us and sadness smothers us, where do we find the will and the courage to continue? Well, the answer may come in the caring voice of a friend, a chance encounter with a book, or from a personal faith. For Janet help came from her faith, but it also from a squirrel. Shortly after her divorce, Janet lost her father, then she lost her job. She had mounting money problems. But Janet not only survived, she worked her way out of despondency and now she says, life is good again. How could this happen? She told me that late one Autumn day when she was at her lowest she watched a squirrel storing up nuts for the winter, one at a time he would take them to the nest. And she thought, if that squirrel can take care of himself with the harsh winter coming along, then so can I. Once I broke my problems into small pieces I was able to carry them, just like those acorns, one at a time. – White Stripes, Little Acorns

Been there like Janet, and I worked my way out. You can work yourself out too. Your life if your movie and you are the director, and you choose what roles you play and who stars in it with you.

All the worlds a stage, babe.  Take centre.

You’ve Changed, There’s a Spring in Your Step

You’ve Changed, There’s a Spring in Your Step


Wore some bright pants from Gap today. Brought the sunshine everywhere I went. New Killigrew cotton mixed with poka dots. Ted Baker London scarf, Tom’s, and a smile.






Everything has changed. For the better 🙂

Early Bird Gets The

Early Bird Gets The

I did morning yoga on the dock at 6am. It was magical!


4-up on 13-04-28 at 7.20 AM #12






Here’s to a great week.


It’s Everyday

It’s Everyday

Wake up. Get dressed. Go to work. Internet. Make things. Build things. Do stuff. Lunch. Meeting. Work more. Do more. Build more. Write. Read. Event. Back stage. Red carpet. Driver. Dream. Deep breath. Hair done. New clothes. Busy week. Fashion Show. Talk. Watch. Talk. Tweet. Smile. Photo. Write. Sleep.



(Wrote this in March and added some words. Found it in drafts today.)

Motion and Emotion

Motion and Emotion


Oh, just floating on the dock reading about advertising and ideas in the sun.

There is nowhere else I would rather be right now. Waves crash on the wood every time a boat crosses the lake.







When I close my eyes, it’s like I could lay here forever.

Planning to BBQ some steaks for dinner and hopefully watch sunset by the fire. Maybe a canoe ride and Sean can do most the paddling! (You will see this before him so haha!)

This sun is so nice. Wear sunscreen!


Green Eyes, Snoop Dogg, Flowers! Spring?

Green Eyes, Snoop Dogg, Flowers! Spring?

SPRING? WHERE ARE YOU! We had the cottage open this time last year and I’m pretty sure I had a tan. I’ve just about had enough, who do we call to make something happen about this weather? I hate to complain about it but that’s what we do in Canada, ok, say sorry heaps and talk about the weather. Ha!

Despite it being kinda meh the sun sis out and I took a stroll through the park. I love that the tennis court in Trinity Bellwoods has turned into some kind of public (and very random) art gallery space. Thought this iceberg and boat was really neat. Makes me think of creative people, you see one thing on the surface but below that is a wild undersea upside down mountain of creativity.

I am really into this car. I would like to drive around in it and listen to Snoop Dogg.

You know what I’m sayin? Hit play and you’ll know.

Wearing Green contacts from Air Optix Colors. They look really bright in the sunshine. It’s seriously been so fun trying out all these different colours the last few months. Check out all the other colours I’ve tried out here.

You can get Air Optix Colors from your eye doctor and as a new contacts wearer, I like that they are comfortable and allow my eyes to breathe. I reckon if you are someone who wears contact all the time this would be the most fun cause you can switch ’em up each month. For more info visit

These are for you. You deserve them!

Sister selfie! Follow Jenie on IG at @jeniestewart.

Hope you are having a great day and enjoy the flowers. I’m sending sunshine your way since ol’ Mother Nature is still holding out on us.



* Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Alcon + Air Optix Colors. TBH these contacts are awesome and I’ve had a blast changing my eye colour around. Thanks for supporting me through reading about my personal experiences and life adventures This is the best job I’ve ever had!

Stolen Girlfriends Club #TGIF

Stolen Girlfriends Club #TGIF

Weekend styles from Stolen Girlfriends Club in New Zealand. Got this last night. They’re always ahead down under! Follow @stolenGFclub

Happy Friday, have an awesome day!


ANZAC Day Reminds Me I’m Proud to Be Kiwi

ANZAC Day Reminds Me I’m Proud to Be Kiwi

Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand (like Nov. 11 in North America). If you’re just tuning in, my parents immigrated to Canada and I have dual citizenship (Canadian/Kiwi). All my family except Mum, Dad, & sister live there. I’m thankful for Facebook because I see so much more of them now! In spirit of Anzac Day and my love for New Zealand, some of my fav NZ people and blog moments below.

anzac day

Fav kiwi jewellery designer, Nick Von K

NZ with Gala Gonzalez, Am Lul & Rumi Neely from Fashion Toast

Front row at NZ Fashion Week 2010 w/ Derek Fabulous

With Derek Fabulous & Nicole Miller

A great Kiwi, the wonderful Isaac Likes

MY FAV Kiwi Sweets

Driving with my Cuzzy

Arriving at Auckland airport, awesome!

Auckland is totally online.


Crazy Going Slowly Am I, 6-5-4-3-2-1 -> BLERGHHH.

Crazy Going Slowly Am I, 6-5-4-3-2-1 -> BLERGHHH.





The latest campaign from Perrier for ‘Secret Place’ is pretty rad. I showed it to my work peeps and we loved the complex digital journey. I really like mix between branded entertainment and game.  In Secret Place, you’re at the Ultimate Party and you get to live out the experience from the perspective of each of the 60 guests.

Hmmm, sounds interesting…

PressLayout02 (1)

This is the part I love

It took them 18 months writing scripts and scenarios to produce a film shot from each character perspective. Then, they had to build in the functionality to seamlessly switch characters with one click. Mind blowing!

“Imagine having to reproduce the sound of a bottle on a bar as many times as there are people in the room who can hear it.” I can’t imagine. There’s are a bunch of different rooms to explore at the ‘Secret Place’ party, it you haven’t done it yet. I encourage you to give it a go.

This scene gets pretty sexy…

The prizes are parties at some of funnest places around the world including Ibiza, Art Basel in Miami, Saint Tropez, Rio for Carnival, and Sydney for NYE. The experience is available worldwide but open to 20 countries to play in the major markets for Perrier France, United States and Canada. I would love to win but unfortunately (for me) I’ve worked with Perrier and this is my second sponsored post. Last summer I told you about The Drop short film, see here.

Visit to see how many lives you’ll live. I wish you luck. It’s quite a journey to go through the intricate video. If you win, I’ll happily be your +1!

perrier secret place game

Have an awesome day 🙂



Earth Day 2013 + Big Face Animal Shirt from The Mountain

Earth Day 2013 + Big Face Animal Shirt from The Mountain

It’s Earth Day! Today, more than usual, we give attention and praise to our cool green & blue planet!  I am so freaking happy the weather is finally getting warm. I try to trick myself into thinking if doesn’t bother me but, it’s almost MAY and cold. I was born May 8th and I prefer it to be hot by then. (THAT IS A HINT)

This weekend, I was lucky to be up  north opening the cottage. Took some photos with my new Fuju XF1 and wore my BIG FACE GREAT HORNED OWL from The Mountain. I was sent it as a gift just in time for Earth Day. So great. WHOOOOOO is the coolest? Get it? Urgh, clearly I am not cool or funny. I also have the Boston Terrier but I’m saving that one, for a special occasion.

The Mountain seems like a pretty fun company (see tweet above if you did not already see tweet above). The Mountain produces tees made in the U.S. with water based inks and PVC-free operations and even invented a new dye oxidation system that cleans their dye waste water without the use of any chemicals.

My friend Kenny at work has a couple, so when they emailed me I was totally into it. I want more friends to have them so we can be a wild kingdom. Mine is Youth XL for $14. If you are my friend and your birthday is coming you might get one.

I was laying on my yoga mat in the sun staring up at this tree. It looked pretty and different colours in the sun.

After a relaxing weekend staring at trees, sky, lake, and sunshine, it was time for me to fly home on my broom. Here’s to a positive and productive week of awesome. I put in the request for lots of sunshine. Happy Earth day!


The Wilderness, Downtown People

The Wilderness, Downtown People


It’s hard to sleep in up here. The air is so fresh and it’s oh so quiet. The lake is still as a rock, frozen in time.


Watched the sunset on the roof. It was realllllly cold. I had tears running down my face, almost turning to icicles. Sean took some snaps with the camera, camera.

Nice to have a break from the city and be back up here. It’s warm inside with the fire and heat but I can’t wait for summer!

Good luck to all my peeps running in marathons today. Sending love to Boston too. Enjoy the day xo




Woke up late today, and was all like…

How did I miss my alarm? That never happens!

Was a busy day at the office!

Did a lunch & learn about social to some colleagues.

Going up to Muskoka to open the cottage this weekend,

and when I get there all I want to do is be on the couch,

watch Netflix, eat popcorn.

Get the BBQ Goin’!

And on that note…


Courage is the Most Important Virtue

Last night a bunch of us went out on the town. It was heaps of fun! First stop was the Praxis event at Hart House on the U of T Campus. Second was the annual party at Entrinsic. Nice to see the team there too! They have heaps of cool art done by Happy Sleepy. Lauren and I are sitting in front of one of the installations.

Best Friends Forever <3

Storified by CASIE STEWART· Fri, Apr 19 2013 11:05:02

Best friends forever @laurenonizzle xoCASIE STEWART
This is Magda Wojtyra, an artist with a background in architecture and an energy unlike anything I’ve encountered. Google her.Lauren O’Neil
This.Lauren O’Neil

Narcissus, Spring Flower

Narcissus, Spring Flower

I picked these up the other day when it was all rainy to brighten things up. Mum has a daffodils all around her house at home. It was always my fav to pick them and take to school for my teachers. Hope your day is good 🙂


Spa Week is on Right Now!

Spa Week is on Right Now!


On Monday night I took Sean for a Spa Week treatment to Richmond Spa. It was SO nice. After a long weekend in Boston and feeling anxiety over the bombings, it was a chance to completely shut off my brains and go offline. We each had a 30 minute deep tissue massage with exfoliating back scrub, detox foot bath (with different detox foot bath systems), a foot massage and a paraffin treatment on our hands. IT WAS SO GREAT!

Spa Week runs until Sunday and you can get all the participating spas by visiting and entering your city.

Last night I used this Collagen treatment I got in my Spa Week gift bag and OH MY GOD. I could use these every night. they were so cooling before bed. I had a great beauty sleep and woke up refreshed.



Next on the agenda is to bike more now that the WEATHER HAS FINALLY DECIDED to get warmer. I can’t wait for summer. This is my first summer in years that I’ll have a FT job. Luckily, our office is right beside Bellwoods in my fav hood.

Love ya!