down with the sickness: part two #throat

I could feel it coming on last night and should have done this before bed. It’s ok, one day of Mum’s remedies and I’ll be all better.

Have a sore throat?  Want it to GTFO of your life? Here’s watcha do. (Mum, GTFO = get the fuck out)

Get some ground sage and 2 large mugs
Boil the kettle
Put sage in mug, pour water over
Let sit until sage sinks to bottom and it cools down
Strain tea into another mug leaving sage in mug 1
Make sure it’s not too hot
Go gargle with it
Repeat all day
Feel better

Mum had us do this as kids and because of it we hardly ever missed school (thanks Mum!). BTW Sage will also soothe hurting gums, cankers, irritated larynx and vocal cords.

While you’re in the kitchen boiling that kettle, throw some fresh ginger in a mug and drink it.

Down With the Sickness Part 1 is for common cold. It’s instructions on how to Thyme Bath your way to healthy. See that post right here!

I HAVE LOTS OF GIFTS FOR YOU > here’s the deets! #casie

I’ve got TEN DAYS of gifts for you while I am away relaxing and working on my tan. You ready for it? Here we go.

It all starts tomorrow and it goes like this:

Each day at 10am I’ll post a contest and in order to be entered all you have to do is comment on the post and share the link on Twitter or FB. Luckily for you it’s super easy with  my DISQUS commenting to comment & share at the same time. There’s no point in making this hard is there?

Gift Calendar:

  1. Wednesday, Dec. 8: Givenchy Hot Couture Giftset
  2. Thursday Dec. 9: Rightsleve Market Tote + 1colour/1 location t-shirt
  3. Friday, Dec. 10: Givenchy Play for Men Giftset
  4. Saturday, Dec 11:  4 x $25 Gift Cards for Boston Pizza
  5. Sunday, Dec. 12: Wine from Kim Crawford
  6. Monday, Dec. 13: 180s Set of Holiday Earmuffs Trio (5 winners!)
  7. Tuesday, Dec. 14: Rightsleve Marke Tote + 1colour/1 location t-shirt
  8. Wednesday, Dec. 15: $50 Gift Certificate for Life Experiences
  9. Thursday, Dec. 16: 4 x Advanced Screen Passes for 2 Dilema (Dec. 17th showing)
  10. Friday, Dec. 17: Givenchy Irresistible Giftset

“you’re famous”

Last week in Dallas I had the pleasure of meeting Xeni (aka Madam Boing) from Boing Boing and it seems I have lots of friends that read it.  I’ve gotten texts, FB messages, emails and Tweets about the following article. Thought I better share it with the rest of ya. Check it out!

Virgin America, the airline that carries Boing Boing Video as an in-flight TV channel, launched service from Los Angeles to Dallas-Forth Worth, Texas this week. I joined other press for the inaugural flight, to live-tweet snapshots of the festivities. This included a bunch of cowboys and longhorn steer right on the tarmac at landing, and later, a “secret” performance by Willie Nelson with impromptu on-stage hoedown involving Sir Richard Branson and gorgeous flight attendants.

See photo gallery & full article here.

i took a bite of fashion toast.

On Twitter yesterday I saw famed LA fashion blogger Rumi Neely posted a NZFW photo diary. What did I find?

A pic of me, Rumi and Gala Gonzalez from the Nom D party at NZFW. That night was so fun, we climbed on the car and were posing for photographers. If you don’t know Rumi or Gala, you must be living under a fashion rock.

I have a crush on Gala, she’s from the UK and just lovely. Her blog is inside am-lul’s closet and Rumi’s blog is fashion toast.

Hopefully I get back to NZ again next year for FW. I’d love to get to a few other countries too! I got a glimpse of  ‘the life’… I had a driver, an assistant, and was ushered to front row for every show and always posing for photos.  Lets hope for more of that in my future!

building the snowman of my dreams

I love waking up to snow on the ground. It looks so pretty outside. Inspired me to get out of the house and venture to a coffee shop around the corner and soak up some scenery. I’ve got lots to get done today and tomorrow. I’ve never taken a week vacation from my blog. I wonder if I can even do it?

It’s like my child and we’ve never really been apart. “Mommy’s going on vacation honey. No no, it’s ok, you will still be online, I have scheduled daily content feedings for you ok. I’ll check in on you when I can my sweet”. The joy of having a blog and talking to myself if so amusing. Don’t you think? Yeah, yeah I do. Oh, I chuckle to myself.

They’re playing christmas music but I’ve got my earphones in anyways. Helps me concentrate. Look at that tower, man I love this cit. Happy Monday!

Bag: Nella Bella
Ear muffs: 180s
Scarf: Me to We

yesterday on twitter, this happened: