Weekend Tune: “For Emma, Forever Ago” by Bon Iver

In honour of this windy warm weekend, here’s some Bon Iver to drift away to…

Wouldn’t it be splendid to be walking around Paris and stumble into this? So lovely!

New to Bon Iver? Well let me help. Here’s the Bon Iver breakdown.

  • That handsome singer-songwriter fronting Bon Iver is Justin Vernon
  • “For Emma, Forever Ago” is not only the name of the song above, but name of Bon Iver’s debut album from 2008
  • Most of the record was written over three months spent in a remote cabin in Northwestern Wisconsin – after a breakup!
  • Recognize that voice? Kanye West sampled “Woods” for “Lost In This World” and got Justin Vernon to contributed vocals for his lasted release “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy”

Bon Iver’s second album (titled “Bon Iver”) comes out June 21st, but until then you can stream the entire new album here!
I recommend you do so, alongside some tea and a cozy blanket during the next thunderstorm.

xo Kate

always stay calm & positive in stressful situations

don’t test me in the most annoying competition.

Stuck at airport family with bunch of kids behind us. They are annoying.

Update: Erica Ehm and the mommy bloggers went to TOWN on giving me hell for this post. Thanks for the hits and personal attacks. I was stuck in an airport and these parents from Florida let their kids run ALL OVER THE PLACE. Who does that? I wasn’t attacking ‘every parent’. 

Check out this little blurb in the HUffPo, I’m sure I inspired it:

“But should you find yourself in the presence of a family, try to avoid behaving like this girl. I’m thinking of bookmarking her site to show my daughter an example of how not to act in public. The tight close-ups of her sun-damaged face making rude expressions about a family committing such atrocities as wondering where they’ve put their boarding passes and worrying about running out of diapers during a delay do a disservice to urban hipster doofuses everywhere.

Corinne McDermott is the founder of Have Baby Will Travel – your online guide for travel with babies, toddlers & young children. 

Hey, why don’t you show your daughter my site? And also the amazing things I’ve done?  Then show her what you wrote about me and explain that?

Original blog post images have been removed because those Mommy bloggers bullied me and I couldn’t handle it anymore. WHAT KIND OF MOMS DO THAT, HUH?

I’ve decided to be annoying too. I’m using three outlets, ahem…airport asshole. Please don’t be offended by this post if you have kids. My parents used to travel with me heaps as a kid. If anything, feel sorry for me! I am a terribly creative person trapped in an airport with a bunch of misbehaved rascals. They are running all around the place, being loud, can’t hear the announcements, and the parents aren’t doing a thing!

“I’m gonna run out of diapers”

“this is why I never travel with kids” (the Mum said that)

“who has the boarding passes” (get it together! these are your kids people!)

“we got a connection, now we gon’ miss it” (everyone is missing connections)

HEY LOUD TALKER. (posted videos about ‘loud talkers’ here and here)

“will they hold our flight?” (no, they don’t even really do that for celebrities! duh)

Oh great, now we’re boarding. Thank god. See you in Atlanta. Serious thunderstorm happening there. Love you byeeeeeeeeeee.



a good team is a family, a family is a team – Kyle Benjamin

Dad loves racing so to be working with a race car driver is pretty neat. Especially an epic, race winning child prodigy one.

Sky & I were twerkin’ hard in the office aka the rig. She is 11.

We were tweeting our hearts out during the bike race portion. She is a riot.  RA RA RIOT.

I was telling Kyle how he’s gonna have ladies all ova’ him. He’s so dang cute. Any of you out there 13ish? He’s single.

Gettin’ ready. Talladega styles.

Race time. Team #71.

Was a totally crazy race. Started with 25 drivers, finished with 16ish. About 20 cautions, three ambo’s. This one went straight to hospital, back injury. Hope you’re ok man.

Waiting for the track to be cleared then take a few laps to warm up the tires.

(Get’s easily distracted) HAHAHAHAHAHHA.

What a winner this stud. Kyle took 3rd. Nice one buddy!

Kyle loves Gatorade. (wink wink nudge nudge)

Sky, you are the cutest ever.

Check those tire marks from racers bumpin’ him. Bump & grind fo’ realz

His shirt was actually soaking wet. We were laughing. Dang hot drivin’ them cars. (Clearly I’ve been in the South, I’m typing with an accent.)

Impressed with how well spoken you are Kyle. Nice twerk. Good interview.

Night was fun. Brekky & travel home tomorrow. I miss my own bed. I like being away but I love coming home. Next trip is Boston in July. Next week is busy with NXNE (music & interactive), MMVAs & more. Gonna be real fun. Have an awesome day 🙂

he can drive better than all y’all

* worst screen grab ever. YouTube you are assholes, let me upload a photo please!

I was in Florida to meet Kyle’s race team & family to chat about his personal brand. He’s a totally awesome kid who is racing against people twice his age and winning. Started Kyle’s Twitter today, follow him. He’s gonna be a star @kylebenjamin71.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

New BFF Sky & I car danced like crazy. It was awesome.

Sky got twitter today and loves it. She is 11. Follow @skybenjamin.