- I’ve had the same Twitter photo since May, 5 2008. I just changed it. I don’t really wear glasses. Only sometimes. #
- Where does the time go? Into the internet, that’s where. #
- philanthropic ecommerce i like you RT @mashable: Is Sevenly the Next TOMS Shoes? http://on.mash.to/quFUE4 #
- If you ever want to host a panel, learn how to do it RIGHT @ #panelonpanels July 18th @ MaRs Info: http://t.co/S6QVENQ #
- Sexy new dress design features last person on Earth men want to picture during sex. http://t.co/iS9KqEU via @HappyPlace #
- Ah! @keriblog, THIS! Man Flies Like a Bird [VIDEO] http://on.mash.to/nEXTeg #
- wednesday is wig day http://flpbd.it/09wh #
- This is really cool RT @mashable: The State of the Web: An Interactive HTML5 Infographic http://t.co/HUiy56j #
- The Science of Social: Periodic Table & Google+ https://casiestewart.com/social-media-periodic-table-google/ #
- “your passion” she said complete with two GIFs to brighten your day. Enjoy! https://casiestewart.com/your-passion-she-said/ #
- Have an awesome day! #
- You’re looking at a winner. http://twitpic.com/5pjida #
- Mail from @etsy Phillipines & @egocloset in BC. Woo hoo http://twitpic.com/5pjqew #
- Pretty & yummy. http://twitpic.com/5pjrlo #
- I love chatting great clients. Off the phone & full of smiles. #
- Twitter is my water cooler. #
- Everyday is a future memory. #
- Standing desk today. I find it makes me more productive. #
- awesome is you! http://dailybooth.com/u/acyvy #
- Surround yourself with people who inspire you. #
- “@shrued: SPOTTED: @casiestewart and @KeriBlog heading towards #HondaIndy http://t.co/HKK3MAw” #paparazzi #
- Video of Photovine, Google’s Mysterious Photo Sharing Service http://on.mash.to/phasJk #
- But I love it here!! …Toronto ranked Canada’s most expensive city http://flpbd.it/EnLN via @blogto #
- Help. I’m stuck in my onesie. #hipsterproblems #
- I’m at Abode Supper Club (128 Peter Street, Peter and Richmond, Toronto) http://4sq.com/qdUQAV #
- Yes (@ Sushi Queen) [pic]: http://4sq.com/pENyhe #
- I need A FAN? Any recos? Don’t say @AFFAN!! #
- No more friends. http://post.ly/2QaEK #
- Photo: @laurenonizzle http://tumblr.com/xmj3hdj8qm #
- Looks like I need to get the @DYSON fan. #
- Photo: Anyone know who created this ad for Rogers cup? Fist upskirt, gah. cyanimator: http://tumblr.com/xmj3hdz36b #
- Photo: › [How To Tie a Bow Tie, A Gentleman’s Guide] http://tumblr.com/xmj3hdzjhg #
- haha @dyson is (a dude) not actually Dyson. Looks like @DysonAirblade is their only account. #
- my house is a symphony right now, it’s loud and if i close my eyes (can’t work) but it feels like the music is live. love it. #
- You are what you Tweet. #
- New batch of G+ invites sent. Enjoy & see you on the other side. #
- Oooh new LG Vacuum arrives tomorrow. My carpets are so excited! #
- Wow Mumbai news. So sad. Hate hearing that stuff 🙁 #
- do you block spammers? like, the ones who attack after you mention i pad. #
- I WILL finish this deck before 5:30. #
- 416-476-7576 #
- Time for Mama’s show. I’ll be with @victornewman for the next hour. Bye. #yandr #
- heard on GlobalNews a high end resto banning kids. see, i’m not the only one who thinks kids should be taught how to behave. #
- The Australian is covering an event for me tonight. This is going to be interesting 🙂 #
- no @bohunkCA only my blog goes on everything. tumblr: fashion, posterours: tech, google+: smart, twitter: everything & nothing. #
- I didn’t have time to mend my dress! I have nothing to wear! #cinderella #new911calls #
- Summer party! http://twitpic.com/5pq70x #
- Thanks Brightworks! (@ Steam Whistle Brewing w/ 3 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/qqdVSU #
- Summer nights #
- Hey big guy http://twitpic.com/5prj4b #
- For you 🙂 http://twitpic.com/5prolv #
- Many cute boys here tonight @ Steamwhistle. #
- Play that funky music http://twitpic.com/5psiqr #
- Girl DJs, I like you. #hotness http://twitpic.com/5psjyu #
- Hot Giant. 7 feet, omg. http://twitpic.com/5pt5it #
- Tallest building. http://twitpic.com/5pt89e #
- The Don @annavon & @pinkmafia @shirkish. I know all the babes. http://twitpic.com/5ptmcx #
video: you’ve got mail.
A Couple Things:
- Thank you Alex from Riverdale Mac for the Alu Pen Stylus. It’s got a nice weight to it and the design is pretty. Will be using it to draw some amazing things on iPad Andy.
- The stuff from Etsy was ordered one late Friday night way over a month ago and well before the postage strike, that’s why I forgot. The accessories you order from HK are super cheap. Make sure you wash them when you get them cause once I got a rashy neck from a necklace. It sucked.
- Lauren’s printer giveaway is here. Send her something to print and you could win. I need to think of a contest idea for mine so if you have any ideas, lemme know.
- Have an awesome day.
The Science of Social: Periodic Table & Google+
Came across this last night on Google+ via Drew Olanoff. Good find. So many networks, omg. How many are you on? Click the photo to see it in large size.
Been playing around in Google+ for the last week. It’s cool. Has potential. I’m a Google Fan Girl so I love seeing & testing out their new technologies & products. If you aren’t in yet, sign up here. Chris Brogan wrote about getting started here.
One thing I am really loving is following people that inspire me and getting to see their posts The newsfeed reminds me of a blog. It’s clean & easy to navigate. Talking about this makes me want to draw wireframes.
I’ve not had many conversation or a ‘hangout’ on video yet but I will soon. I wanna carve out some time to dive right in & organize my circles. Sounds so nerdy & I love it. These are some screen shots from my profile.
Home dashboard:
Get started info:
Activity happening:
Mashable posted some pretty funny parody videos and this one is my fav. The “Hitler Learns” series never fails. Kudos to whoever out there on the internet created this, you are funny.
Social networking FTW! Ha.
P.S. Monday I’m speaking on a Panel at MaRs.
The panel is a Panel Discussion on Panel Discussions. It’s going to be interesting. The other speakers are very smart & good looking. You should come. Get a free ticket here. If you ever want to host a panel, this will give you valuable information on how to avoid making mistakes.
“your passion” she said
This evening I got an email from a blog reader who recently moved here from England. She said she loved my passion for life. I was sitting at my computer looking at a list of things I should have done already and feeling slightly overwhelmed. Her few words changed my day. I don’t really share emails I get from people but sometimes they are inspiring, this was one. Thank you Ashley 🙂
I love GIF making and the internet. It’s amazing how we connect using it. Think, you are reading this right now. I wrote it after being inspired by an email that someone wrote to me after reading this very same location that we are connecting at right here again after they were inspired by something I did outside. Crazy isn’t it?
Found this empty park place near Fort York & Bathurst the other day. Jumped around a bit.
Posed for this photo and a plane was landing right behind me as I turned around. Neato!
Remember how I always say “You are younger today than you will ever be again.” I’m reminding you to make the most of each day. Maybe there is someone you want to send an email to & thank them? I wrote a quick note to Mum letting I know I’m thinking of her. They are sailing somewhere near Virginia at this very moment. I bet it’s beautiful.
Thursday I go to Boston with my sister to see friends. Tres excited! A getaway from the city always makes me love it more. Flying Porter & planning to walk to the airport. Basically walking from my house straight to Boston! Yeeow!
Canada’s Cutest Bloggers
Fans waving in the background. Best outfit ever.
Here we go. Canada’s Cutest Bloggers, get ready for it.
Keri, Chief Security babe of the Internet.
HELLO BLONDETOURAGE. We all blog too. L-R Lauren, Casie, Raymi, Keri, Carly. Click each name to follow the Blondetourage on Twitter.
We’ve we update the internet every day and only do things that are awesome.
Raymi did a burlesque number to Florence & The Machine. Posted some pix in this album. You might wanna check those from home FYI.
We were celebrating the launch of Kristen’s online stoke Hate & Heartbreak: Clothing for the bruised and broken.
She is also a blonde blogging babe. So cute.
They have a contest @H8NHRTBRK.
Cutie Shannon blogs too.
So good to have Carly back in town. Missed you ♥
Nice hair blogging blowing in the wind.
He went to Elite today. They want him to model but he’s Australian & not staying here so it’s a no go. Too bad. I had him practice for me.
Home time. Outfits were a hit. You will see more of them before Summer is over. I wish I had one of these things for each of the girls. It would be deadly.
P.S. Lauren is giving away a printer! Her unboxing video is awesome. I have an HP unit for you this week too. Stay tuned!
just let it out.
It’s really warm out today. I’m not feeling motivated. I should go outside. I have work to do. I can have my office anywhere. Sand is bad for the computer and it’s hard to see in the sun. I need one of those screen shields for my computer and iPad so I can still use my units outside. First world problem. I’d like to spend more time organizing my circles on G+ but then I think why are you always on the computer? Go outside. Brought out a draft copy of my book for friends last night. It’s called JEANS and it was published when I was 16. Did you know I’m an author? You are reading the book of my life right now.
U2 played here at the Dome last night (Rogers Centre). We could hear it from the balcony, now that’s VIP. So VIP that we’re not even in the building. Had a few beers on the patio. Haven’t been drinking much lately and it feels really nice. I forgot to have dinner and remembered today. Woke up starving, Australian made breakfast.
I’d like to do a Twiggy inspired shoot soon. I’m thinking about growing my hair. I always say that but cut it off. The shave feels so nice. One video of me getting my head shaved has almost 15k+ views.
There’s another show tonight and I will get a better shot. This photo wants to be a painting I think. These ones always make me think of art. Coming up next is some photos from last night’s event and Ker & I in the cutest outfits ever.