Watch the awards last night? They seemed to go on forever! I’m glad, along with the entire internet that Leo finally won. There were some totally WTF moments, Stacey Dash, those three Asian kids? I know people are upset about the lack of black nominees but I wasn’t expecting the ENTIRE show and all the commentary to be about it. I don’t find Chris Rock to be that funny. Everything that came out of his mouth was about race, everything! Jokes about Will & Jada were mean, the ‘black bloke from Star Wars — Darth Vader’, using those kids as a joke was rude.
The show used to be so much fun and last night, everything was SO political. Then, you have these crusty people who didn’t even clap for a winner.
[vine id=”igWT9HBUnXp”]In other news, my friend Joey Salmingo was on the red carpet for E!. It was so neat to follow along his behind the scenes, oh y’know, hanging out with Ryan Seacrest and all.
My friend Kelsey was a producer on ‘Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah’ that was nominated for Best Documentary Short along with Adam Benzine. She was so excited and looked absolutely beautiful on that red carpet. It was neat to see photos of the stage from her seats while watching at home on my own couch.
Red carpet press line selfie #oscar2016
A photo posted by Kelsey Lynn (@kelserspix) on
Following adventures of people I know was more exciting to me that watching the show. I felt it dragged on and made me feel uncomfortable several times. Following along on Twitter was once again, the best commentary. Shoutouts to Toronto and New Zealand who both got mentions as well. 🙂
The #Oscars are making me feel uncomfortable. pic.twitter.com/JzEyzveip2
— CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) February 29, 2016
These are my fav looks from the red carpet. I absolutely love Alicia Vikander, she can do no wrong that woman!