it’s is more fun with moustachio

This time of year is great. I can feel change in the air. I followed my own advice and read my book outside on the grass yesterday.  Sabrina got a set of mustaches and I really think we should wear them at the office party tomorrow.

It seems my bike has been having dates lately…Keri messaged me a photo that my bike was on date,  well, a boys cruiser was parked next to it.  We both had quite a chuckle when the next morning as I was leaving for work, it seemed that the date was not yet over!

In other exciting news on #SpadinaWatch, there’s something coming around the corner………………..LCBO! It’s quite a good idea considering the amount of people populating the small area. I can feel the winter being warmer already!


  1. September 2, 2009 / 8:43 pm

    Ahaha I can't believe you blogged that!

    We still haven't made it out for a bike ride together though, let's remedy that soon. And don't forget I get that book when you're done with it please.

  2. September 3, 2009 / 3:43 am

    Ahaha I can't believe you blogged that!

    We still haven't made it out for a bike ride together though, let's remedy that soon. And don't forget I get that book when you're done with it please.

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