Well hello there! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNANG. Yesterday was super nice out. It was hot by 8am! I’ve been leaving the house bright and early lately visiting my new fav coffee shop, Cafe Neon. They’ve got a killer BLT and the coffee is fair trade and delicious. The latte art is lovely too. In fact, it has inspired me to invest in some new coffee making equipment for back home. To be honest, I have wanted a new coffee grinder for some time now. Which reminds me, one of my friends has sent me some coffee grinder recommendations from thefullmooncafe.com so I must take a look to see if I can find one that catches my eye. Do you like to make your own coffee at home? Let me know your coffee making tips!
Anyway, in between working from the home office I visited the garden centre across the bridge and picked up a few new herbs for my garden.
I’ve actually got real things growing this year. ??? Last year was a doozy and nothing lasted longer than 2 weeks. By the time we have a larger garden area, I’ll be a pro!
Received a nice gift from Dove in NYC, a canvas with a collage of words I’ve used in tweets. Very thoughtful and personalize, it came with a handwritten note. THANK YOU.
Yesterday I was lucky to find a copy of VICE magazine at Rock Lobster (Queen West). Haven’t picked one up in ages. I’ve collected heaps over the years, a bunch from Australia when I lived there.
When I first moved to Toronto in 2005, one of my fav things to do on the weekend was visit the VICE store at Queen at Spadina where ADIDAS is now. They had clothes, CDs, back issues, random products. The mixes were so good, I bet I’ve got a few tucked away in storage.
Went to Colette Grand Café at the Thompson Hotel this week. It’s so beautiful. I’d like to go sit there again in the afternoon and have drinks. Wear a scarf and act Parisian. Been meaning to get that book. Have you read it? This one. I just ordered it. I’m going to Paris this year.
Had fries, mozzarella salad, and asparagus. All good. They used to have a cauliflower appetizer, if you see it on the menu there again, try it!
I’ve got heaps of running around today so hoping the rain holds off till the evening. Sending sunshine your way!