It’s just after 10om in Vancouver and I’ve been up since 5:30am EST. Emily and I have been travelling all day. It’s been pretty great! This is her first trip alone with me and it’s her first media trip ever. Tomorrow we’re on location with Subway Canada visiting Windset Farms for a planting & picking day while we enjoy beautiful British Columbia. We landed here about 11:30 PST and she was swimming in the hotel pool by 12:30.

Since it’s our first trip together, I wanted to make it special. Instead of doing touristy things, I shared a few of my favourite activities to do on a media trip the day before our scheduled activities. Travel can be exhausting and there’s nothing I really love more than sitting in a hotel room, having room service, and working away on my computer recharging my batteries.
Here’s what we got up to today! Safe to say she said things like “we have the best lives” and “we’re queens“.

Looking forward to tomorrow! We’ll be at the farm at 9am for a day of fun and to see where Subway harvests vegetables for locations across the country. I made a storyboard on the plane ride here to direct the video we’re creating. It’s gonna be great! Follow along on Instagram Stories or Twitter.
In the afternoon we’ll be back at the hotel for some pool, and Friday night room service + movies in bed before heading home Saturday. My hope for this trip is to leave her with some great memories and good travel habits. Ok, I might be setting her up for ‘fancy’ travel habits but there’s nothing wrong with starting that young!
OK, Boss Baby is almost over, time for bed!