Don’t You Ever Forget It, Your Awesomeness

Don’t You Ever Forget It, Your Awesomeness


This weekend is SPRING CLEANING. I’ve been talking about it with Sean for weeks and since the weather is URGHH, I’ve decided to make the most of it my making our house more ‘home’. I was really stoked to open the cottage but safety takes the cake and a freezing rain warning is enough to put a stop to us going North.  Today I destroyed a disaster that had been piling up and organized my entire wardrobe. Took three bag of clothes to Value Village (VV Boutique) and didn’t hold back. I find purging my stuff is addictive, I start to care less and less about ‘things’ and if I need to, I take photos to remember. They take up less space. Online storage is cheaper than a unit too! Threw out a lambskin leather jacket from Holt’s I’ve been ‘planning to fix’ for two years, I hope someone great finds it.


How great is this shirt from Bow& Drape? Who wants one? You can actually make your own but mine is so freaking sweet! It’s sequins actually! Stumbled upon this brand randomly (Pinterest?) and got this stunna.


Found these babies when I was cleaning along with a TON of other jewellery. Good luck, good rings, good reminders. I was trying not to have a heart attack the last few days because I ‘misplaced’ the vintage Tiffany’s silver pearl necklace Sean got me for Christmas, but I found it. Thank god, I can’t even.

Took the EmBot to Target, she loves Target? I’m not realllly sure why. Her boots were dirty and gross so I told her I’d get her new kicks. She picked these Converse style ones like me. Gave her this Blue Jays hat and she wanted to wear it to the side. I didn’t style her but how freaking cute is he? Dying, such  lil’ babe this kid. Love her.


Hope you are enjoying the weekend. I’ve got lots more work to do. If by chance you have a room to clean like me, JUST DO IT, you will feel so good. Clean your room and put fresh sheets on your bed. There is nothing like a great sleep in a fresh clean bed!

Don’t forget your awesomeness. Love and light my friends,



Just got this jewellery!

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