Writing each day is really good for you. It helps you get things done, assists in memory, and for me is really great therapy. If you’ve ever wanted to start a blog and think “what will I write about?”. Let me tell you, there’s so many things that happen in a day, you can find inspiration everywhere. What you eat, drink, wear, or where you travel to, even in your own city. If you open you eyes to the world and shift your perspective, you’ll see it in a new light.
Day 1/365, 2015: Here are some great things that happened
- Made notes about my day in a new notebook. I like spiral bound 5.5 x 8,5 in blank sketch paper. It’s for things I don’t blog like what I eat, vitamins, workout, how many Mason jars of water I drank.
- Did a new workout. Sweat my ass off.
- Ate good food. Nothing deep fried or heavily processed/takeout. Not being hungover really helped with that.
- Reclaimed my for love for granola. Yes, I like granola. Used to eat it heaps when I was a kid and my new found love for lactose free milk, it makes a delicious snack.
- Got a selfie stick. Sean bought one for me at Pacific Mall AND I LOVE IT.
- Opened my new Clarisonic Pearl and used it. Started with Clarisonic in December 2014 and have noticed my skin is more soft and ugly. It’s important to write this down so I always remember to use it. One minute can seem like a long time when you are in a rush.
- Put on fuzzy socks with Vaseline. If you read any beauty blogs or check Google this is a sure way to get super soft feet.
- Tagged my images properly in WordPress. Sometimes I’m a lazy blogger ok.
- Enjoyed a clean bedroom and fresh brand new sheets.
- Cleared space off my iPhone and Macbook Air. Have been meaning to do this for ages. This was an old text from an Uber driver. I laughed. LUBER haha.
- Folded the laundry AND put it away.
- Spent some quality time w/ my love. Including foot massage!
- Drank heaps of water.
I feel like I’m forgetting some other little gems that passed through the last 24 hours but I’ll remember those tomorrow, day 2. I’m trying to write more (~500 words/day). My goal of 2015 is to spend less time on the computer and more time doing things worth writing about.
Until then, this is my life 🙂
* title is a quote by Arthur Ashex who was an American athlete.
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. http://t.co/4zSIU5HH5h
RT @casiestewart: Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. http://t.co/4zSIU5HH5h
“@casiestewart: Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. http://t.co/fIYYSwLSQW” #inspiration
How was Day 1 for you? Here’s some things that made it great. http://t.co/fBMdCgVLcH Off to yoga now! <3
Arthur Ashe first & only Black Wimb winner “@casiestewart: Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. http://t.co/iNHkhhYfcj…“