By the time you read this I’ll be on a bus with Carly to Bud Camp with 30 Bud Girl. It’s near Napanee, where Avril is from. Doubt she’s in town. Probs rippin’ itr eal late with Brody Jenner somewhere getting a new tattoo. haha
I really hope we’re in a cabin with showers and stuff. I’ve packed wellies and warm clothes with daisy dukes, bikini’s. Naturally. I’ve looked at a bunch of the activities and I don’t think it’s safe for me to do them. I’m not really into water sports or paintball. I see them as a way to get bruised up or broken. Remember last year when I fell 12 feet and fractured two bones in my back? Yeah. I do. I also hope that there is wifi. Pray for me!
Have you seen this yet? I die. I love her. Lady Gaga RULES.
And where RAYANNE is from! Where exactly was it, anyway?
Very nice site! is it yours too