some consider it to be an embarrassment

Their middle name. I don’t. Mine is Diana, after the Princess of Whales. Mum loved her. We had a bunch of different paraphernalia with her on it around the house. That’s a funny word ‘paraphernalia’.  I always thought she got married the year I was born but it was really the year before.   There were vases with a wedding picture of her and Charles in the main bathroom at home. I think they’re still there actually. I always look for things at garage sales with her face on it. More and more books get added to the collection all the time.  I love her too.  She was always so elegant and well dressed among all the other things that make her wonderful. I ran into a pair of her shoes a couple years ago at the Bata Shoe Museum. It was Nuit Blanche 2007 the year they had Lower Bay station open.  Every once in awhile you get asked ‘if you could meet anyone from history who wold it be?’ I want to meet her.  I always want to meet her.

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there’s a club house they hang out at

I’ve made friends with a couple peeps at The Musebox a record label that stems from Vice Mag who rep a heap of cool indie bands.  The coolest things about it being their friend is that I get to hear about all kinds of cool shiz before anyone else does and tickets to events. I recently watched a vid of the Cancer Bats at the Adrift Club house right here in lovely TO.  My friend Justin was recently in NZ, AUS and UK. I snagged this guy from his FB album, that’s him on the right with the dirt stash and sneeky smile. I got hooked up with tickets to go see Patrick Wolf and some other hipster bands for the Nylon Magazine Summer Music tour tomorrow night. It’s gonna be a fun time.  Sabrina’s my date already, sorry. I have  another friend by the name of  Sean Goodchild. He is total babe and a very talented. We went to high school together and he was rocking it then and he is also rocking now.  I hope Mum remembers him when she reads this. He used to do an amazing Stomp show when we had the school talent thingy.  His new band is called Two Crown King. His voice makes me swoon. I was listening on myspace and I was taken back to when  I used to dream he was singing to me in high school. One more thing,  if you don’t know it yet, I heart you online.

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island adventure guy

I had a stellar weekend. It was super sunny and I made the most of it. On Saturday I went to the island with Raymi , Phil and friends. Lots happening on the island on a lovely Saturday. There were heaps of kids in interesting costumes. I wanted to get close to take their photos but didn’t bother.  I’ll just keep those memories to myself. There’s  an art installation that plays music when you bike. We found it to be quite fun. The island it really pretty. I haven’t been for ages. Next time I’ll take my bike for sure. There’s a zillion photos from the whole day. This is the art work out, good thing Raymi got it on video so you can enjoy reliving the excitement. There’s more photos Raymi’s blog. She posted yesterday. I slacked off and made a nice dinner for friends and avoided the internet. The ferry ride back to the mainland is way more fun once you’ve spent the afternoon in the sun drinking beer. We all went back to my house for some pizza and swimming. It was great.

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the pencil flows on paper twill

Every time I get a new one I feel lucky. It’s like someone opened up world of opportunity and said, ‘Go Casie, you can have anything you want.  If you imagine it, you can have it right here in this fine little book‘. It’s a space wherre I have a conversations with my self and our thoughts. I let them out and they turn into things. I had met with a reporter yesterday which inspired me to pick up the reporter style this time.  I reckon that being left handed I can flip it around nicely to not get pencil lead on my hand as I so often do. I write in pencil mostly.  I remember a poem I wrote ages ago with a line saying how I like the way ‘the pencil flows on paper twill’. I love looking at the notebooks of other people, there is so much creativity contained in these legendary little things. I bought my last one in March and it was nearly full when I lost the little guy.  It was with my laptop and computer and  funny enough, the thing I miss most is the notebook. True story.

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one hundred lightning strikes in five minutes

That’s what Miami got. Massive rain & hail. It was my first trip to South Florida. I missed the storm by a fortnight. Thank you. I rarely head into the tourist traffic jam that is Dundas Square but today I did. Whoa, mad people. It’s Luminato and there’s tons of things going on. I knew that this big guy was rolling around the city. I’m stoked that I saw it opening weekend and have a photo to prove it.  It’s a giant red inflatable ball, about 20 feet in diameter that is part of artist Kurt Perschke’s Red Ball project.

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pleasant thoughts fill the head when read

The other day I found a little notebook in my desk.  The noted were all made in April 2008. This is the first time I’ve typed them out and now I’m sharing with you. I hope you like them. The photos are from the warehouse the other day. It’s a creative space I adore. ride me by casie stewart,  april 16, 2008 sunny outlook, brand new, fresh book sun shining outside, take the bike out for a ride feel the sun shine on your face, biking fast, win your own race light a cig, turn up the tunes nothing like the sun in the afternoon flare by casie stewart, april 16 2009 free spirit flowing lyrics,  let it out,  scream & shout! don’t be shy let the words fly, across the page like sprinkled sage like you lost your age! define yourself in this life open your mind, let the words suffice you are the director, a mind reflector direct your movie let your lyrics move me

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