
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

Bike, Babe, Blog, BAM!

Bike, Babe, Blog, BAM!

See this face? This is a face that is going to buy a new BIKE at lunch! And, Bikes on Wheels tweeted mer last … View Post
My 2012 on Storify: 46 stories viewed 30,553 times.

My 2012 on Storify: 46 stories viewed 30,553 times.

A bunch of stories have no views but they emailed this info to me and I thought wow, you made those. . It’s nice … View Post
Award-winning chef Jonathan Gushue reported missing?

Award-winning chef Jonathan Gushue reported missing?

Yesterday was lying in bed, aware, awake, ready to get up, but not really just yet, a few more minutes pleaseandthankyou. I like to … View Post
She Blogged a Diary of Her Life

She Blogged a Diary of Her Life

  Shirt is from Zara, blazer H&M, pants Old Navy, necklace MK&A’s JewelMint   The ceiling at my desk … View Post
I Love to Visualize the Data

I Love to Visualize the Data

What’s more fun to do on Sunday morning than make breakfast, watch movies, and create infographics about your data? I DON’T KNOW. … View Post


I used to be a member at the AGO and it was one of the best things in my life. I love the art … View Post
New Camera: Fiji Film XF1

New Camera: Fiji Film XF1

Fuji Film Canada sent me this sexy little leather XF1 in a purse from Danier Leather. That’s how you do it, forget the … View Post
The Commenting Game – Week 1 Winners

The Commenting Game – Week 1 Winners

<3 CASIE   View Post
The Commenting Game

The Commenting Game

My sister and I used to play The Quiet Game. Be quiet for as long as you can and first person to talk loses. … View Post
THIS:The Hot Internet Show – 2013 Episodes Coming Soon on @CoralTV!

THIS:The Hot Internet Show – 2013 Episodes Coming Soon on @CoralTV!

We’re gearing up to start shooting the 2013 episodes of THIS: The Hot Internet Show where I cover all kinds of apps, and tips &… View Post
Call me.

Call me.

Today I had a call with someone I did not know in London, UK. (So many London things lately!) I gave her business tips … View Post
Be Classy. Be Confident. Be Yourself.

Be Classy. Be Confident. Be Yourself.

Hey gorgeous! Last semester I had a great time dancing in the ARMY of SASS Performance & Training Group. They currently accepting registration for … View Post
com·mu·ni·ty   /kəˈmyo͞onitē/

com·mu·ni·ty /kəˈmyo͞onitē/

It’s nice to be back at the office. We are planning some huge things this year. It’s exciting. View Post
Moving Photos – Cinemagram

Moving Photos – Cinemagram

Have been making these a bunch lately. Fun app. Easy! The lasers were at 150 Manning and so much fun. Saying ‘pink hair don’t … View Post
Friends & Fun, NYE @ 159 Manning

Friends & Fun, NYE @ 159 Manning

I’m so excited for this year. New day, New Year, new everything. ♥ View Post
Here’s to a NEW YEAR! BRING ON 2013!

Here’s to a NEW YEAR! BRING ON 2013!

I did all the things on my list today in preparation for a great night. It’s been an amazing year. I’m heading … View Post
Snow Globe

Snow Globe

Being home in this weather feels like a snow globe. Glass castle in the sky. Snow beautiful. <3 CASIE View Post


After being sick for the last 10 days I am finally feeling better. I’ve had cough, cold, sore throat, stomach flu, and more sleep … View Post
Win a Trip to London w/ Thomas Sabo and Casie Stewart

Win a Trip to London w/ Thomas Sabo and Casie Stewart

Earlier this month I went on a luxury trip to London, England with Thomas Sabo. It was my very first time in the UK … View Post
Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays

I was so sick this weekend. Spent yesterday in bed watching Netflix (Frida, Elf, Archer). Went to see This Is Forty last night, it … View Post
Waiting for The World to End

Waiting for The World to End

It’s never ending! Love life, <3 CASIE View Post
Your Fav Christmas Elf

Your Fav Christmas Elf

Last day of work for the year is almost over. We had an office pizza party. Carli brought lil’ Fig, her dog into the … View Post


I know it’s not going to, but you should live out each day to the fullest cause one day it will end for … View Post
Alicia Keys Rocks Canadian Designed Eyewear – AND THE WINNER IS….

Alicia Keys Rocks Canadian Designed Eyewear – AND THE WINNER IS….

I’ve posted about Clearly Contacts a few times over the last two years and built a pretty good relationship with them. Remember summer … View Post
On My Favs List: Swarovski Bass Buds

On My Favs List: Swarovski Bass Buds

These are my new fav headphones. I got these  blinged out BassBuds about a month ago from FuelMyBlog and I’ve been using them … View Post
I found ten cents yesterday. This is my two cents.

I found ten cents yesterday. This is my two cents.

I love Instagram. It made me think different. More creative. That’s why I like it. I found new, inspiring people and I like … View Post
Update: ALEXISONFIRE winners chosen! Thanks @BacardiCanada!

Update: ALEXISONFIRE winners chosen! Thanks @BacardiCanada!

Heya! Who wants to go to see Alexisonfire on Dec. 29th with me? I have THREE PAIRS of tickets from Bacardi Canada. This tour … View Post