
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

Panago Pizza Picnic Party in the Park 

Panago Pizza Picnic Party in the Park 

Summer isn’t over! Ok, I know you can feel the change in the air but we’re still got a few weeks of … View Post
Being Prepared Helps Me Feel Less Stressed

Being Prepared Helps Me Feel Less Stressed

Some cottage time this weekend was the perfect way to prepare for this week. It’s always super hectic and I love it so … View Post
School Yourself! Life is One Big Lesson

School Yourself! Life is One Big Lesson

Seeing so many school photos today made it feel like back to school. The craziest thing for me is seeing friends who have kids … View Post
Long Live Summer Chill Vibes

Long Live Summer Chill Vibes

Sat out on my patio w/ some wine thinking about the last few months. It’s been nice to spend the last two weekends … View Post
Candle in the Wind 

Candle in the Wind 

I remember exactly where I was when I found out about Princess Diana’s death. Before we get to that, you’ll need to … View Post
Interview w/ Sassoon Toronto’s Kimberly Wallace + #SassoonStyle Giveaway!

Interview w/ Sassoon Toronto’s Kimberly Wallace + #SassoonStyle Giveaway!

I’m sitting at Sassoon interviewing Kimberly Wallace while she does my hair. I’ve been coming to Sassoon since the start of 2017 and … View Post
Best Buy Appliances Dinner at Baro w/ Celebrity Chef David Rocco

Best Buy Appliances Dinner at Baro w/ Celebrity Chef David Rocco

This week I had a totally amazing dinner on Wednesday night with about 100 other media people from around the city. We were ushered up … View Post


First, been listening to the new Taylor on repeat and I like it. I feel like she’s grown up the last for years … View Post
Sure Kid, Play w/ Your Fooooood!

Sure Kid, Play w/ Your Fooooood!

If you scroll Instagram for one minute you’ll definitely come across a fully grown adult foodie who’s played with their food a … View Post
Just a Reminder #DWYFL

Just a Reminder #DWYFL

Honestly, I take about 50 before I get one I actually post! You? I used to wear bright lipstick all the time but haven’t … View Post
I Loved The Eclipse ???????

I Loved The Eclipse


I loved every minute of that magical experience.  Powerful day for connection and setting goals. I went to the gym this morning and caught … View Post
Heard of Frank & Oak? Skip the Dishes? Well, Meet Futurpreneur!

Heard of Frank & Oak? Skip the Dishes? Well, Meet Futurpreneur!

Heard of Frank & Oak? Skip the Dishes? They’re both companies who’ve achieved success through Futurpreneur Canada (formerly CYBF).  A week ago … View Post
You Are Alive, You Are Burning

You Are Alive, You Are Burning

I feel so alive today. I just got home from a great class at yoga. It was only me and one other person! We … View Post
Yes, I am Still At The Cottage

Yes, I am Still At The Cottage

But I’m starting to get cabin fever. I’m ready to come home. It’s been about two weeks up here and mostly … View Post
Rain Delay 

Rain Delay 

The last few days have been so blerghhhh. I don’t even know where the last couple days went. Oh, actually, I have finished … View Post


This week has been super chill so far. Tuesday was Sean’s birthday and we’ve been taking it pretty easy. The weather called … View Post
Summer Nights, Shining Lights, Pure Delight

Summer Nights, Shining Lights, Pure Delight

New robe. Obsessed. I feel so fancy sauntering around the cottage in it. Find it here.  I was sent an item as a gift … View Post
“People That Are Different Have a Shot At Being Original”

“People That Are Different Have a Shot At Being Original”

Watched this today. Good video. I love the backstory and seeing into how an artist works. I’ve always been a fan of him. … View Post


I’ve been trying to make the most of my summer. Despite heaps of rain this year, I’ve really tried to be outside. … View Post
Amazing Use of VR: #AllConnected by @Telus

Amazing Use of VR: #AllConnected by @Telus

Sean sent me this today and I couldn’t’ help but tear a but a bit watching it. I love how Telus uses VR … View Post
The Flight Pack Kickstarter is LIVE!

The Flight Pack Kickstarter is LIVE!

I love travel and as you know am always on the go. My next trips (aside from the cottage) are Two Islands Weekend and … View Post


Woke up and went right outside to stretch on my mat. I’m really going to miss doing that over the winter! Can you … View Post
You’ll Never Be Younger Than You Are Today, Make the Most of It!

You’ll Never Be Younger Than You Are Today, Make the Most of It!

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Toronto Life +  Beach Vibes

Toronto Life + Beach Vibes

Had a nice relaxing weekend. We went to the beach and Scarborough Bluffs on Saturday as a family. It was so beautiful out, no … View Post
Sometimes I don’t feel like it #14

Sometimes I don’t feel like it #14

I started this post in the spring and it’s been sitting in drafts for a while. Sometimes I just don’t feel like … View Post
Dear Diary, Send sunshine ☀️ xo

Dear Diary, Send sunshine ☀️ xo

In other news, watch Céline, god she is such a queen! Much like the title of Celine Dion’s hit francophone album, Encore … View Post
Into the Wild! We’re Going on an Airstream Adventure Next Week!

Into the Wild! We’re Going on an Airstream Adventure Next Week!

I can’t believe it’s almost time! Wanted to do this for as long as I can remember! A couple months ago I … View Post