This weekend was a great one. Went to Wonderland w/ Sean and my sister, opened the cottage, got a new bike, and managed to catch some sun.
We went on Leviathan which was crazy/scary/awesome. If you’re going to Canada’s Wonderland for the day I suggest getting a Fast Pass. The upgrade is well worth the time you’ll spend waiting in lines. The rides are really fun but I’m impatient! Don’t like waiting!
Sean and I went on the Merry-go-round. It’s cheezy and slow but I like it. I realized I’m not really into the super-fast-whip-you-around coasters like I used to be. This was romantic.
Thank you Shannon Kelly and the Canada’s Wonderland team for inviting us. We had a blast. I think my sister went on every single ride that was open! The park was just as fun as I remember and it was nice to be back after about 10 years.
Arrived at the cottage in Muskoka post Wonderland with daylight left to get the place open. There’s heaps of work to be done to get it ready for summer fun. I raked leaves for at least 2 hours
It was great to be out in the canoe again. So Canadian!
Before Sunday dinner Sean and I jumped in the lake. It was SO COLD but also refreshing, liberating. I used to be all ‘nooo’ and scared about jumping in before it’s warm but switched my perspective and decided I’m lucky to have the opportunity and it’s not gonna hurt me. YOLO!
Sunset steak dinner on the dock is just about as good as it gets. Watching the sun go down here gives me great inspiration and mental clarity. It feels SO GOOD to be back.
Sparks were flying.
We Sean set up this nifty little WatchBot nanny cam on the cottage wifi. The view needs to be adjusted but now I can see and hear the cottage from the app on my iPhone.
Did some bike bondage and tied my girl down for the trip back from Muskoka. I’ve got pretty good rope skills and wasn’t worried about her getting away one bit! 50 Shades of Rain got her real dirty though
Cool licence plate bro.
If you’re ever in the mood for some good classic rock (like when aren’t you?), 104.1 The Dock is a great station. Nothing but good rock from the last few decades. When not in the car I stream it from my phone, quality is good.
Yesterday I got a new lock and lights for my bike. After a few solid hours of work I reckon it’s time to hit the road and catch some rays on my new wheels. Hope you’re having a great week so far. Get out and feel that sunshine on the face if you can. Don’t forget sunblock tho! 🙂
This post made me think that I’ve got to get in a canoe or kayak asap! 🙂 Enjoy the cottage lucky woman!