inspiring change through design and creation

I’m watching this inspiring documentary JonJon sent me. It is all about how waste is food and reducing the amount of waste created. Really interesting, and kind of long, but worth it. As a globe, our natural resources are increasingly becoming less and less available. If we find more ways to reduce, reuse and recycle the products we consume, we will have a more sustainable way of life. They mention how we consistently take and take and do not give back. This needs change. I’m a big advocate for giving and living green. This documentary is really interesting, the innovation and sustainable development blows my mind. Now, the real challenge, getting the masses and corporations to change their manufacturing and energy usage. New challenges arise every day and this is why you should be active and keep on learning. Have an awesome day!

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take off that dress and trade with me

My Auntie Edna was a lovely lady. She was frugal in the way you would stereotype most old school Jews to be. She made sure to make the most of what she had and use all the resources around. She used to have parties in her beautiful house often Sunday afternoons where she would invite all the ladies over to swap clothes. Today the BBC did a story about a trend sweeping the UK market that has been coined Swishing. This is exactly what Auntie Edna used to do. You can either buy, sell or swap. This is a great way to recycle, save money and have fun with friends or meet new ones. The rules are simple. Come over and one gently used item (or more) from your collection. Grab yourself a drink and shop around. Determine what item you want and where it is on the racks. Leave the racks as the Part Host counts down….3,2,1! Let the Swish begin! Grab the item you want before someone else and call it yours (depending on the predetermined buy-sell-swap arrangements). You successfully leave with a new item for the old item you arrived with. Check it out for yourself: VIDEO ON BBC NEWS UK I’ll be having a Frock Swap in the new year!Rummage through your closet ladies,its time to trade in your old jazz for new jazz!! ♥

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