oops he did it again

Toronto Poster Boy is on the loooooooooooooooooose! He postered me again! Moooohaha. I wonder if you can find it? I know he’s usually around Queen Street and the downtown core. I especially like this one becuase it’s from a post where I wrote “stop working, go home, get outside“.

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Just another day out of the ordinary…

some people are dull. some people are boring. some people do nothing. some people waste so much time talking about what they want to do that they never fucking do anything. some people sit on their asses and watch the world pass by never taking in the day. some people…NOT Jon Dube. he is someone interesting. he is someone moving through each day making every little thing new again. refresh. renew. redesign. reinvent. he is rocking the boat and making a path for you to follow. its a guarantee if you live in toronto or have been downtown, you eyes have taken him in already. “the free-ness of these clothes is what turned me on to volcom in the first place, well and all the innuendos you can make about “getting stoned”.. but its the attention to detail and the creative freedom that seems to permeate everything their designers and collaborators touch. check out his work and albums: J’ai Le Bait: A journey through the thought process of crazy mixed up guy.

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