What would you do with the $250,000 if you were the Protector of the Caramilk Secret?

With $250,000? I would like to do what I’m doing now but MORE HUGE. TV on the Internet. I would go on TV shows and talk about my new show and travel the world more and tell you all about it and it would be so fun awesomazing. A dream come true. I would have huge parties and you would all come. It’s been a while since I did  a contest and I reckon it’s time to bring it BACK. To Enter: Answer in the comments: “What would you do with the $250,000 if you were the Protector of the Caramilk Secret? “ Prize: Goodies from Caramilk valued at $50 (three winners). Prize will be shipped to you and contest closes August 26th. You must be in Canada. There are still six more keys to be found across Canada. The winner could be you. For details on the big Cadbury Secret Contest see Facebook/Caramilk. If you find a key, Secret Agents come to your house and meet you and them you come to Toronto, go to the factory and see if you have the key to the real Caramilk Secret. If you have the secret, you get $250,000 and more chocolate than you could ever eat. Gah!

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I’m in love with this app today.

 …magically your closet is a shop of beautiful things.  Made using Comic Book for iPad. New fav app. I always wanted to make a comic of my adventures. I wanna fight some bad guys and make the world a better place. Have you ever worked your arms from driving? Today I used Softsign to download & edit a PDF, type changes & sign all from iPad with ease. Amazing device. I am also in LOVE with Spotify. How did I get it to work when I’m in Canada? Used my Klous Perk invite code to sign up while in the USA (Boston) and… it still works! Been loving all kinds of tunes the last week. Liking suggestions and seeing what other people have in lists. I usually work in silence but I’m enjoying more music lately. Welcome to THE FUTURE.

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Be creative. Be yourself. Have fun. Get off the computer.

Saw this on O’Nizzle’s blog today and I dig it. Think you will too. What do you do to be creative? I like to let my mind wander. I like long walks by myself. I like to play outside. I love my sketchbook. I like to draw with pastels. I cut up old clothes and make new ones. I call old friends. Classical music. Reminding myself I can do anything. Cleaning my closet. Coffee. Painting. Dancing with arms over head. Writing is especially fun for me. I like poetry, reading, writing mostly. Photography & close up shots on the camera. Old music & fun memories. I like watching Annie Hall or Dead Poets Society. I enjoy sitting by the lake. Running in the rain. Friends are good too. I like to let my mind wander. I guess you could say I’m Borderline Artistic.

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Made this today w/ Raymi the Minx. Enjoy. Das funny.

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art is a battlefield: art battle eleven, toronto

It is a sight to be seen, a scene worth attending. Magnificent in nature. Impressive in size and appearance. Majestic, dignified, grandeur. Painters, painting. In the middle of an open room… …where people look and stare. I liked this one. This was a naked man in a stairwell (painting). Did not win. He asked people walking by “how do you spell descending?” it was charming, so innocent and real he was. I live for realness. This is Simon. He’s my friend who is good looking smart, tall, and fun. He is single and I would love one of my friends to date him. He did not pay me to say this. He is one of the inventors of Art Battle/awesome. This is me… Levis Curve jeans | vintage long wool camel coat | motorola milestone, telus | reading a podcast, Picard | shoes from Aldo, Raymi has same | vintage knit hat | gaga round purse H&M | nella bella change purse | artsy lady beside me with paint on her pants The artist I liked won his round and got to go to the finals. Against this girl… Cheers for Gingers. He won, with this painting. I liked it. I would have bid on it but I bough Courtney’s painting, she is married to Porter. I was hoping I would get to see her because I didn’t see her yet and I missed her round of painting at the start. She is preggers and they are having a baby. I’m happy for them. Being in love is a wonderful thing. I am in love every day. This is her painting…my painting. At the end this guys painting was DESTROYED> YES DESTROYED. Look close. Laying paint on paint in  front of a crowd to eff his painting right up. Bring…

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Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.

Title is a quote by Cyril Connolly an English intellectual, literary critic and writer. I learned this today while watching Criminal Minds. I was working on a couple blog posts for my .com while publishing tumblr, posterous, twitter & facebook. I have ADD. Hey tower. I really like that quote. I’ve been writing this blog for a while and although I have written for many other companies in different voices, the one I am most true to is my own. I began this blog to keep more memories and it started getting more popular as I got better at it.  We grew together and we are forever growing & changing. I find I’m my best when writing about something I really love & believe in. This is my life.  I can hear my Mum chuckle in my head, I’m reminded of her telling me how I loved myself and used to stare into the mirror for hours telling stories. Some things don’t change, I love me and life and I’m happy to share that light with you. I’d like to share this too. Optimism is contageous.

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