john butler is amazing

I was biking home on Monday night and stopped to the side of the road before crossing the street. I was feeling sad that day and then double sad I didn’t have a ticket to my favorite show.  My ringer was off but I reached for my phone to have a peek. Karrera was calling that exact minute and she had an extra ticket. I’ve seen John Butler in Toronto a few times since my first time in Sydney 2004. The crowd was so into this show and we all watched with amazement while sweating our asses off.  Good vibes in the air. It’s his solo tour and I was thinking I would miss his long dreds and the stand up bass. I didn’t, he over satisfied my need for good music.  I have so many videos and photos. The opening act was Nicky Bomba, also totally wicked and Australian. Karrera is moving to BC today.  She had just gotten back that day from seeing all kinds of bands for a week at Rothbury Fest. ZAAmazing stories about Grateful Dead and Willie Nelson.  I hadn’t seen Lisa Baker in ages, I miss her. We’ve all been friend since we were kiddios. Thought of her the day before when Now & Then came on before bed. Coincidence, no. Ocean is my favorite song. I made about 5 videos while he was playing, the song is long and beautiful. There’s some more videos here. If you’ve never heard of John Butler you should seriously go to Google right now and learn. He is amazing.

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hey shazza, let’s go to maccas

Just because you are in Australia, doesn’t mean you can wear your bathing suit EVERYWHERE. When we got there we thought that it was a-ok so we went all over the place dressed like this. The ferry, subway, lunch, Opera House. Really obvious that you’re a tourist if you do that. Beach walk from Bondi Beach – Coogee Beach.Pretty birds on my window.Again, in bathing suits. haha This is us getting groceries. We pushed the cart home with our umbrellas. This doesn’t make you look like a tourist, but rather an idiot. Oh, what fun we had! Opera House & Harbour Bridge from me.

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dynamically scalable and often virtualized

Darling Harbour Fountain from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.Australia has Plastic Money from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

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cut copy and paste my love

On Friday night I went to CiRCA for Cut Copy. It was packed. There were heaps of hipsters and cool kids crowding the stage & stairs. I ran into some cool friends and made some new ones also. There was lots of neon, sequins, and anything that might have rocked the eighties. This, I loved. I wore the shiny late night mini skirt from American Apparel in electric purple with a reversible clutch from BettyKiss. I first posted about Cut Copy last summer. They are from Australia and totally rad. I connected the boys later in the evening and snapped a few pix. The band is made up of Dan Whitford , vocals/keyboard/guitar, Tim Hoey on bass/sampler, & Mitchell Scott on drums. They were really nice guys. I’d really like to catch them at a small venue or a house party. Next time!

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why pay for school when you can educate for free

I have a confession to make and am doing it publicly for education’s sake. I went to university and college over 4.5 fun filled years. I am a big fan of education and educate myself every single day. While I was in post secondary school, I rarely bought any books. I learned most the stuff I needed to pass class online; yes from the Internet. This is the library I where I used to hang out. By doing this I saved money for other important things which I am sure you can imagine. I also chose which classes I attended very carefully; the mandatory ones with attendance and quizzes. Be careful if you choose to take this route, it can be dangerous, it involves a lot of self-motivation and self-study that other people just don’t actually ‘see’ happening. In other words, I got into a few scraps with several students over how the hell I got the grade with no books while skipping class. It takes work. That’s how I did it. My thirst for knowledge has always run strong and this carried me through school. Stay tuned into things you like, follow your passions. One of my dear friends sent me this great vid called Five Minute University. Law School sounds like an option for me I reckon. Enjoy!

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it looks cold outside

and i remember how warm i used to be this is my old home.the life the luxury.the sun, the sand, the skin.the ocean, the waves.the boards, the boys.bondi will always have my heart.

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