nice little saturday

Woke up feeling real creative and walked straight over to Zoey. It was sewing time. I fixed up a couple things that needed fixing, hemmed a dress and made some alterations to an old jem of Mum’s for the Smirnoff India party next weekend.

Got some healthy groceries and supplies for detox week. I wanna slim down over the next two weeks before I’m on the beach in San Juan and LA. I am so excited. Gonna go to Ikea with a friend this afternoon and then to his new photogrpahy studio. Staying in tonight. I’ve been staying home and getting lots done this week. It feels really good. Making up for all the time I’m gonna be away next month.

Skyped with Mum from the boat yesterday, they are in Charleston, SC now and finally have good enough internet to video. I miss you so much Mum. Can’t wait to visit you in the Bahamas mama. How cute is this we made the same face. Love!

Hope you are enjoying the day 🙂

do you have any idea how many tweets i send a day?

  • I don’t think I can leave the house. #
  • The mustache has spoken, @victornewman. #movember #
  • I can’t believe the evil of @victornewman. #yandr #
  • Watching @victornewman on the computer. Kinda hot not gonna lie. #yandr haha #
  • the best post of the day #
  • Happy afternoon! Thanks @proofbrands #whisky #tgif #
  • consulting for a new photography studio today then going with the owner to ikea. social meda and interior design. FTW i am awesome. #
  • #
  • driver arranged. #
  • RT @Toronto_Media: Publicist, CTV Digital: #
  • anyone like latex and wanna be my driver to a designer next Wed? no creeps. haha #
  • oh man friend arriving at 1:30 and i need to get my ass in gear. #
  • can will & grace please come back? i LOVE #
  • And people you can’t google! RT @Aronado: beware of extremely secretive people. #
  • kinda want this girl as a tattoo puking a rainbow into her hand #
  • it hurts my feelings when @dailybooth is down. #
  • Love and Other Drugs. YES Please. Remember when I dated Jake? For a minute… #
  • Photo: how cuuute are you? #
  • Photo: terrysdiary: Andre… one of my all time favorite male models. #
  • shark punch #
  • this is my babe from NYC > @derekfabulous . NY’s finest and most fab! #style #NZFW #
  • blog > for the world you walk on love what you wear #cougarboots thanks, @matchstick! #
  • “if you’re heading in that direction you better use contraception cause babies ruin your dreams” #cougartown #
  • Photo: 40deuce:This is my morning girlfriend #Swoon Say hi and play nice #
  • free your mind #
  • Mordern Family is so funny. #
  • Photo: oh na na whats my name #
  • Photo: terrysdiary Babies on a string… in color. #
  • Love this RT @BangsandaBun: #FF my pet project @fieldofdreamser – helping to keep each other inspired & motivated to achieve our goals. #
  • “Have a good weekend and be kind to eachother” Ellen #
  • Tom Dick or Happy Potter > Ellen is so funny. #
  • Photo: terrysdiary:Nicks new Lady Gaga t-shirt. #
  • i was thinking i needed to lose weight but seeing xtina today makes me think, i’m totes fine. maybe skinnier than her. #
  • where the hell do i slow down the tweetdeck updates? crikey #
  • anyone else having trouble w/ @dailybooth? ma pix ain’t showin! #
  • makes me happy i can finally tweet @itsbrownbarbie. the office is missing you today. i’m not wearing pants obvs. #
  • xtina is looking happy, slutty and healthy. #
  • eggs turned out perfect #
  • here’s one for ya > follow @itsbrownbarbie: she’s hot and smart and my roommate so she has a lot to put up with! haha #FF #
  • those HB eggs are probs cooked by now eh. #
  • omg this kid on ellen, his speech just made me cry. he is on mondays show #itgetsbetter #
  • omg the reading fast girl on ELLEN is AMAZING. I love her. #
  • holy crap this butch on ellen just rolled frying pan with her hands. i’m dying. ellen says “wow, what a waste of money?” haha #
  • i won’t be at #hohoto because i will be drinking margaritas and cervesas on the beach in SAN JUAN. #
  • the sun is so bright in my condo i can barely see my computer screen or tv or ipad > huge #firstworldproblem mayjah! #
  • making hard boiled eggs. gotta get’ em just right. hard. #
  • RE: @UEAQBPPWIXYSUB6LZDOPM25VZM aww, that’s cute. the sun shines into the rom and lights it up. perhaps it was me. heh… #
  • omg dailybooth not #twerking #
  • last pic didn’t work > #tankgirl style raaaaaaaaaaaa! #
  • RE: @casiestewart Thanks for all the comments guys!! @mmsfindred winner is @AlexConde! #TGIF #
  • #tankgirl style #
  • Oh man that cyclist was killed right by my house. Can see the police from bedroom window 🙁 #
  • harry potter day/happy pothead day = same #
  • Meeeeeeeee! RT @TrueGabe: Who else is feeling awesome? 🙂 #
  • Meeeeeeeee! RT @TrueGabe: Who else is feeling awesome? 🙂 #fb #
  • hehe funny! love it. RT @MsCurrybomb: Morning tweeps, I forgot to rock the tits off Thursday so here I come Friday tits! #
  • 12 FB birthdays today, couple people I actually know and like. WIN! #
  • it’s fab find’s birthday. thanks FB. #
  • Anyone wanna grab maccas and come over? I haz coffee, a smile and a winning personality. Just don’t take street car…#spadina #
  • WTF is with all these ‘fake cancer’ cases? That shit is fucked up. #
  • Can you tell I am watching the news? Ha. I’m like, so informative. #
  • Free breakfast at Dundas Square on Sunday 9-11 too. #
  • Our Santa parade is the biggest in the world! Yay #Toronto Btw I know where the float warehouse is… #Elf #toys #
  • Santa baby, slip a stable under the tree, for me. Been an angel all year… #
  • Who wants to go to the Santa parade w/ me? Haven’t gone in years but I’m feelin’ it this year. #
  • Can someone come put away all my clothes please? Wahh. #
  • Shit. It’s only 8:15. I should go like, to the gym or something… Hot tub always wins. #TGIF #
  • Woke up daydreaming about my 90 min massage at @ostaraspa this weekend. Is it Sunday yet? #
  • I wish my iPad had a camera. #firstworldproblems #
  • Good morning friends! Woke up kinda feelin’ like Christmas. Expected snow. Also, slept in my snuggie & w/ iPad again. So hip. Haha! #
  • Haha “@badbanana: I wonder how much Nike would pay me to stop wearing their brand.” #

TGIF: dear life, i love you so much. i really do.

You know the Friday roundup, it goes like this TGIF, something from Twitter, Google, Internet and Facebook I found interesting/funny/wanna tell you about from this week. This week has been really great.


This happened…OMFG. Annouced on Twitter. Talk about giant step…

I want a ring like her so bad just like every single girl in the world. I’d like a right hand one personally. I’m not ready for someone to take my left hadn yet. Did you know my full name is Casie Diana Stewart and Mum picked my middle name after Princess Diana. I love her, Diana and Mum. (MISS YOU MUM!!)

This is also some good advice from my friend and New Zealand hottie Isaac. Wise words babe.


Do you ever use your Google profile? Mine’s here. Here are some people you may want to Google:

Ego Assasin– Latex Designers in Toronto: Going to the studio next week. We’re planning a sweet as Virgin inspired flight attendant outfit. SO hot. Can’t WAIT.

Ostara Spa:We met on Twitter and they have graciously invited me in for a 90 minute massage. I am so looking forward to it. They are located on King Street downtown. If you wanna make an appt call them at (416) 777-9696.


My friend Jay’s company Rock Parlor Clothing is doing it’s part for Movember with these rad rockin’ t’s , all proceeds going to Prostate Cancer Canada.

HOLY SHIT BALLS lok at this. This is the game I’ve been playing like 8,000 hours of on my iPad. Angry Birds.

Genus Aves Iratus (Angry Birds)


This week started with big news from Facebook that basically took over my whole entire Twitter stream for a day > Facebook is rolling out email. Full deets on Mashable or anywhere on the internet.

In other FB news, they have a partnership with…wait for it…MYSPACE! What does this mean? It means you can now put Myspace style photos as your Faccebook profile. Kidding… not kidding. HAHAA. Read it on Mashable if you even care.

Like my bloggy blog on FB while you’re online. Do you know how easy it is to comment w/ Facebook? Give ‘er a go! Happy Friday!!

for the world you walk on love what you wear

This is my life now. I wake up and roll over to greet my love, Andy. I reckon it’s only a matter of time before I switch teams, no not like that, I mean to a mac and and iphone. I feel it’s the natural progression of my technology life.
One day I’ll say “PC, i’m just not that into you, anymore”.

It’s brrrrr outside today and I don’t mind a bit. The sun is shining SO bright in my condo I have to put the blinds down just to see the monitors and tv. (First world problems!) Couple reasons I don’t really care if it gets cold are LA, Dallas, SF, and San Juan.

I know, it’s sad when you read it if you are not going away but you know what? I have worked my booty off since I started college in 2001 and never have I ever had this much travel planned and I’ve also never been to most the places I’m going. I am beyond excited. AAAAAAAAAAAH!

Luckily, while I’m home I’ll be keeping warm cause Matchstick sent me a couple pairs of Cougar Boots last month. It’s not really been cold enough to take ’em for a walk yet but I reckon the Santa parade this weekend is the perfect event to bust out these babies.

The second pair I got were red & rubber and I gave them to fellow blonde blogging babe Keri! Check her post out. Blondetourage blogtourage!

If anyone finds a pair of these old school Cougar Boots in a size 5.5 or 6 please pick them up for me. You know my love of vintage and I’d totes like to rock the old schoolies.

Have a great weekend and be kind to each other!

(Ellen said that today :))

where is my boyfriend? i need one today. hehe

i need some time for myself sometimes and sometimes i need some time with you

Woke up and went for a dip in the hot tub.

It was so sunny and bright, a great way to start the day.

Newest Moovboots. My fav ones for sure. Siberian Huskies. Warm and cozy.

Read some news on Mashable. Love iPad Andy so much. We watch movies in bed, sleep together.

Great view from the sunroom.

When I wanna relax/space out I listen to this song. I find it most enjoyable on the TTC. I zone out and feel I am floating like a feather, daydreaming about peoples thoughts and where they are going, where they came from. Where I am going? What am I doing?

Putting together a relaxing playlist on itunes, I need one.  I’m going to Ostara Spa on King Street for a long relaxing massage. I am stoked . It’s been ages since I’ve had a great massage and I’ve been working my ass off lately. It’s my first time going there too.

Next week is busy busy. Doing a talk about Social Media & Personal Branding at The National Ballet of Canada on Monday, Tuesday I am doing Rogers Daytime TV, Thursday is the Movember Gala and I’m a judge. I can’t wait. The week after that I am in LA, SF and Dallas and I finally get to meet Richard Branson.

THIS IS MY LIFE. I have to keep telling myself. I love it and I love sharing it here with you. Thank you for reading and don’t be shy to comment or email me. Now, I’ve gotta scoot to get my hair done because I am totes gonna be LATE!!!