Makes me kinda wish I played some type of instrument. I know have a friend that right now is laughing while reading this going “how about you play the skin flute?'”. I used to play flute in grade 7 & 8, so there. I’d like to try my hand at the jazz Flute, like Ron Burgundy.
Ridiculously Happy.
The current Happyscore for casiestewart is: 563
lately will perceive this person as Ridiculously Happy.”
casie stewart: this is my life
Go on, do something
for yourself this year,
its easy.
something for your burger king
trouble paying rent?
“I work too hard.”
“I want my money, bitch.”
More POTent than ever?
Modern agriculture hasn’t just made beef cows beefier and corn cornier, it’s also made pot more potty.
The potency of marijuana, measured by the presence of its (psycho)active ingredient, THC, has tripled since 1987, according to the latest figures from the Department of Justice’s National Drug Intelligence Center.
The new data from the University of Mississippi Potency Monitoring Project — which is not just a group of your college buddies talking about the differences between now and the old days — was released in the 2009 National Drug Threat Assessment.
The Department of Justice attributed the steadily rising numbers to “increased demand for higher-potency marijuana and improvements in cultivation techniques.” [more]