I’ve had a love for fashion my entire life. Unfortunately, I’ve never had a closet quite big enough to fit everything! Borderline clothes hoarder. Twice a year I rummage through my stuff and pack things up to donate to a clothing drive or second hand shop. Last summer I put a bunch of old hot rod shirts and special items in storage, then handed over a few bags of clothes to find a new home.
My closet has a bed in it and a tv. I wish it would clean itself into a room.
— CASIE (@casiestewart) August 13, 2010
It’s important to get rid of clothes that don’t make you feel your best. No sense in holding on to things that don’t fit, they clog up room (and make it increasingly hard to find an outfit in a hurry). Messy room, messy head. It’s amazing how well you sleep with a clean room and after doing something nice to help others.
From now until July 31st Moores is holding their 5th annual Canadian Suit Drive. For the entire month, they’re collecting donations of men’s and women’s suits, shirts, jackets, pants, ties, belts and shoes. Items will be given to more than 60 local recipient organizations across Canada who provide job readiness programs for those on the hunt for employment.
I love this program because it helps people seeking work dress for success. Looking good and feeling good for an interview gives you a boost of confidence. A good outfit and positive attitude go a long way.
This is the PERFECT time to go through your stuff and donate your gently used/never worn items. Drop your stuff at off at a Moores before the end of the month and sale 50% on your next purchase (details).
For more info or to find a location near you visit their website. RT this tweet to share with your friends!
We donate $1 for each mention of #SuitDrive (up to $10k) towards non profits that help men get jobs → http://t.co/CBEtVKLmDh. RT to help!
— Moores Clothing (@MooresClothing) July 10, 2014
Give a Suit. Change a Life. Moores Canadian #SuitDrive http://t.co/XWNjCnl9CX
RT @casiestewart: Give a Suit. Change a Life. Moores Canadian #SuitDrive http://t.co/XWNjCnl9CX
Clean your closet! Donate to @MooresClothing #SuitDrive this month & help people in need. http://t.co/ejlQkg20pi http://t.co/HycimEVE6K
RT @casiestewart: Clean your closet! Donate to @MooresClothing #SuitDrive this month & help people in need. http://t.co/ejlQkg20pi http://t…
RT @casiestewart: Clean your closet! Donate to @MooresClothing #SuitDrive this month & help people in need. http://t.co/ejlQkg20pi http://t…
RT @casiestewart: Clean your closet! Donate to @MooresClothing #SuitDrive this month & help people in need. http://t.co/ejlQkg20pi http://t…
Gr8 cause RT @casiestewart:Donate to @MooresClothing #SuitDriv & help people in need. http://t.co/nQZVuMcNGb http://t.co/06WgXLFNie