live fast, die young bad girls do it well.

I’m not really bad or do I want to die young but I AM listening to this right now and liking it.This first while get ready. Managed to find the perfect dress in my ol’ closet. You’ll see it tomorrow later. This too. I have always loved her music. Have a good night. Keep fit & have fun 🙂

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Weekend Tune: “Settle Down” by Kimbra

Happy weekend everyone! Hope it’s going along splendidly! For this week’s weekend tune I thought I’d vibe off of something Casie posted earlier this week. Remember Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used To Know”? It truly does deserve a double post so let me refresh your memory… Pretty great stuff eh? Yeah. Enjoy that on repeat for a while until you’re ready for the weekend tune……. You good? Ready? Alright then we’ll move on. Now some of you might be wondering, “Hey Kate! Who was that stunning lady songstress featured in the about amazingness?” That ladies and gents in Kimbra. She’s from New Zealand and her debut album Vows just came out last summer. She’s kinda of a St. Vincent meets tUnE-yArDs turned pop act! Here’s the video for her song “Settle Down”! Enjoy! xo Kate

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Weekend Tune: “Hangover (BaBaBa)” by Buraka Som Sistema

Happy weekend everyone! How’s your 2012 going? Good? Gooooooood! That’s what I like to hear. You know what else I like to hear? And play on repeat? Le weekend tune of course!. This week’s tune is brought to you by Buraka Som Sistema, an electronic amazing dance party beast of a group from Portugal. Just last night they played Wrongbar and me oh my was it crazy. Like… so crazy. Like… I only just woke up right now crazy. Yeah. Crazy. So here’s a little something to both cure your hangover from last night and getting you going this evening. It’s “Hangover (BaBaBa)” by Buraka Som Sistema… Enjoy! xo Kate

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Weekend Tune: “Taking It Down” & Happy Endings NYE

Happy New Years Eve! 2012! How will you be ringing in the new year? Taking it chill or doing it up?   As for Casie and I, we plan on having a time at Happy Endings NYE Dim Sum King bash with the Mansion crew! Champagne! Chinese Lion Dancers! $5 Dim Sum Platters! Lobsters!   And did I mention the music line up? It’s kinda insane. Canblaster, Brenmar, MYD, Gingy, and more! In honour of the awesomeness that will be tonight here’s Brenmar’s “Taking It Down” for your enjoyment. We’ll be partying extra hard, just in case the world really does end. Might as well go out with a bang right? Click on the image for ticket deets and follow @wearemansion on the Twitter. Hope to see you there! xo Kate

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Weekend Tune: “Snow” from White Christmas

Happy merry everything everyone! Tis the season to be jolly and all that, so here’s my favourite song from a favourtie holiday film of mine. Enjoy Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen singing about snow in White Christmas! I know the weather has been quite nice but how lovely would some snow be?! xo Kate

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Weekend Tune: “Born To Die” by Lana Del Rey

Hey hey hey! Weekend tune time! This week I decided to post the latest video from the oh so talked about Lana Del Ray. Here’s her deal… Once upon a time there was a shy girl named Lizzy Grant with blonde hair, a pretty voice, and dreams of being a star. Then she met some industry types, and her lips magically grew as big as her dreams. Before you knew it that shy indie girl with the pretty voice became latest hipster hottie! And who doesn’t dig Video Games? Whether you love or hate this manufactures hipster pop star, you gotta admit that this music video for “Born To Die” and Miss.Lizzy/Lana are both pretty amazing. Tigers and tattoos and fire oh my! Enjoy! xo Kate

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