The Gladstone Hotel gets a Makeover
You’ll see a few familiar faces in this little ditty from the Gladstone for the re-launch of the Melody Bar next week. Stoked for the change in weather so I can bust out my real clothes. Shoes Jeffrey Campbell, shirt Joe Fresh, Lipstick Dior, Bag Nella Bella, Shorts Victoria Secret, Hair Darren Kwik Studio. Darren gave me a fresh shave yesterday. GO SEE HIM. He is awesome and will treat you like gold cause you are my friend. Discount too. His Twitter is @DKWIKSTUDIO. Stay of the show, ZOE! She is SUPER cute and I has a charming blog. MEGA babe. Wicked style. Melody Bar opens next week. Stay tuned for party deets. Slow clap 😉
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