i now it’s hard.

i know that you lost someone so dear, the person you love, your heart. the one who is closest to you, who makes you smile and holds you close to wipe your tears. i know it’s hard but you can get through this. i love you and i am here for you and i am not going anywhere. i will always be here. you know you can reach me anytime. my phone is attached to my hand and there are a zillion ways to reach me and you know them all. i know you feel alone, but don’t. there are so many people that love you and care for you and one of them that loves and cares for you the most, is me. i am thinking of you. the best thing in the whole world when you are down is having that friend, a hug and someone to lean on. friends, i am here for you and i love hugs ♥

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I AM ART: Nuit Blanche tonight. See you on the street!

Here’s a couple things I’ve done and loved fronm Nuit Blanche in past years. I live in the Zone and am totes excited to stayup all night being and BE ART exploring art. 2009 – on Queen Street with my sister Jenie. 2008 at U of Toronto with a bunch of peeps. If you wanna join me lemme know. I have two free flights and mad coupons from Virgin to give away. So aside from just being fun, you might really get something great. I like the artness of this video too. So cool. SEE YOU TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

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NUIT BLANCHE 2010: paint it red

Sitting in LAX waiting for my flight and thinking about Nuit Blanche on Oct 2. It’s the weekend right when I get back and I wanna see friends, I wanna see YOU. Every year I get a group of peeps together and we go out and cruise the streets causing a ruckus etc. I love dancing in the streets. Interpretive dance FTW! This year, I wanna do that again but BIGGER. My idea is to meet at Starbucks  – King and Yonge Street at 8pm. Dress in red, make a mob. Let’s go GENYTO!! How could would it be to have red paint & white painters outfits? A see of people dressed in red clothes? Red face paint? Maybe zombie face? 1,000 red balloons? I’m so excited for Halloween why not start early? Make a whole damn month of it. Lets do this together. I made a FB event, image above links to it. (Yes, I also hate FB events but it’s so easy to add/invite people ok. Just do it.) I love doing fun sh*t as you know, so if we have never met, this is a good time to get off your couch and come have fun with me & friends! Maybe we can karaoke after? What if we did mobile karaoke? Karaoke on the street? I’m open to any ideas you have too so like, share ’em. Lets have fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun! Have to fly to New Zealand now. Have a great night/day depending where the heck you live in the world! I’ve been time travelling all day – three hours behind in LA and about 18 hours ahead in NZ. Cray cray! I am so excited! Yahoooooooooooooters. Ok. Bye 🙂

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Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art. – Andy Warhol

Worked on some of your requests for additions to the Unnecessary Wheels Collection this week. I love making things. It’s a lovely break from the internet to draw and a whole different joy sharing online after. Still thinking about that art show. We have a crabby apple: A purple mushroom with handlebars (in progress): A djembe drum: Making some shirts for Blonde Jovi aka the Bloundetourage aka Blondovision aka my friends that are blonde who blog.  Shirts, stencils, spray paint, acrylic paint. One day I’ll have a factory like Andy Warhol, it will be my factory and I will make more more things than ever before. At my factory, a river runs through it, it’s a creative stream. Ok bye…………..ART ATTACK TIME!!!!!!!!

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i’m sew in love with you zoe

I’m heading to MTV for The Hills to meet a bunch of peeps. Threaded the needles and had my first sew tonight.  It feel so good to sew again. I used to make stuff all the time, since I was little. Sometimes I made clothes for Jenie. I had a business in grade 6 where I made & sold gym bags with drawstring. They mde a rule it was manditory to have a gym bag and I saw an opportunity there. Might of even been grade 5 in Mrs Rolts class. Mum, can you verify that? I’ve named by sewing maching Zoey, Zoey Ng. Now I made things and I call it zoeyng.  I am so happy. I don’t even care if it rains for days because I can stay inside making sun dresses and beautiful things so that when it is sunny, we can look stylish. I’m in love and I haven’t even made anything yet.

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it’s not me, it’s you

Look who’s in town! Makes me feel like doing some street art of my own. Stencil & spray can tonight anyone? Tee hee. I joke. No, I’m serious.  No I’m not. Yes I am. No, maybe. I need a break from computer. Mum is so sweet she said getting me a sewing machine gives me a different outlet for my creativity other than blog/computer. I love her for that.  It’s true really, I’m gonna go crazy (crazier) if I don’t get off the damn computer a bit. Am I really saying this? Yes I am. I spend all day spewing content to the world through computer.  There’s more to life, here’s outside. and bike rides.  Good thing I can blog from my phone. I’m really looking forward to Florida at the end of the month; 5 days, no work and all sunshine. Yessss!

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