Going into this week I was thinking it would be a pretty easy one, after last week’s crazy, I was ready for some chill time. BUT, as usual, something came up! I’m grateful for opportunities that come my way and I’ve learned I really only have one speed, GO. And fast. Aside from *just* fashion week things, I’ve been tasked a new project at 1188, casting & co-directing a commercial. Last year I directed 2 commercials and I realllllly want to do more this year. I’ve always said ‘be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!“.
I’m a firm believer that thoughts become things, intentions become actions, if you channel your energy in the direction of your goals, you’ll be closer to achieving them. So, here I am, wrapped casting auditions for about 75 ppl today. (Snap says 100 but there’s always a few no-shows!)
This is Sergio from Brunch Store Casting, he’s cast people in Say Yes To the Dress, Food Truck Face-off, Amazing Race, and more. He’s auditioned me a few times too. Today we sat at the table, behind the lens, picking people we though fit the request. V judgey. Casting people is pretty fun, I always thought it was something I’d like to do and I’ve had a few casting gigs over the last few years. It’s always a learning experience. We were looking for a couple, so a man and woman enter the room, they’ve never met, and we get them to act out a short scene together on camera. I played the female role a few times, about 8 husbands.
Looking forward to more casting and set-life adventures this year. Remember, follow your dreams and set your intentions. If you believe you can do it, you can.