oops he did it again

Toronto Poster Boy is on the loooooooooooooooooose! He postered me again! Moooohaha. I wonder if you can find it? I know he’s usually around Queen Street and the downtown core. I especially like this one becuase it’s from a post where I wrote “stop working, go home, get outside“.

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"…and your little blog too"

Today I got a message that was a link to the following images. At first, I thought oh cool postering, but then I looked a little closer. I noticed the borderline and then the neon and the face and the name, it’s me. “ll get you my pretty, and your little blog too.” I love it. He suprised me with this today. Toronto Posterboy is a Toronto artist. You can find him on Twitter and if you want to know more about postering his company is called WellHung. He is a smart cookie that Posterboy, I have a site called borderline artistic where I have a collection of artistic things like drawings and poems. It’s an online art gallery. He put my face in neon near the Borderline on Queen Street. Awesomism.

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a little spray chalk on the sidewalk

i know what tapeminatti is now. I spotted a photograph by Chris Wood and it was of a young gentleman spray painting Tapeminatti on a downtown sidewalk. I discovered that Tapeminatti is the place to go if you want to get your poster or message plastered all over the city. My favorite thing that they do is sidewalk stenciling. It is done on any public property using only water-soluble spray chalk. It is most frequently done outside clubs or on busy streets in the downtown core. It’s cool because they use chalk which is water soluble and can be used on walls or over existing posters. I reckon it makes for a very cool effect and unique campaign. I envision my name plastered and painted across the whole city…. The services offered are street postering, event flyering and retail campaigns. On the website there is a variety of media including music and heaps of interesting videos and documentaries. There is an illuminati connection in the documentaries. It is interesting because Tapeminatti prefers to keep a bit secret too. I enjoy mystery. I like to find clues.

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