Weekend Tune: “Comme Un Enfant” by Yelle

Bonjour everyone! Bon weekend!  Is toi reasy for this week’s tune? Je will give toi une hint. C’est some French electro-pop ….It’s Yelle with “Comme Un Enfant” off her second album Safari Disco Club! There’s lots of the cute fashiony pixie surrounded in pink in the video, and je love it.  Let’s have une dance party! Enjoy! xo Kate

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Weekend Tune: “I Feel It All” by Feist

It’s December now! Whhhaaaaaaaaattt?! Yeah. I know. Crazy. Get ready for the snow and cold everybody (unless you’re somewhere sunny in which case enjoy the sun you lucky duck)! Luckily for us there are also weekends in December! So here’s our very first December weekend tune! Just this past Thursday night Feist played Toronto’s Massey Hall and I was oh so excited to be there. She played a bunch of her new album Metals as well as a hearty handful of her older well loved songs. About one thrid into her set a bunch of people got on stage to dance along, including myself! After the dance party was over people started to leave the stage but Feist said we could stay and chill if we wanted to, so for the rest of the show a bunch of us sat down on stage around Feist and her band campfire style! I still get goosebumps just thinking about it! Crazy right? The entire night made me feel…well… it made me feel it all! So here’s Feist with “I Feel It All”! Feel free to dance along! Enjoy! xo Kate

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In CASE you didn’t know, Kate has a blog too.

Have you checked Kate’s blog katekillet.com? It’s full of tasty blog snacks w/ musical flavour. She’s the Queen of Music at casiestewart.com who started as an intern in March and is now my PA who helps with all kinds of things. Kate and I met when we both worked for MuchMusic & MTV Canada then I snagged her to work with me! She covers events I can’t attend, joins me to snap pix and helps me accomplish a super-human amount of tasks in a day (like today). She also has good style. Kate picks & posts the weekly tune here each Friday (Weekend tunes). She’s all up on what’s new & cool in music (hence why I hired her) but if you have something so hip not even the hipsters know about it, send her a Tweet.  If you see Kate at an event say HI! You will love her. Toady she introduced me to the Florence cover of Take Care by Drake & Riri. So good. THANK YOU!

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Weekend Tune: “212” by Azealia Banks ft. Lazy Jay

Friday! You ready to party? I bet you’re more than ready. I bet you’re like “If only there was a song to kick off this weekend because I’m oh so excited and ready to party…” This is why you need me. This is why we’re friends. Let me help you out okay? Ladies and gentlemen I bring you “212” by Azealia Banks ft Lazy Jay. Warning: This girl looks sweet but she’s got a dirty mouth. Don’t let the braids and Mickey Mouse sweater fool you. It’s no surprise that she topped this year’s NME Cool List, this 20-year-old Harlem, NYC girl can’t help but be the coolest. Did I mention that she can also sing? Yeah. Just listen to her cover of Interpol’s “Slow Hands”. Impressive stuff right? Now if you can please excuse me I’m going to continue playing “212” on repeat because duh. Enjoy! xo Kate  

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Weekend Tune: “Help A Bro Out (M-O-V-E-M-B-E-R)” by The Elwins

We interrupt Casie’s wonderful Costa Rica posts for a Movember reminder in the form of a weekend tune brought to you by Toronto’s most charming indie quartet The Elwins. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you “Help A Bro Out (M-O-V-E-M-B-E-R)”! Y’all better be growing some nice mos! You can download the song for free here and donate to their Movember team here! Wanna catch em live? They’re currently touring all over Ontario and hitting up Quebec, check them out. And yes, they do sing about more than mustaches… Enjoy! xo Kate

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Weekend Tune: “Sister Wife” by Alex Winston

Happy lucky weekend everyone! 11/11/11. Did you make a wish yesterday? Here’s a tune to carry you through the weekend. It’s “Sister Wife” from Michigan girl Alex Winston! Last week Star Slinger stopped by Toronto and played a show at the Horseshoe and the highlight of his set was when he spun this track. Ever since I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. Check out his remix! So good right? Enjoy! xo Kate

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