Enjoy A Little, Endure a Lot

This week felt like a long one and it’s finally Thursday. As Keri would say, “Best night of the week!”. Tonight I’m heading to my BFFs house out of the city and tomorrow we rented a sweet hotel room in a random Ontario town, not too far, for a well deserved girls getaway. Sometimes when I look back at my story of the day, on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook, my short term memory forgets things even happen. This was the case a few times this week. I started the week slow, was super tired, and had a sore shoulder from an awkward sleep on Sunday. Tuesday I spent most the day dragging my a$$ through the motions, but, by the end of the day I was so inspired I couldn’t sleep! I was a judge at the Women in Wearables Tech Meetup for the Female Founders Cup.  It was  great to be surrounded by incredibly amazing women making waves in the tech community. You can watch the livestream here if you’re looking for some inspiration.  Women & Wearables: An evening of celebration, discussion & activism Full house for #WWTO! #techtuesday (@ MaRS Discovery District in Toronto, ON) https://t.co/YBfoWuGYVy pic.twitter.com/Rhlijqql5j — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 28, 2017 Wednesday seems like a blur. Did yoga at 7:30 then drove home, picked up Emily and took her to school. Shawn Hawaii came over for quick head shot shoot around 9am and by 10:30, Sean and I we were heading to 1188. The rest of the day was non-stop and by 9:30pm I was finally ready to sit down and do things on my computer. I am SOOOOO looking forward to a 2 night getaway with my BFF and a s-l-o-w pace. I love what I do but life is exhausting and I’ve had to teach myself to take breaks. Also, I can’t wait till we open the…

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2017 Canadian International AutoShow w/ @VWCanada

Recently I went to the AutoShow with VW to check out what’s new for 2018. It was a PA day so people were invited to bring kids and pets along for the special event. I documented it all with my Snapchat Spectacles and they were a hit. You know how much I love tech and these things are rad, watch the video here. I’ve always loved cars, we spent heaps of time in the garage and hot rod workshop w/ dad growing up . It’s incredible how far car tech has come! Volkswagen is known for great performance, reliability, and safety, ‘a good German car’ as I’ve heard so many times. We were looking at the 2018 Tiguan Redesign, 2018 Volkswagen Atlas, and 2017 Volkswagen e-Golf. There was also another little one I just loved, scroll down to see! The event was hosted by Amber Mac, George Pimentel, Afiya Francisco, and Heather Davis. Amber of course talked tech aspects of the new cars, George took photos, Afiya talked about style and how your car fits your lifestyle and aesthetic. Heather is a family road trip expert and she shared how the 2018 Atlas was a great family car for travel, seats 7! The 2018 Tiguan Redesign is a great car for people who like adventure.  I like the aesthetic of this car, it’s sleek but tough, you can tow a set of seadoos or boat (up to 5500 pounds) and pack all kinds of stuff in the boot. Perfect for #cottagelife!  My fav was the VW Beetle Dune. A few people said this was a perfect car for me. I love a cute little convertible! It’s actually quite spacious with 4 seats and enough room for a couple suitcases in the trunk. One of the cool new things they launched at the AutoShow was the…

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Talking Influencer Marketing on the #UrbanizeTHIS Podcast

This week I was a guest on the final episode of the UrbanizeTHIS Podcast with Matthew Slutsky & Ara Mamouran. We had a blast recording and a bunch of laughs before and after. I chatted about the web, influencer marketing, social media, and real estate. Click the play button below to listen!  I got to try on my first pair of Spectacles from Snapchat since Ara has a pair. I AM SO JEALZ OMG. I didn’t connect my Snapchat to test out recording but they felt cool. These glasses allow you to handsfree record videos and post directly to Snapchat. FOLLOW ME ON SNAP: CASIE STEWART   I am hoping to try and track down a par at CES in January! I’ll also be in LA so if the Snapchat Bot is anywhere near, I WILL FIND IT! Subscribe to the UrbanizeTHIS podcast here. I you have a topic suggestion or guests you’d like to hear from Tweet @aramammo or @iSlutsky. (Yes that’s his REAL NAME! ?)  

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Blog Life: Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like It #12

Yesterday I updated the look of this ol’ bloggy and it’s really making me happy. Over the past 6 months I’ve been working lots (which is good but tiring), recovered from a major surgery, and was in a car accident. I don’t usually share much the blarghhhh days I but there’s been a few lately. It’s not ALLLL sunshine and rainbows, I am HUMAN!  I feel like post-election world has been really getting me down. Every single time you turn on the tv, internet, Facebook bad sh*t is happening. It’s sad and exhausting. ? Do you ever just feel like you need a f’n break?! AND THEN, on the opposite end of the spectrum you scroll FB/IG and it seems like people have these perfect lives. Last night I spoke on a panel about beauty & aging and something I mentioned is the ‘Facebook Self’ we all put out there. You know the one I mean! The curated version of beautiful photos, the clean house, smiling well-behaved children, the perfect meal etc. Well LIFE ISN’T ALWAYS LIKE THAT. It’s messy lol. I hardly ever share the house bc there’s always a clothes pile somewhere. Pile on the holidays and it’s all kinda overwhelming. This weekend I’m volunteering to serve lunch to 80-100 in need at a mission with some friends. I’ve been looking forward to it all week. Bringing joy to others, you can’t help but have some yourself. Sunday I’m part of a big ‘Boss Babes Brunch’ w/ some power ladies which will be fun and inspiring.  With my recent obsession for Amazon I got a huge ring light and photo setup for home so I will be playing with that too. This post is #12 in a series of blogposts I’ve written when I don’t really feel like blogging. I find blogging about it helps…

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Forgot to Cancel Amazon Prime But Embracing It = Ring Lights!

If you haven’t seen my tweets over the last few days I’ve been kinda obsessed with Amazon Prime. I forgot to cancel the ‘Free Trial’ and got charged the full ~$100 Amazon Prime amount for the year. Yeah duh. Whatever. I’ve decided to embrace it and tbh it’s amazing. [This post sponsored my bank account.]  I ordered a whole bunch of things this week including a big ring light, tripod, studio backdrop, citric acid, and an iPhone ring light. The acid is for making bath bombs! It was $5 for a small canister at Bulk Barn yesterday so I checked Amazon and bought 2 pounds for $10 AND it arrives today. A couple people asked me about my little baby ring light for my iPhone. It was from Amazon and is on SALE FOR $14.99 ($16.99 CA). The package was all in Japanese (?) and it came with batteries. ORDER →  Universal Camera Ring Flash Took photos in this post with it. Last night I was speaking on a panel about ‘Aging Gracefully’ with an event for Restylane/Galmerma. [I got a couple fillers this year if you missed that post.] I got a few other things this week but I haven’t opened them yet. Thinking about using them to make a video but idk so, no promises. That’s all for today. THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING. DO YOU LIKE THE NEW LAYOUT????

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The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.

Yesterday was one of those full on go-go-go day. The night before I was so tired, falling asleep at my computer. I closed it down and told myself everything could wait till the morning.  I make blog-life look pretty glam on the outside but behind the screen is a lot of hard work, late nights, meetings, and stress. I feel like I’m behind most the time, but some days I feel on top of the world. No day is ever the same.  I remember laying in bed thinking ‘just get me through this week, then I can relax‘. Had a great time speaking at a national Canadian corporation about my blog, social media, and influence marketing. A few talks booked on the topic of creators/influencers lately which I feel shows a that the market and budgets are shifting towards more digital. Filmed a short video with new blogger Nneka Elliott. You might recognize her from CP24 where she’s been a news anchor since 2008. Had a diner with Saje Wellness and about 50 other young women. Did a class with Army of Sass. Then went home and read a bit before fall ing asleep with my Kobo. Just reading back over this makes me feel exhausted!!! The whole day was documented on Snapchat.  Tonight we’re going to the cottage for a couple days before I fly out to Arizona on Sunday. That reminds me, I have to pack! Gah.  Title quote is by Audrey Hepburn ? FYI my contest for office space at The 48 inside 1 King West closes today – enter by visiting the post below! Get to Know The 48 Office Suites + OFFICE SPACE Giveaway!

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