Kickoff to Summer – GrillzJam

This weekend, Shark|Ninja invited us to the incredible home of Toronto based artist Charles Pachter for a kickoff to summer. Panoramic views, great people, and the centrepiece of it all – a Ninja Woodfire Outdoor Grill. They were also giving away custom grillz onsite from Cappd. I didn’t win a custom grill but I would really like to have this outdoor grill on our patio. Especially Sean lol. Had a great chat with Charles about his career and beautiful home, both a private residence and gallery museum. He purchased the lot 1996 and there was a Jewish funeral home in the back, “I really took a chance with this place when no one else wanted to“. It was nice to see friends and eat snacks on the rooftop, just as the sun was setting. I had so many laughs my face legit hurt. Loved exploring the art, glass elevator, studio, and multiple patios. I first visited this house in 2010 (see below) and to quote myself, “Honestly, the place is stunning. If you ever get to go there, go. Actually, find a reason.” When I saw the theme was ’70’s mod/cool’, I knew my outfit right away. This silky jumpsuit has been sitting in my closet for months and I was waiting for the perfect moment to bring her out. Thank you Cappd, Ninja Kitchen Canada, DM Public for a great time & Charles Pachter for having us in your home. All photos by Nick, Show some love to this post on Instagram here! FROM THE ARCHIVES: SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 👩🏼‍💻 According to the archives, I first visited this same home in 2010 for a Toronto Film Fest party. Reading old blog posts is such a trip. It’s like an old diary, written by you at some point, yet you don’t remember writing…

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Fresh Hair for Spring

It’s spring! Finally! Soon enough flowers will start blooming and it won’t be as cold. Hard to believe we’re almost into Q2 of 2023. The start of this year has been interesting, sometimes I feel like it’s all going as planned, and then the next minute I just don’t know! In other news, I hadn’t had my hair done in ages and decided it was time. A friend recommended. Beni at Blunt Hair Co. so I booked an appt and went. I am so happy with how my hair looks now, obsessed. Book him here, he’s incredible. I am also so in love with my new freckles done by my friend Misty Fox! She’s an incredible makeup & SPF artist who is now doing semi-permanent makeup freckles. If this is something you’re interested in, send her a DM on Instagram @mistyfox and tell her I sent you. If you’re looking for a new cut, color, or style, go see Beni! Follow him on IG at

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Day 618: Me & My Plants

Hello from me & my plants! To be honest, I keep wondering if I should stop counting the days but we are still in a PANDEMIC even though some things are “normal-ish”. Sometimes it feels like the pandemic is over but as of today, Ontario has a 46% rise in cases. I don’t mind being home, to be honest. I love the slower pace of life, the excuse to not go anywhere, the opportunity to bail at any time. I also love my plants so much. Anyhoo, saying “hi” and Happy Friday! Hope you have a great day!

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Day 376: You Make Me Happy

This week has been good. I’m getting into a workflow and figuring it out as I go. Most days I get up at 7-7:30, go for a run at 8 am, do a short Peloton workout, then get ready to start work at 9:30. If I’m at my desk or working inside the whole day, I like to put on something I’ve not worn in ages and go for a walk. Sometimes it’s just around the neighbourhood, other days it’s a nice long walk with a friend. YOU MAKE ME HAPPY The title of this post ‘you make me happy‘ is also a song also used in my latest video here. When I put on this jacket, it instantly made me smile. Made me think about how my clothes make me happy. So many of them have fond memories of a time or feeling. After spending 90% of 2020 at the cottage, one of the things I was really looking forward to was being home with my stuff. I love playing dress-up or sorting through things I haven’t worn in a while. While the world around us is so different, I find great comfort in the familiar things. Might be my Taurus nature to love home so much. I don’t have many family heirlooms but some of my most treasured things are clothes worn by my parents or anything from nana. Remember the other day when I mentioned Transitional Coat Season? Well, here we are again with another coat! I ordered this one 5+ years ago from one of my fav artists, Valfre in Mexico. It didn’t fit for years but I couldn’t bear to part with it, no matter how many times Sean said “you have too many coats“. Glad to report she fits great now and Valfre is…

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Day 227: Witches In The Woods

It snowed today for the first time this season. I’m not ready for it but I also feel so romantic about it. I instantly want to start playing Christmas music while it falls slowly outside the windows. The sun came out for a minute in the afternoon and the snow finally stopped. I needed a break, so I put on my witch outfit and went into the woods. As one does! I am definitely my fav subject to shoot and highly recommend taking your own photo once in a while. I could have asked Sean but I find I like to do it myself and take my time. I don’t always know what I’m doing when I start so I like to just go with the flow and feel it out. Sometimes it works out and sometimes I just pack up and go inside and do it another time. I usually end up with a couple of good photos and a whole bunch that get deleted. I also like to take Live photos so I can turn them into short videos with the Lively app. I set up my tripod and use a self-timer or one of these handy Bluetooth remotes from Amazon. Most of the photos in my Instagram posts are taken by me with this method or a straight-up selfie. I made this video and was laughing so hard at the witch cackle, Sean was like ‘what are you DOING?’. Oh nothing, just being weird haha. See the video with AUDIO on Instagram here. With love from the woods!

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Day 220: Sit Down and Let It Out

I’ve wanted to write for the last few days and I didn’t feel like it. It wasn’t until I just started writing whatever came into my head that I was reminded how much I love to write things down. It might seem silly but sometimes you just gotta sit down and let it out. Having a diary (online or off) is so good for thinking through your own issues and reminding yourself who you are. It’s a great way to get to know YOU again. On Day 7 back in March, I wrote a post called Give Yourself A Break and I’m surprised I haven’t started a series with the same name because we all need it right now. The theme for this post is the same. I haven’t been feeling great today. I’m low energy and tonight I plan to watch Gossip Girl and go to bed early. It’s ok to give yourself a break, actually, I quite recommend it. I didn’t post on IG Stories for two days (even longer for the feed!) and it’s a small thing but it gives me a small pleasure. Sometimes I just don’t feel like posting. Everything seems a bit harder these days and we gotta know when to take a break. You never know what might happen so it’s important to try and see the bright side. We all have something to be grateful for, remember those things, write them down if you need to. I really love the caption on my good friend Brigitte’s post today. A good reminder, it’s ok to feel the feels.

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