i wanna take you higher

Had a lovely lunch with the GenYTO team today. I’m sending this note from the 360 Resto up top of the CN Tower. I’ve not been here for ages and it is so freaking cool.  I’m being tour guide to four friends in town from Boston this weekend. I love this city so its really rad to show it off to them!

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NUIT BLANCHE 2010: paint it red

Sitting in LAX waiting for my flight and thinking about Nuit Blanche on Oct 2. It’s the weekend right when I get back and I wanna see friends, I wanna see YOU. Every year I get a group of peeps together and we go out and cruise the streets causing a ruckus etc. I love dancing in the streets. Interpretive dance FTW! This year, I wanna do that again but BIGGER. My idea is to meet at Starbucks  – King and Yonge Street at 8pm. Dress in red, make a mob. Let’s go GENYTO!! How could would it be to have red paint & white painters outfits? A see of people dressed in red clothes? Red face paint? Maybe zombie face? 1,000 red balloons? I’m so excited for Halloween why not start early? Make a whole damn month of it. Lets do this together. I made a FB event, image above links to it. (Yes, I also hate FB events but it’s so easy to add/invite people ok. Just do it.) I love doing fun sh*t as you know, so if we have never met, this is a good time to get off your couch and come have fun with me & friends! Maybe we can karaoke after? What if we did mobile karaoke? Karaoke on the street? I’m open to any ideas you have too so like, share ’em. Lets have fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun! Have to fly to New Zealand now. Have a great night/day depending where the heck you live in the world! I’ve been time travelling all day – three hours behind in LA and about 18 hours ahead in NZ. Cray cray! I am so excited! Yahoooooooooooooters. Ok. Bye 🙂

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

W/ agent @carlyannedotcom star @brockmclaughlin #festivalmusichouse #classy (@ Roosevelt Room Supper Club w/ @hawleydunbar @sidewalkhustle) # I was a guestlist jerk bringing extras. Sorry. Ma friends! We changed plans. # Photo: Made these today http://tumblr.com/xmjio4zvk # dressed for fall fun. http://twitpic.com/2oseb1 # i love demi. moore. # i hope joe fresh is doing makeup tonight at the #dietcokeTIFFest (long hashtaaaaag, i guest other options would be inappropriate eh) # restarted fixed. love hate when that happens. #SOS # omfg. deep breath baby, sit down. hot. RT @shopsterium: Just talked to RYAN GOSLING! He squeezed my forearm. I think I'm going to faint now. # THATS WHAT SHE SAID hahaha. RT @lannycardow: @casiestewart thanks for the tip. These questions are best left to ppl cooler than me. # #SOS my mem card slot on my comp makes noise when goes in, no reading though. tries card reader. need photos. please help. # Photo: i love her. i will d.i.e. if we meet in NZ for http://tumblr.com/xmjinse1i # this #genyto was fun http://twitpic.com/2orieu # atta girl haha RT @Sn00ki: My look is copywritten, you can tell I made it. -Fab 🙂 # halloween. i'm waiting for you. i can't wait to pour blood on my face for the zombie walk too. # happy birthday mum https://casiestewart.com/ # aahaha RT @jessepace NyQuil texts are the new drunk texts. # i'm bringing @parishilton to the coke party. see you in the bathroom. #tiff10 #dietcoketiffest # This is so funny to me. Meat head. "You think the meat dress matches the meat drapes? That would be my question?" via @Nick_Nolte # Thanks @rockitpromo for #festivalmusichouse Reporting in my absence tonight is @rochlatinsky. Have fun!! #tiff10 # the famn damn @brockmclaughlin @AndrewFstewart @carlyannedotcom @laurenonizzle @SidewalkHustle # hi @NZFashionWk, i'm like mega stoked. will be styling at…

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wake me up when (my) september (dream) ends

This September kicks off a bright start the the next few months. I’ve got a full calendar until Christmas!  After that, I’m thinking about a vacation but who knows where I will be  by that time.  I only ever imagine I would be where I am right now. Look up at the sky, be thankfull. The beauty of working for myself is that as long as I keep living and have internet access, I’m working. I promise myself to make the most of each day, set high goals and document it. September is a ver exciting time in Toronto as we host the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). I’ve not gotten an movie tickets and I need to get on that. I’ve been invited to some pretty neat stuff in Yorville during the day throughout the festival. Wasn’t able to attend before cause I was working for THE MAN, now, going to that stuff is my JOB! I am THE MAN. The next three months go like this (GenYTO & TweetgasmTO are in there for both Sept. & Oct. somewhere too)… Sept. 9-17: Toronto International Film Fest Sept. 18-28: New Zealand Fashion Week Sept. 30: TEXxTO Conference Sept. 30-Oct 3: Boston Friends visit TO Oct.4: Contract with TrendHunter (3 Months Oct-Dec) Dec: Go visit Mum in Bahamas on the Boat for Christmas. Working on something else cool for October that I will share next week. So many thing on the go that Google Calendar & Tasks are my new BFF.  I am so excited about things happening my head might explode. Please thing responsibly today, your thoughts become things! CIAO darlings xo P.S. VOTE FOR CASIE! I have till 7pm to STEAL THAT LEAD. Jamming to this right now.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Photo: me today. http://tumblr.com/xmjgw6yzk # #lexuslive w/ @aprilwozny http://twitpic.com/2is2fx # omg cameras everywhere za #lexuslive # #lexuslive me and @startwithbutter babe ttp://twitpic.com/2irt83 # Yeah @the_stills. Pretty fun time #lexuslive http://twitpic.com/2irscu # #lexuslive @the_stills http://twitpic.com/2irrvx # Yin & yang @distillerydistrictTO with @gailmcinnes & ME for #lexuslive http://twitpic.com/2irl7r /via @catekustanczy # #lexuslive w/ @jgrdnr http://twitpic.com/2ir5qt # I wish my taxi was a LEXUS right now. #lexuslive # blog, blog, fashion baby, #NZFW here I come! https://casiestewart.com # whoaaaa dude, 420 by 4:20 we did it! you rule man, you rule. #virginamerica http://post.ly/u7Wu # is there food @ #lexuslive event? @notabletv? # fak. already 4pm. must eat get ready be there for 5:30 FML. # i love blog. # anyone know a really rad/clean WP template that is magazine style? # oh man. this day has FLOWN BY. cripes. # blogged: we bring the fun, we bring the fire, we are the future. #genyto http://bit.ly/bvYSNb # you’re ugly and your mama dresses you funny. (dad’s old bumper sticker) #

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it started in attempt to keep more memories

Hmm. What in the world was I doing at this time last year… Archive ART HIVE Time! I will not be paid in fancy lunch. “There’s a lot to be said for not giving two flying fuck’s Mr. Darwin.” – creative salt I got new prescription glasses in the MAIL. Woke up thinking it smelled like back to school. Caught a robber on a bike in Liberty Village. Wardeobe malFUNction at work with breast. Rain drops were falling down in rounds & floating in the wind. OMG TWINS. Met at the stupid Koodo party. I found Selah Sue and dated the internet. Photo shoot with Kelly Kruschel on a sports field. First heard the term: Socialnomics Found the most CREEPY house in the city Wrote a short story of a girl I know. Went to a party at London Tap House. (Weird cause GenYTO is there TONIGHT!) Wrote about a Mullet Man. Time travel is fun. I just went through some posts from August 2008 and my style has changed a bunch. I started writing more after that time. My friend Simon said to me one day “stop posting all this crap and write your own stuff”, so I did. One of the greatest things about having a blog is the ability to go back and see things you forgot about, really remmeber the past and how it made you feel, who you met, what you wore. I love seeing how my life has changed and how much I’ve grown over the years. I inspire myself to keep working hard and reach my goals. Hope fully you inspire you too, or maybe I inspire you (?), either way, I hope you are INSPIRED! Have an awesome day & I will see some of you tonight at GenYTO. Our guestlist is…

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