Hmm. What in the world was I doing at this time last year… Archive ART HIVE Time! I will not be paid in fancy lunch. “There’s a lot to be said for not giving two flying fuck’s Mr. Darwin.” – creative salt I got new prescription glasses in the MAIL. Woke up thinking it smelled like back to school. Caught a robber on a bike in Liberty Village. Wardeobe malFUNction at work with breast. Rain drops were falling down in rounds & floating in the wind. OMG TWINS. Met at the stupid Koodo party. I found Selah Sue and dated the internet. Photo shoot with Kelly Kruschel on a sports field. First heard the term: Socialnomics Found the most CREEPY house in the city Wrote a short story of a girl I know. Went to a party at London Tap House. (Weird cause GenYTO is there TONIGHT!) Wrote about a Mullet Man. Time travel is fun. I just went through some posts from August 2008 and my style has changed a bunch. I started writing more after that time. My friend Simon said to me one day “stop posting all this crap and write your own stuff”, so I did. One of the greatest things about having a blog is the ability to go back and see things you forgot about, really remmeber the past and how it made you feel, who you met, what you wore. I love seeing how my life has changed and how much I’ve grown over the years. I inspire myself to keep working hard and reach my goals. Hope fully you inspire you too, or maybe I inspire you (?), either way, I hope you are INSPIRED! Have an awesome day & I will see some of you tonight at GenYTO. Our guestlist is…
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