#tbt Photos Make a Great Gift

This week my computer had a non-fatal heart attack. Luckily I’ve got a backup of all my files. During my 3.5hr stopover at the Apple Genius Bar yesterday we wiped my Macbook Pro clean and started fresh with the operating system. It was so full before that it could not even. It’s so much faster now, I’m never letting that happen again! I’ve been looking through thousands of photos on my backup drive and came across these ones of my mum and sister. We hung out in the beaches one afternoon a while back and for christmas I edited and framed a few of them for my parents. One year I had a bunch of stickers made with Social Print Studio and stuck them on everyones cards. Once you download the SPS app you connect Instagram, and easily print your photos in frames, on wood, cards, stickers, life size prints. This year I’m working on 2 projects one for holiday cards and another photo thing for my fam. I’m a little behind but going through these photos is good motivation. Can’t wait to spend some quality time with these ladies over the holidays!

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It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year!

Honesty, I woke up this morning and put on Michael Buble’s Christmas album with NO SHAME. Ripped the halloween decorations off the walls and mirrors. I’m ready for the season! I won’t rush putting up all the decorations just yet but I won’t hold back the spirit! One of my fav Christmas albums is She & Him. When Sean and I started dating, I remember him singing ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ to me at our first christmas saying I should stay a little while longer.  So much love in the air this time of year. Still swooning 6 years later! ❤️?? [arve url=”https://youtu.be/iigfts-sJFg?list=RDRz4oG4eh5J0″] On Thursday eve I’m going to Saks/Hudson Bay for the Christmas Tree lighting and holiday window reveal. AND in a christmas miracle twist MARIAH CAREY WILL BE THERE TO LIGHT THE TREE. I can’t wait. It’s only a matter of time before we bust out this wonderful ‘Togetherness Sweater’ that TOMS X Target sent a couple years ago. Last year Netflix sent over THIS amazing Christmas Sweater feat. Bill Murray. Here’s to kicking off the holiday season! I’m excited. Can you tell!? ??????  

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Hello From The Other Side of The Screen

Last week I was so exhausted but after a weekend of naps and relaxing, I feel so much better. We went out for a mini-halloween on Friday and took the rest of the weekend off. I’m usually ALL ABOUT Halloween but this year, I was too dang tired. Travelling the last month has been great but it started to catch up with me the last couple days. I was feeling sick, tired, sad, discouraged. I often rirng mum on days like that and she reminds me to take a nap and not be too hard on myself. Almost every single time I feel like giving up and ‘getting a real job’, something great is around the corner. This year I’ve signed up for NaNoWiMo (National Novel Writing Month) after a few unsuccessful attempts ovefre last 5 years. The goal is to write a novel in 30 days with a little bit each day. I’ve been working on a 10 year blog/book thinger for years a while and I’m determined to have it done by the end of 2016. I’ve got the framework all together and I just to actually sit in a quiet room and WRITE. Winter is always my ‘hibernation station’ time to focus and set goals for the upcoming year. I don’t have any trips planned till after Christmas so this month is all about self care and spending quality time at home and with my computer. Being on the go is a really exciting but part of my life but I also really love being at home writing on my computer. I’ve got heaps of stories to share so I hope you’ll stick along for the ride. Here’s to a great week! With love,

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Guilty Pleasures! ? Bachelorette Canada & Wine! ?

Tuesday this week was the premiere of Bachelorette Canada and I watched and tweeted along with the rest of the country (it was trending!). Yes, I know these ‘looking for love‘ shows are a bit silly but I GOD DAMNIT just love them for the commentary and chatting away on Twitter. I started show tweeting when I worked at MUCH & MTV 6 years ago, it really takes the TV watching experience to the next level. If you could have a glass of wine with any of the bachelors, who would it be? #BacheloretteCA #TogetherWithTwoOceans pic.twitter.com/dnmALJtMC2 — TwoOceansWineCA (@twooceanswineCA) September 14, 2016 In case you didn’t notice during the commercial breaks, Two Oceans Wine is one of the sponsors and they graciously sent me a couple bottles & goodies to enhance my viewing experience. I’ve partnered with them to share my thoughts on Twitter and the blog throughout the season. The things is, wine goes really well with show tweeting. It’s like hanging out at a party, making new friends, laughing, all the while sitting on your couch with a blanket and snacks. I would say I probably posted 20+ tweets during the 1.5 hour premiere!  #BacheloretteCA Premiere Fav Moments This is Canada’s first season of The Bachelorette, where Janine Poplak (from Vancouver) met 20 dudes, and gave out 15 roses. Some of my fav moments from the premiere below. Bachelor Kevin P. played a little tune on his ukulele and I quite enjoyed it. Side note, I have a uke and my goal is to learn to play by Christmas. Whoa Kevin + ukulele that was cute #bacheloretteca #TwoOceansWineCA — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) September 14, 2016 Her dress was gorgeous. Look at that long train! ???? Kevin W gave her a high five when he got out of the limo, haha. This was a cute moment when…

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Beer, Chips, Ferris Wheel, and The Adventure Contnues

My packages all get delivered to the 1188 office so sometimes I arrive art the office and it’s like Christmas! Yesterday I got a rad present from Blue Moon Brewery & VICE Canada, a party invite in the form of a colouring book with a nice set of pencils. So neat! The drawings are all by The Crazy Plate Lady (check her out here, so cool). DYK THERES A KETCHUP DAY? Now you do! Lay’s sent a BOX of ketchup chips. I’ve shared most w/ the office because even though I could eat them all, I really shouldn’t. ? Another clue in the weekend adventure w/ Ford Canada, they delivered this bag complete with a custom luggage tag.  The Twitter conversation continued after this delivery but I still don’t know where we are going or what to pack. I’m thinking I’ll take everything Columbia Sportswear has given me and stay super casual.  @FordCarsonM I'm great at packing versatile outfits pic.twitter.com/hasrftEqip — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) June 8, 2016 @MattDS_FOC @FordCanada @NATIONALPR a ha! #escapeanddiscover pic.twitter.com/PHRfecOM8u — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) June 8, 2016 On Monday night I went to the Rogers Upfronts. If you’re not familiar w/ TV, it’s where they gather media and advertisers to share stats and introduce new programming. After, they have a huge banger. I laid on the field at 3rd base with a few of my bros and watched the show. After, ate all the snacks and rode the ferris wheel that was INSIDE the Blue Jays Stadium. So cool.  Each of the channels (Vice, sports, etc) had a booth set up to share cool things about new shows. There was also beach volleyball, candy bars, and a couple food trucks.  Saw this on my travels yesterday and loved it. You really don’t have to be a…

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Monday Feelin’ Like Saturday

Had a great weekend. Good Christmas. Went for a nice walk to the park and enjoyed the warm weather on Chrismas day. Sean enjoying a scarf mum sent. Looks great on him tbh!  Had a bbq with some friends on Saturday night. Was great to get out of the house after hibernating for a few days. We’d been in serious holiday mode watching movies and binging Netflix. Not feeling so hot today. Feels like I’m getting a cold. Gonna rest up and keep this holiday mode spirit alive! Hope you had a great weekend too.

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Holiday Mode

This time is year is so hectic, ahhhhh! Lots of running around from now till Friday! Today mum is coming down to help me with some office elfing, aka getting presents ready and delivering to clients. This weekend at home was so nice, a great start to holiday mode. With Christmas on a Friday this year, I think it’ll be easier to really take some time to relax. I’m totally in in love with these little sweaters Telus sent over to help get into official #HolidayMode. The entire campaign is great. [vine id=”imeeM6z0dHx”] Do you know a tablet Dad? [iframe id=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/R37Cx8QwDtg”] I probably spend the most time on my gadgets around my family but this holiday season, my goal is to spend less time staring at my phone and more face-time with the ones I love. I like putting on the (digital) fireplace, reading a book, or simply relaxing on the couch and staring at it. If  you don’t have one via cable already, pop over to the Telus YouTube and put this one on your tv. [iframe id=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/WSpXLtbhRaU?list=PLZzZFlOdIAXahCRBhRx-t44BlBcRFPdEL” autoplay=”yes”] I love the Internet and technology and how it keeps me connected to the world, but, taking a break from it is totally awesome too. Your batteries need a recharge. Thanks Telus for helping me get into holiday mode. Can’t wait to cook Christmas dinner later this week! OK, off to do my efling! Enjoy the day!          

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Friday, I’m In Love – Holiday Style!

I absolutely love this. One of my fav songs since I lived in Australia 10 years ago. Heart warming to see this big group singing amongst the lights of the Toronto Christmas Market. I’ve not gone by there yet but plan to pop by next week during the day. [iframe id=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/LvUnBEA7_ZI”] Something cool about this vid and another reason I wanted to share… To perform Friday I’m in Love, they required permission from Robert Smith of The Cure. After he watched a short clip they sent him, he loved it SO MUCH he asked them to donate the licensing fee to charity. Together, Koodo & Choir! Choir! Choir! (80 choir singers in TO)  are donating that fee towards sponsoring a Syrian refugee family. ALL THE FEELS. I love it. In other news, I went to the Koodo office during my last Telus visit and it’s full of bright colours and smiles. Happy Friday, spread that holiday cheer!   

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Monday, Monday, Monday!

This morning I ventured out to Etobiocoke for a plant tour of a clients workshop. It was pretty neat. I love the smell of workshops. My dad owned a big hot rod shop that had a warehouse when I was a kid, I spent so much time there growing up.  Had to fully gear up with glasses and steel toe shoes. It’s crazy warm in Toronto right now, 12 degrees! Apparently it’s NOT because of Global Warming, just an El Niño keeping things warm. A record-breaking El Niño has shunted the jet stream far to the north, paving the way for warm air to shatter records. [More here.] Here’s a little sneak peek at the Christmas tree April and I decorated at the 1188 office on Friday. It’s a selfie tree! We’re even got Drake, Kanye, and Otis the dog (RIP, love you). Had some great chilli for lunch. Tonight I’m doing a holiday screen printing workshop with Peach Berserk. Can’t wait! Might finally do that all over print of my face. I know that’s what you want for Christmas!   

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Winter, Spring, Jingle Bella

Oh hellooooo! This week has been a bit of a weird one. I’ve been pretty busy at 1188, this weather is lovely, and I’ve taken a bit of a relaxed holiday mode to blog work. When you’re a blogger/influencer you really don’t get a day off. I know I’ve chosen this but it doesn’t make it less tiring! My goal for December is to spend more time doing things offline/without a screen. More on that & Holiday Mode tomorrow.  I’ve still got things to share, my addiction to documenting will never go away!       Made falafels this week for my first time and I’ve made them twice since. Seriously, best ever, so good. As a dipping sauce, crush up a garlic clove and blend with low-fat mayonnaise.  You’ll love it.  Last night we took Emily to get a tree and tonight we’re planning to decorate. I wrapped a bunch of presents the other day so we had a few to go under the tree.  These cuties! ??   Looking forward to hosting family Christmas at our place this year. Hence all the work I’ve been doing to get the house ready!  It never ends!   

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