HO-HO-HO! Need a Holiday Jumper? I Got You!
I’ve been growing my collection of holiday sweaters for years. In honour of the holidays approaching and the ease of Amazon Prime, I’ve selected a few great holiday sweaters that you can order just in time to rock that holiday party. Called on Sean to model some of the sweaters I ordered. Photos were taken using portrait mode on the new iPhone 8 Plus and my new millennial pink seamless background. Ho-Ho-Holiday Sweater Fun All three of Sean’s sweaters are from Amazon, the Cash Business Wreath, Braaaaap, and Go Jesus. I also ordered the Stripper Silhouette which is on its way lol. If you’re looking for something a little more feminine, I’ve included a few crazy print holiday dresses you’ll be sure to dazzle a crowd in. ?? Oh man, I can’t wait to bust all these out. [amazon_link asins=’B017W6N2DG,B01JOY84NM,B01JOY984Q,B0149YVTKM,B011MLDLB0,B0761S7JTY,B00QVM7ZJA,B0752H8RL4,B01JOY5KQG’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’casiestewartc-20′ marketplace=’CA’ link_id=’91a8a9c0-c6a6-11e7-b035-d11afef75969′] I love digging out my hidden stash of holiday sweaters that’s been tucked away. One of my all time favs that you can’t buy was a gift from Target Canada years ago (RIP Target Canada). It’s called the ‘Together Sweater” and fits two people. Sean and I only wore it once to a party and did not last in it all night. It’s wool and super hot but totally fun. I love this stuff so much. Bring on the holiday cheer!
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