Day 46: It’s Gonna Be May

Wow does it ever feel great to get dressed in an outfit, do my hair and wear makeup! I’m not sure the last day I did this! I figured since I was leaving the house I’d pull myself together. Went to the post office today and have made friends w/ Judy, our local essential worker postage lady. Each visit I’ve been bringing her a little surprise as a thank you for receiving my packages and working during this time. I am SO EXCITED to run in my new shoes, they’re beautiful and feel amazing. Will have to wait till it dries up a bit outside, it’s been pretty rainy. I know it’s annoying but this is my fav meme of the YEAR! May is my FAV month, my birthday and it’s when the weather *usually* starts to warm up., may I am here for you and all your Taurus glory! One week until the day it’s all about meeeeee! LOL!

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Create Better Days

I’ve been going through old hard drives up at the cottage and wow, I’ve taken a lot of photos. There are multiple drives with hundreds of folders and nothing is organized properly. Many people would be stressed TF out by this but I’m really trying to take inspiration from my chaos. I’m finding so many things, texting old photos to friends, making notes, and making a new list of old ideas. Each morning here, I get up, make coffee, some type of snack, and sit down at my computer in the kitchen overlooking the lake. I’m often wearing big noise-canceling headphones with nothing playing, I like silence or muffled sound when I’m trying to concentrate. Searching my drives is an endless adventure of, what could this be?! Folder names go from date_nameofclient to ‘iPhone2014 dump’ or ‘new folder4’, it’ a mess! I love having all my memories in photos and videos, it’s so easy to forget the daily details of life. One of the things I’ve really noticed is just how many selfies I take in relation to how many get posted. There are a lot of deleted selfies. Yesterday, after putting the boat in the water I came back and was feeling cute. Grabbed my tripod and set it up outside, snapped a bunch of photos with my remote and voila, the ones you see here. To be honest, I looked at so many of them, hitting delete and not feeling happy with how I looked. Yes, it was early morning no makeup, but how I felt before the photos (cute) vs how I felt after the photos (not cute) didn’t match up. This happens all the time but I’m trying to not be so hard on myself. Today, looking back, of course, there were some bad ones, it…

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Who Would WANT to Be NORMAL?! Not Normal FTW!

I woke up to a FB notification from William Jones this morning and he said this ad make him think of me. I don’t know if it’s just because I was half alseep but when I watched this…I felt a little emotional. I’ve alwasy been ‘not normal’, had my own style, made my own path, and done things in my own way. Probably the Taurus in me and strong influence from my parents to ‘be myself’.  It’s great to be part of a world where we embrace the NON NORMAL. NOT NORMAL is the philosophy that has guided the design of MINI for over 50 years. And it’s the same philosophy that connects the brand to people who drive MINI today. In a world where so many people are trying to fit in, MINI extends an open invitation to those who would rather stand out: . I  hope my blog inspires you to go out into the world and BE BOLD, BE YOURSELF. Think of your life as a movie, YOU are the director, you decide what scene is next and who is in it. You are the STAR! HAPPY TIFF! Have a beautiful day! <3 CASIE Buy Soma Online Buy Strattera Online Buy Trazodone Online Buy Ventolin online

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I always loved this movie and still want to be a mermaid.

This photo is from DRESSED presented by Maybelline during Fashion’s Night Out at Burroughes in Toronto. Thanks F-List & Leesa Butler! See the set on F-List’s Facebook. Friend in the middle is Miche Foran. I mentioned her as one of my fav designers in a recent eBay ‘Style Stories’ profile. She’s just getting started but has amazing style, designs, headwear. We’re both Taurus, love her. Yesterday was awesome. This is my first ‘official’ day outfit. We have a farmers market in our neighbourhood this weekend. CN Tower looking beautiful as always, it’s getting colder out now. WTHR app is hard to get used to. I keep reverting to my ‘traditional’ weather app. Saw some cool old records on my way home from work. Got a free cupcake. Brock McLaughlin has a new campaign for RW&Co? He’s blogging now, it’s entertaining. I always loved this movie and still want to be a mermaid. <3 CASIE I wish I could be friends with these girls and make up dances with them. We’d be the coolest crew in Toronto. — Lauren O’Nizzle (@laurenonizzle) September 18, 2012 [View the story “So Yesterday: Sweet Tweets” on Storify] So Yesterday: Sweet Tweets Storified by CASIE STEWART · Mon, Sep 17 2012 19:16:49 The next 7 people that come in and whisper the secret word "@pulpandfiber" get a FREE Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip!Dlish Cupcakes ® @casiestewart stay connected for more FREE "whisper" cupcakes and welcome to the hood :)Dlish Cupcakes ® @casiestewart Seeing this made me think of your Angela Bauer tweet last week. Niño This made me laugh so hard. RT @karonliu: Man, rich people sure love their decorative gourds.Pay Chen Smiling changes your perception about life. Know that what you think about all day IS your reality.Dawn Abraham Listening to "Walking On A…

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Who’s the BOSS? #mustang

Made friends with 2012 Mustang Boss 302 last week. Sexy. I was nervous but then I just gav’er. Something magical about a really powerful engine. I’m gunning to take this babe for a spin on the streets. Wanna drive a Porsche too. Friday I’m invited a fancy party hosted by my friends at Ford for the unveiling of the 2013 Escape, Shelby GT500, Taurus SHO, Focus ST. I really, really hope they’ll let me borrow the Shelby this summer. I grew up around cars, mostly old classics in Dad’s shop.

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learn from, laugh with and love

I checked in on a friend, a  babe who blogs. We are one day apart and both get auto-tweetted horoscopes. I don’t always read my horrorscope (stupid word, usually positive when I read them) but sometimes I do. My birthday is May 8th and I am a Taurus. Did you know? Would you have guessed differently? You are ready to step into a role of service now, perhaps to help someone less fortunate than you. Maybe you are more concerned with paying back a debt to society or balancing old karma. In any case, consider what you are willing to give up in order to accomplish your altruistic goals. You won’t be of any assistance if you abandon your work midstream. Making a commitment is serious business, so think carefully about what you are going to do before you do it. Funny. Earlier today I was just getting a heart on for some social good…December #genyto. There’s lots of cool-smart people involved and you can be too. More details to come. This holiday season is gonna be the best, I’ve got lots of giving on my list. The jewelry factory has opened up for one of a kind and customs. I love making stuff. You can now see a bunch of Toronto Blog Girls all in one spot. Pretty cool. I’ve been totally excited  for many days in a row, now that I look back a month. Weirdo. Totally. Note: Is every store having massive sales? I keep getting discount emails? There’s so many sales, uh, makes me want none of it. I want iphone…soon… and ♥ Follow Friday: Alexi Wasser – blog babe from LA, she’s boy crazy, she’s cool and I like her. @imboycrazy

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