all i want for christmas is you
Checked my phone first thing. Christmas messages from around the world are so awesome to wake up to. Thank you! Went upstairs and woke up my sister like I always do. She likes to sleep in. Dad made coffee. Fireplace channel was on. There’s snow outside which is nice but it doesn’t quite feel like Christmas to me. Maybe its the lack of snow? Last year I was in Cuba, hardly felt like Christmas then either. I was lazing by the pool at Hotel National in Havana eating bbq shrimp and fresh fish. I missed my family but there were so many distractions and I’m not that big on this holiday anyways. I enjoy giving presents all year. This is the first year Mum’s not been here for Christmas. Stopped by the house yesterday. I miss you Mum, more today than any other day. She makes it feel like Christmas, the many phone calls re: us coming home, who will be at dinner, what we are having, gift ideas, the tree, the decorations. It’s not the same without you Mum and I wanna make sure you know it. We’re gonna have a great day at Dad’s today. I brought Uno and last night we played Apples to Apples around the kitchen table. I’m sure the Bahamas is loving your energy Mum 🙂 Merry Christmas everyone. Have an awesome day and be thankful for all the joy in your life ♥
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