all i want for christmas is you

Checked my phone first thing. Christmas messages from around the world are so awesome to wake up to. Thank you! Went upstairs and woke up my sister like I always do. She likes to sleep in. Dad made coffee. Fireplace channel was on. There’s snow outside which is nice but it doesn’t quite feel like Christmas to me. Maybe its the lack of snow? Last year I was in Cuba, hardly felt like Christmas then either. I was lazing by the pool at Hotel National in Havana eating bbq shrimp and fresh fish. I missed my family but there were so many distractions and I’m not that big on this holiday anyways. I enjoy giving presents all year. This is the first year Mum’s not been here for Christmas. Stopped by the house yesterday. I miss you Mum, more today than any other day. She makes it feel like Christmas, the many phone calls re: us coming home, who will be at dinner, what we are having, gift ideas, the tree, the decorations. It’s not the same without you Mum and I wanna make sure you know it. We’re gonna have a great day at Dad’s today. I brought Uno and last night we played Apples to Apples around the kitchen table. I’m sure the Bahamas is loving your energy Mum 🙂 Merry Christmas everyone. Have an awesome day and be thankful for all the joy in your life ♥

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Christmas shopping @ Cambridge Centre

Wonder if I will see any old highschool chaps? Hmm.

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christmas eve photo diary: shopping w/ dad

I can haz? mmmm Woke up to snow. Dang cold out today brrrrr. Dad’s butcher is at a FARM! Pretty packed there this morning. After that we went to brekky at Angie’s Kitchen in Waterloo then to a hardware store. Beer store then liquor store. Didn’t know Rickards Dark was made w/ maple syrup. Might be tasty, eh? Now we go to Cambridge Centre, Best Buy, Future Shop, Walmart and all the other big boxers. All I wanted for Christmas was to hang out w/ Dad 🙂

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merry christmas from cuba amigos

I’m having a blast. Staying at a five star called Hotel Nacional de Cuba Not internetting very much cause it’s so freaking slow and painful. Figure I’m better to save myself the trouble and drink pina colada’s in the sun. Best pina’s here EVER! Old Havana is so neat. I took about 8,000 photos walking around. Saw a cool show last night with musica & dancing. That’s all for now…back outside to the sunshine! Have a great day, I am 🙂

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chasing your own tail around the christmas tree

Holidays are pretty much the busiest time of the year…for everyone. This week I’m running around like freaking MANIAC. It seems, so is everyone else I know/need to see/like/love/try to avoid. Tonight is the finale for one of our shows at work, you might have heard of it, Peak Season? Anyhooters, I’ll be tweeting away for that tonight. Tomorrow I’m getting my teeth whitened thanks to Pure Med Spa. Hope it doesn’t hurt! Wednesday is the ever famous HoHoTO that I’m planning to make an appearance at. Thursday, is  pretty much the last day before I leave to finish up all my work for blogMuch/MTV cause Friday is filled with holiday jazz. Thursday night I’ve got my sista coming by to pick up holiday prezzies for the whole fam-dam. Ah…take a deep breath…all I really wanna do is this…..

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boney christmas

i love, love, love christmas music. something about it just puts a smile in my soul that resonates throughout by body and shines out light a bright ray of light. the dude dancing in this vid is totally awesome. the snow is falling on the streets and rooftops and there is magic in the air. this video takes a minute to load to let your patience be fair. it is worth it. boney, boney christmas! sing along and enjoy!

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A Little Life Lately – December 2024

Here’s a little life lately update! I had three auditions for commercials this week, and I booked one! The job is for a US furniture store, and it will also be in print, digital, and OOH (out of home, aka billboards!). I’m posting these photos to remember this natural hairstyle, but I’ll return to blonde in the new year. I’m also getting new headshots to kick off 2025 with a bang! 🎇 Last week, I went to the Fox Theatre in the Beaches to hear a Q&A with author Julia McKay (Marissa Stapley), which my friend Jen Kirsch hosted. I’m listening to her book ‘The Holiday Honeymoon Switch’ on Audible. So far, it’s the perfect light-hearted book I need in my life. A great holiday read! Get a copy here. Last week I spent a few days with my dad and sister, it was so lovely. Being with family, especially this time of year, is really great. Christmas has never been a big celebration with my family, as most of us are in New Zealand. For the next month, I am house-sitting at a friend’s place and taking care of her plants. It’s really nice to be in her beautiful space, and I kinda like being alone. This is where I am typing this from! I hope you are enjoying this holiday season and doing exactly what you want to do. The holidays can be a stressful time and I wish nothing but peace and rest for you!

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Halloween 2022: Witchy Woman

This year’s Halloween was pretty chill, although I wore a witch costume almost everywhere I went from Friday to Monday. She’s a witchy woman! On Friday night Sean and I were at his office and saw there was a show at Velvet Underground. It turned out to be TikTok star Akintoye and he was INCREDIBLE. Next, we stopped by Baby G on Dundas and saw Fluffio, I hadn’t heard of them but they were GREAT. On Saturday, we took a family adventure to the Parkdale Spooky Market which was fun. The sun was shining and it was SO WARM OUT. We picked up a few things then I walked home. On Monday, I dressed up for our all-hands meeting and wore a family heirloom, this scary old lady mask my dad used to wear to take us trick or treating. It’s a classic with my friends and we always laugh at it. Was fun to see how many people dressed up for the meeting this year! Our Funday office in Armenia carved pumpkins and I ran polls to guess who did each one. I did not get wild on actual Halloween, went to my fav class at the gym, and wore my fav Valfre outfit. Look at me, a workout witch! Abs are coming in! I was really slack with my workouts this summer, feels good to be back on my game. That’s a wrap on Spooky Season 2022, time for Christmas music!

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2022: Be Consistent

Well, well, well, guess who’s back? I really jumped the gun when I stopped counting the days about a month ago because shortly after, Omicron took over our lives. December feels like a blur, I was mostly at home, Sean was up north. I hung out with friends, went to an event, things started to feel normal, right before they weren’t. Covid was everywhere. Sean and I were both sick over the holidays and spent Christmas alone together in the woods. I really enjoyed a break from work, life, and the city, even though I was sick for 90% of the time. The past year has been exhausting for a suite of reasons and it was nice to check out for a bit. I have opened this blog to write something more than a handful of times but I just couldn’t do it. I haven’t felt like myself and I haven’t felt like sharing. Up until this week, I still had a brain fog that left me feeling like a dull pencil needing to be sharpened. I took a break from running and didn’t start the New Year with goals and aspirations like usual. BE CONSISTENT This year I commit to ‘Be Consistent’, that’s my theme. I will keep running, eating well, drinking less, and working on myself. I am going to come out of this damn pandemic a better person. ARE YOU WITH ME? Over the past week, I’ve been back to my morning runs, got my hair done, and have been cooking great meals in our new air fryer. I’ve not been doing much other than watching Amy on Jeopardy, finishing 3 seasons of Succession, taking care of my skin, and going to bed early. I also started a class on crypto with a friend. It’s boring-ish life…

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Day 375: Healthy Meals for Me

Ya girl is kinda exhausted! I took a nap after dinner and then went for a walk before the sun went down. Moving to FT from PT is definitely an adjustment. I enjoy the job but it’s just different being on for so many hours a day. I feel like WFH vs work in an office is a bit harder to handle. In an office you have camaraderie & water cooler chats, whereas being at home, it’s just you and the computer or Zoom-style meetings. In other news, I’ve been testing out some new healthy meals and thought I’d share! As part of my fitness journey over the past two years, I’ve moved towards a more plant-based diet. I’ve been doing intermittent fasting to curb my late-night eats and trying to up my intake of fruits, veg, and fiber. Some meals I’ve been really enjoying are smoothie bowls and these high-protein, vegan breakfast patties from TMRW Foods. I also ordered their burger & ground products to try later this week. I find that I’m less tired when consuming fewer meat-based products and my skin feels better. ? This dairy-free coconut yogurt from Liberté is also SO GOOD in a smoothie or bowl topped with fruit, creamy coconut oatmeal, and All-Bran buds. I love how beautiful smoothie bowls look and they are absolutely delicious as an afternoon snack! That’s all for today, going to bed early so I can get a full 8 hours. Since getting an Apple Watch I’m committed to completing my fitness and sleep goals. I’m still running each morning and it’s been so nice having warmer temps. YAY SPRING!

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