yesterday on twitter, this happened:

super warm out right now. # Imma eat you (@ Z-Teca) # Gah. RT @THR: Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ Viewed Online More Than @LadyGaga, @JustinBieber Videos # This is a good read: To My Pre-Internet Ex Who Died via @ThoughtCatalog – To My Pre-Internet Ex Who Died… # the #yandr was very meh today. not enough sharon & @victornewman. # music: found this again today. listened like xx times. #blog # break for mama’s show. #yandr # love @youtube on #ipad + speakers. # java update. #talknerdy # surprising that only ONE person called the number i published today. bunch of txt’s as i asked though, you are so well behaved. # have you votedfor @shawnhawaii today? takes 2 sec. # I favorited a @YouTube video Selah Sue – Raggamuffin # Singing Selah Sue song after song. Do you know her? You’ll like this. # Love it here. (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) # Little visit to my loves. Congrats on great event last week! (@ Nella Bella Head Office) # Loving the intern applications for @artstewmedia. Stew brewin’! # happy when rains so i can wear… # i’d like you to play this one on guitar & we can sing it together. (@YouTube # same. RT @thatdrew: stop. showertime. # blog job: $100/post #humberPR #CCIT #CCPR #toronto #gta # weather this weekend was so nice. patio chills w/ @keriblog # hey ducker. # i have blogged more than 5x today on different sites. who says they have no time for blogging? pfffft. # Photo: › you know you’ve made it when you google yourself on the internet and this comes up via @gublersoup # nice to know. RT @SeanMoffitt: Contrary to popular belief, men…

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I totally know her!

The main reason I started blogging over five years ago was to keep more memories. Totes worked 🙂 Found all these babies on Google images. Self portrait in the park. Was spinning here to get the blurry background. Self photography – advanced class. The day I announced I was quitting my job to go work for CTV – MuchMTV. Shot by Lynsie Roberts for new Zealand Fashion Week press. Amex Celebrity painting thing with these fine babes. Also the day I won ipad Andy. New Zealand chatting the lovely Hannah at Nom D during Fashion Week. Here was shooting with Kelly Kruschel in Liberty Village. Marcel made an XBOX Theme of me. Party sponsored by Audi for Fashion Week in Toronto last year. I want to drive an Audi. I want to drive an Audi. I want to drive an Audi. I want to drive an Audi. Custom made silkscreen printed dresses from Peach Berserk – MMVAs 2010 & Love a Heart Auction 2011.

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New York Cab Lemon Sunflower Scrambled Egg, mellow.

To be completely honest, I wanted one of these mugs. Keri has one. Process Yellow C is fresh, bright and beautiful. It’s the colour of sunshine. I love when people call me sunshine. Any of you guys have a Pantone mug? Send me a pic! I will make something. The mug came with the epicly awesome HP Envy print/scan/copy machine today. I can’t wait to make stuff. Yay to making stuff! Ok, here’s the yesterday recap. It was a great day from the moment I woke up. Yesterday on Twitter This Happened: I am in looooove with everything! (@ Bicyclette Boutique) # You maaaaaaake me feel shiny & new… # Mix: @nellabellabrand bags, @metowestyle beaded heart, @rubyboutique fur # Daily reminder to take a sec & vote for my boy @shawnhawaii #ultimateblogger # had a kinda fun request from my agent @fairlieagency this morning. i love fun jobs! # just had lasagna. i love lasagna. what you having for lunch? # Photo: kinda like me. # Where do you want to live? — on the internet. # How are you? — Awesome. # If you had the opportunity to live one year of your life over again, which year would you choo… — 2004 in Australia # I was wondering if you’d like to grab a coffee, Thursday aft, you, me ? Riot Zone.? — who are you would help? # What do you think the world will be like in 50 years? — less fighting, less water, less trees. # Photo: i need these coins STAT. # 15% OFF Latex Clothing # Photo: i would get this for nerd boyfriend: Circuit Board Tie # How to Put Together an Effective Startup Press Kit via @erinbury – erinbury:…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

If you are close come by. (@ The Rhino w/ @picard102) # Babes trying on clothes for us (@ Buckler) # this was played during dinner at Campagnolo this weekend. love this song. ♫ # haiiiiiiiii @raymitheminx, what are you doing tonight? # Photo: THIS – is this the real life of is this just Fanta-sea # Photo: for @raymitheminx # omg Sense Appeal is at 699, at 700 we get free coffee! go like the shiz # Nadim at Sense Appeal is stylish, check his gear. # and yes dappleganger is a more dapper doppleganger # there is a dappleganger of @thedanlevy at Sense Appeal right now. # yay team! # i miss you @raymitheminx . we need a play date just you & me to catch up please! also gave gift for you xoxo # I liked a @YouTube video TEDxToronto 2010 Sponsor – The Working Group – Produced by The # Super cute extra long boyfriend cardi from @MarksWW w/ cowboys & jeans today # My friend @GuyKawasaki sent me a signed copy of his book! #blog # Love it here every day. (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) # oooh! Nice! RT @ShopBicyclette: Currently unpacking floral & denim rompers, a vintage-inspired lace trim dress & floral cardi’s #lovemyjob # i love ipad. # This is your daily reminder to vote for #ultimateblogger @shawnhawaii #winning #

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The same thing we do every night, Pinky…

Great time Thursday at JapanquakeTO. I wore this red one piece pantsuit number. Been crazy busy the last couple days with some client stuff and trying to take over the internet world. I have so many stories/photos to share. I really like to blog when things happen, the whole reason I started this thinger was to keep more memories. Totally thought I busted my Olympus camera but realized this morning I just had the battery backwards. Blonde much! Car has been in parking for the last two days, I like having it but man, parking downtown is a real b*tch. Guess what, Toyota loved my post about the whole ‘gettting towed’ thing and they are going to reinburse me the $180. Sweet as eh! New tatttoo(s) are healing nicely (see red  <3 below). Got vodka in the mail yesterday from Smirnoff but I think it was an April Fools, the bottle came with it’s own speakers. What am I supposed to do with that? Drink it alone in the park with my ipad? Maybe. Really looking forward to my trip to Boston on the 14th for a few days. Alwasy nice to get out of the city, always nice to come back too. I’m working today with a client then have a dinner this evening with a friend. Really looking forward to that 🙂 Happy Saturday, CASIE

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Woke Up to Me ON @Mashable

As soon as I saw the first part of the tweet pop up on my push notification on ipad I knew what it was, I just had a feeling…could it be? Me and for what? In this: Top 5 Digital Marketing Agencies on Mashable “When Virgin America was launching its first international route to Toronto, its Creative Director Jesse McMillin contacted Evan Fry, V&S’s Chief Creative Officer to brainstorm ways to build buzz and find a local brand ambassador in Toronto. They came up with the Virgin America Toronto Provocateur. The website V&S created — with a video of Sir Richard Branson himself — received 1,500 contest entries, which were narrowed down to 20 candidates (this seems like a small number, but candidates needed to live in Toronto, be able to do the joband submit a video, which limited the applicant pool). The site received 46,000 unique visitors and V&S helped Virgin find its cheeky new ambassador, Casie Stewart, who still functions as the provocateur.” Never heard of Mashable? Geeks & nerds across the universe think about/have thought about waking up to themselves on Mashable. Well, I know I sure have. Read the article on Mashable & leave a comment! Have an awesome day. P.S. get a ticket for JapanQuakeTO at Tattoo on Thursday right hurrrrrrrrrrrrre!

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