hello LALA LAND, i’m comin’ w/ my @nellabellabrand!

Was frantic yesterday running around looking for something to wear in Dallas that is ‘Western inspired’. Have no fear, the tickle trunk I like to call my closet room is chalk full of theatricical outfits. Jeans hanging up there are my Shop Girls Yoga Yeans, only jeans I’ve worn since I got them. Really comfy and slimming, this all coming from someone who does not like wearing pants so, I mean serious. Keri also came through with a rodeo shirt that will be perfect. I knew exactly what I was looking for and it was surely not this. Well, in some variation but not together… Before shopping I stopped by to see the lovely Tarek at Nella Bella and look what I got… BTW took the nose ring hoop out (Mum :)) so Dallas and customs don’t think I’m a punk. Shaved head/mohawk style looks kinda punky but the blonde hair is distracting, so… I try to take the safest route and go for cuteness when I visit to the airport. I feel like thatis somehting @barbiestyle (aka Barbie) would say. Haha. I wonder if I will see that one customs guy again? Whoa, tangent. Back to this this lovely HUGE bag, he said I needed this colour for LA. SO true. Thank you! I picked up a couple others that will come out during my travels. One is the famed Nella Bella London bag in red. The small part holds my passport and essentials and the big part fits my iPad (Andy) and netbook (Robert) in it perfectly. The big yellow guy is so handsome. If you ever wonder the white rabbit furry guy is from Ruby Boutique in New Zealand. Ok, flight time. Catch ya on the flip side AKA, in the air on Virgin America!

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december beach body countdown has started.

There will be abs. I know I’m small but I am not really that fit. I wanna go away on my vacations next month and feel good. I wanna look at photos and think ‘you look great’ not, ‘detele that one, you look gross’. It happens all the time. Don’t judge me. Ok, think what you want. I tried on my skinny jeans (which by the way are a very unhealthy size) and said if I fit these I have a body image disorder. They don’t fit. When I lived in Australia I came home so skinny, remember Nicole Richie running on the beach, yeah that was me. So gross. I’m getting in shape this time. Ate healthy yesterday and have has breakfast two days in a row. It takes dedication and a bunch of little steps to get results here! I started this blog to keep more memories it used to say “people. places. things. thoughts: in attempt to keep more memories“. If I write things down I’m more likley to make it a reality so that’s what I do. On that note, heading for a brisk walk to Yonge & Dundas Square to catch some pix of the Santa Parade (largest in the world) and ride a mustache (not a real one a skateboard one for Movember!). After that I’ve got a 90 min massage at Ostara Spa. Looking quite forward to everything today! I’m ready for the holidays. Gimme a candy cane.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Tick tick tick, that's the sound of your life running out. #dexter # Omg #dexter Cut you. # I'm 983 votes ahead of the other #SauzaSin finalist – help me hit 1,000 by casting your vote now! http://on.fb.me/cwlj22 /via @SauzaSin # Cute > Goodnight tweedos Xox /via @Sn00ki # WordPress To Be More Tumblr Like http://ff.im/-tL1AS /via @courtneyengle # How Sarah Palin says "crevas" is funny "cre-vaaaas". Is that the right way? # If you have a pain in the back try laying on a frozen apple on the couch. Feels nice like a cool hard massage # Live well. Learn plenty. Laugh often. Love much. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson #quote /via @VROOMmedia # Congrats to Tina Fey on the Alaska show. Kinda serious buy still funny. # Forgot my BF Sandy Cohen from OC was in Centre Stage. Reason enought to watch right there. # I miss doing ballet and having long hair for a bun. # Full Moon starring Smith Jared. Full frontal. # Thanks for the Dexter deets. ILU guys! 😀 # What day is new Dexter on and what channel? # Can't take my mind off of you, can't take my mind, off of you…till I find someone new. #blowersdaughter # a web log entry > https://casiestewart.com # Blogged: Kiwi model Jessica Clarke just shot the D&G campaign with Mario Testino http://bit.ly/9hi71L HOLLA! /via @isaaclikes # I could never say no to this face. #closer http://twitpic.com/36yjsf # Wise words from Marc Jacobs in Vogue UK: "You can never please everyone, and I believe it's best not to." /via @LisaTant # Friends, where should I go for accupuncture in this city? # Closer is a good choice on #Netflix One of my favs + all good actors. # Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Buncha babes in sequins! @raymitheminx blogtourage ftw! # Party time! @raymitheminx 10 year FTW! (@ Wrongbar) http://4sq.com/cAC3aa # somebody haz party dress on! http://dailybooth.com/u/60qxo # can you hear the horses cause here they comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee # i love my blog. there i said it. it’s true and i’m not taking it back ever. true love <3 # if you are not making it to wrongbar for the awesome @raymitheminx party you should go see @morgan_c_ross at rivoli 🙂 # Today i tried on some great dresses at @ShopFY and the winner is…. https://casiestewart.com/fashionably-yours-for-life # omg nick and sharon are getting married again. way to follow in your dad @victornewman‘s footsteps guy. # damn, i forgot to get eyelash glue. # this one’s for you miss http://twitpic.com/35yuvv # hai http://twitpic.com/35yuqu # Recognized by someone I don’t know on the street. Love when that happens 🙂 # Omg there are so many nice things here peeps. Think we found a @shopfy winner! http://twitpic.com/35y1dh # You will be happy to know that this morning, my room started gettin cleaned. Oh yeah. New leaf haha. # Heading to @shopfy for an outfit for @raymithemix huge bloggerama party. Look out style baby! Outfit pix coming soooooooon! #

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VIRGIN AMERICA: we’re all winners here

Yesterday I gave away a flight on Virgin America at Finch Station. I let out a few clues via Twitter/Blog and in order to be eligible you had to meet me there with an I LOVE VIRGIN AMERICA sign. I rode the subway playing Angry Birds drinking Vitamin Water hoping like crazy that people were ready to meet me.  Imagine if NO ONE was there? Oh man, I’d be mortified. Well, there were a bunch of people and they all had signs! Christine was the first one to spot me on the subway car and I heard her yell “she’s here” which was followed by her running beside the car to the door where I was about to exit. Imagine my surprise when I saw all these beautiful faces! (BTW don’t judge me for the crap photos, returning my camera today as the flash seems to have died. I am a camera killer.) Analog: Digital: In order to make sure the winner was TOTALLY random I was blindfolded with my pashmina and stood in the middle of the group whilst spinning around then stopped and pointed. Not the most advanced method but deff the most tried, trusted and true. The winner was Rochelle Latinsky. Congrats! After the big win some peeps had to go back to work and I took Phil & Tyler to Boston Pizza for a little lunch date. Big thanks to my new bestie Calvin at the Yonge Sheppard Boston Pizza for treating us all. Imma cook up some fun with that guy, he seems to have his finger on the pulse of some neat stuff and it all involves YOU. I’ll be giving away flights for the next couple weeks each Monday at a random TTC station. You know where to get all the info and…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i’m a wicked multitasker. ftw. # i hate that paper.li. it’s UG-Li. # Well done Dana 😉 RT @danadearmond: You’re like half of mount rushmore, two faced! -burn I just made up. @danadearmond 2010 # oh my BF, Gubler, you are so handsome. ILU> HEAPS. # been stalking a few people online. makes me feel good cause i know peeps be creepin on me and my blog w/out comments & shiz. totes fair. # uh huh @issarged. niiiiiiice. http://twitpic.com/316rar # lookin good @crystalgibson 🙂 #140characters http://twitpic.com/316qwc # just for you my sweet @morgan_c_ross 😉 http://twitpic.com/316qgh # anyone know someone at @TBWA? kinda stalking them atm. http://twitpic.com/316p1w # Photo: omg. http://tumblr.com/xmjncepgf # thinking i will be a dominatrix style vampire friday night for people downtown’s halloweener party. yeah? # or bring me to your gym for a class. i dunno what i like or wanna do for exercise but i need to do something. beach trips in december! # omg love chatting w/ mates from NZ, reply “Na bro” sooooooooo kiwi. # have you got some yet today? https://casiestewart.com # i need a trainer or fitness classes, something for 1 month. 30 day challenge > you will be blogged. email me: [email protected] # I’ve favourited a YouTube video — Matthew Gray Gubler: The Unauthorized Documentary http://youtu.be/u2Ll4LAoeZE?a # Photo: › FASHION HAIUKU: › › First page of your blog › › Jeffrey Campbell “Lita” Boots › › Navigate away. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5zg2 # Photo: Christy was my fav model growing up. › [Mystery solved] (you were right, @randtm!). › › Christy… http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5v37 # Photo: › my BF Gubler in Terry’s glasses. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5s6l # Photo: my BF and terry terrysdiary:Me and Gubler in my studio. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5p4w # i am in love with matthewgray gubler. hey mgg, calll mee! # “having fun isn’t hard when you’ve…

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yesterday was great i have to run to a show now

Yesterday was great. So many great people around this event. HI EVERYONE new I’ve met. Check out my new bestie above Krista who won ANTM. She is hilar. Would be nice if I was smiling! This is us with our minders and a lovely blonde in the demin. Great shows yesterday fav’s were Zambesi, Adrian Hailwood and Cybele. Running out for brekky and to see Ruby show. Have a massage this afternoon. Yahoo. I’m loving NZFW. TTYL xoxo

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nzfw – day one

update 1: lovely sleep in my monster sized bed last night. caught derek on a  new zealand breakfast show then headed with him and his handler to the venue. me venus at the media breakfast onsite. tasty brekky snacks and coffee. nails done by magic tan & beauty, hair done by ghd, makeup mac. wearing andy hall blazer, vintage skirt, nella bella bag. oh hai ghd hair + mac makeup lounge venus getting hair did saw juliette hogan show this morning and now running to sera lilly. having the best time. love you xo

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blog, blog, fashion baby, NZFW here I come!

Getting pretty dang excited for NZFW coming up Sept. 20-25th. I’m really stoked to see the style and meet sponsors, designers. Who knows who I will meet! I thought it would be a great idea to look at some of the stuff online to see what I’m in store for. Image below will take you to the gallery on the NZFW site. Last year PAMELA ANDERSON was there. I’ve alweays had a thing for her. Imagine I go all the way back to NZ and meet a Canadian celeb? Crazier things have happened. Check out these hot models from the pre-shoot. Skip to 3:00 and check out the model competition winner with the moustache. I am already secretly in love (or not so secretly). Omgaga. I am tres EXCITED!!! So running behind right now because I browsing NZFW stuff. I need to get’ a moooooovin’. I’m off the #lexuslive event hosted by Notable TV at the Distillery for The Stills concert. haha Stills/DiSTILLery. Have an awesome night!

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today in the news

Totally whatever… #loserkaraoke http://twitpic.com/2gc2lb # You are so good looking. My party feat @jeremywright @michaelnus @randeepk @photojunkie http://twitpic.com/2gbblx # I don't feel like it today http://twitpic.com/2gbb9w # I pretend that I am partying hard when I am not …see photo for fake party animal http://twitpic.com/2gbas7 # If I do not get in to #tedxto y'all need to rethink what is important. # I'm so hip right nowhttp://twitpic.com/2gawx2 #hipsterhop # #geeeeks CASIE + @photojunkie @jeremywright at #thecrush dinner http://tweetphoto.com/40075729 /via @MichaelNus # I eat #iphone4 for lunch http://twitpic.com/2gaswk # Uh, asked for unicorn puking rainbow and I got it! Careful what you wish for!! Thanks @randeepk http://twitpic.com/2gasck # Omg cuhest -@photojunkie and me http://twitpic.com/2gargu #thecr # Stella ella ola chop chop chop singing… http://twitpic.com/2gaopb # Small and tan and young and lovely…the girl from? Toronto. # Yes @tera_kristen I drew it on then had it tattooed! in reply to tera_kristen # The view of #Toronto from Sound Academy right now, beautiful http://tweetphoto.com/40069640 /via @robsarj # http://twitpic.com/2gafy6 just did this sweet infinity tattoo on the lovely @casiestewart /via @TourLife # Hair cut, tattoo, sent invoice, ininerary, en route to dinner, today is a great day. # RSS board http://twitpic.com/2gago9 # Hideout boarding http://twitpic.com/2gagda # New artwork done, just a little guy http://twitpic.com/2gaes6 # Ink me @tourlife http://twitpic.com/2gac11 # Quick tattoo before dinner with #thecrush & @jeremywright (@ New Tribe Tattooing & Piercing) http://4sq.com/aJtgLM # Wicked smart. # Told a running girl "you have a nice bum" drove away and she is still smiling. #kindness # I could really use a wish right now. Like shooting stars. # International – transcending boundaries and timezones. I'm ready. # …and I do my little turn on the catwalk… http://twitpic.com/2ga21u # Me right now @ my stylist Darren Kwik http://twitpic.com/2g9y12 # My hair right now is…

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