#GENYTO: Mardi Gras style at @LouDawgs, Feb 21!

We are way over due for this meeting meetup. Let’s celebrate ‘carnival season’ on Fat Tuesday with some good ol’ southern BBQ, live music and a whole bunch of awesome people. Get a ticket HERE through Guestlist. If you have never been to #GenYTO, come! If you HAVE been before, you should especially come and see your friends. WE MISS YOU. Check out some posts from previous events here. What is GenYTO? In January 2009  Erin Bury, Renee Warren, Daniel Patricio, Dave Coleman and I started GenYTO.  A group for the wired, creative and ambitious young people in the in the Toronto startup, marketing, PR and tech community. We’ve done some pretty fun things since 2009 and helped out a whole bunch of local, national & international charities.  For more info visit the GenYTO tumblr. February 2012 Charity: Breakaway Addiction Services Located in Parkdale, Breakaway Addiction Services has a mission to provide seamless, comprehensive and effective harm reduction services and a full range of addictions treatment services. Their services are offered through community-based facilities with a focus on street and community outreach. Come join us for good times 🙂  

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#GENYTO #SMWTO party photos

Friday night at Lee’s Palace was great fun. Thank you to everone who came out. I love seeing so many good looking familiar faces & meeting new ones. Many thanks to Marcel aka @mdee14 for being my photog for the night. Pictures look great, see the full set on Facebook. You can tell which photos in this post are from my wee little camera. 😉 Ex. 1, 2, & 3. Sheldon you look hot, Lisa too. SMWTO stickers by Sticker You. I need some stickers, pronto. Any of you remember/have my OLD stickers? Back stage for Prince Perry‘s show. BTW if anyone wants to go to their show on Feb. 25th, LMK. I got your guestlist. Gave away a couple flights on Virgin America as your Virgin Toronto Provocateur; one to a GenYTO ticket buyer, one to a Social Media Week Volunteer, third to a fan of the band Prince Perry & the Gladtones. Winners were Ava Zack, Kayla McQueen & Natalie Taylor. This game takes me back to highschool so bad, love it.  I’d like to play more often, who has a table?? Once there was no more dealing with capacity issues  & everyone could get in, I gave myself a thumbs up… …and had a beer. Afan you are a party animal, I like it. If anyone wants to get involved with our GenY initiatives in some way, please email me. We have a tumblr GenYTO and if you would like to contribute content related to young entrepreneurs or cool internetty stuff, let me know that too. The next GenYTO will be in the spring and it will be HUGE. Keep an eye on the hashtag for other cool stuff until then. Have a great day,

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Hey Peeps! GenYTO is tonight at Lee’s Palace. You can get tickets at the door. If you want to get one before go here. There will be a couple bands performing including Prince Perry & The Gladtones. I’ve got a few flights to give away from Virgin America too! Come out, meet people, network and have fun. This is the PERFECT way to close out Social Media Week 2011! See you there!!!!!!!!!!!!

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we bring the fun, we bring the fire, we are the future.#genyto

First of all, thank you everyone that came out last night. It was one of the most epic GenYTO night’s we’ve had. It was HUUUUGE! I arrived early and there were already a few peeps ready to get the party started. Soon as 8pm rolled around, the sun was setting and a steady flow of people filled the London Tap House patio. Before we knew it, we had a full on PARTIO happening. There are five of us on the organizing team and we all have red marked name tags, they are Erin (above with Jonathan), Renee (below) , Daniel & Dave. Dave in the pink shirt. I met a heap of new people who were happy to be attending a GenYTO for the first time. Heard comments all night about how many new faces there were around. I love that. This group started in Feb. 2009 with about 30 people meeting at an uptown bar near Young and Eglington. Last night, our guest list topped 300 and there was lineup to get in for part of the night. Amazing, eh! There were lots of babes around too. That’s Daniel on the right beside tattoo’d stud. Fiiiiine ladies. Digging this track reco from @JoelReilly, below. He made this for me today. I called him Wayne and now I’m Garth. haha So funny. Sean Ward show in the haus. There were a heap more photos you can see here or check me on FB for the album. Stay tuned for September GenYTO info. We’ve got some things to share with everyone and it will without a doubt be a night NOT to miss. Happy Friday everyone. TGIF MoFo’s! p.s. sorry to be annoying but did you vote for me in the Virgin thingy? it’s over in 4 days. don’t worry 🙂

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hey see you at #genyto old friends and new friends

Genyto is pretty dang fun. One time, earlier this year, we did chatroulette! Everyone is really nice and likes to have fun. Meet some of the peeps! See you tonight!

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Come join us for a #genYTO #partio August 26th!

Mark your calendars cause on Thursday, August 26th it’s genYTO at The London Taphouse. They have graciously set aside a HUGE area for us on the roof patio starting at 8pm till late.  Snapped this pic on that same roof last summer,  sun setting is pure beauty. If you have never been to a genYTO night before, be prepared for awesomeness. It’s a group that was founded in January 2009 by Erin Bury, Dave Coleman, Renee Warren, Daniel Patricio and myself to combat the negative portrayals of generation Y in the media. Articles were floating around saying  we’re  self-absorbed, confused, spoiled, lazy, and entitled. Truth is – we are inspired and motivated to drive change in our world. Erin said it well on her blog: “We think we’re actually some of the most driven, hard-working and inspired people out there, so we decided to host a monthly event in Toronto to bring the GenY community out, share ideas, and of course share a couple beverages. The events now get over 100 people out each month and have inspired folks in Ottawa to found the GenYOTT events. “ This time we will have some special announcements.  Exciting stuff is happening behind the scenes with the GenYTO crew and we are looking forward to sharing that awesome with you. Get your tickets here. They’re free 🙂 Feel free to check out  the stuff we’ve done over the last couple years on Google or on my blog. If you would like to donate anything to enhance the experience, let me know. I’d be happy to get you involved. My Sims  Nintendo DS BFF Joey totally has the right idea. Have a great day! <3 CASIE

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