Don’t mess with Texas Blondes

    Still driving! Road tripping is as road tripping does. Here’s what we’ve been up to…

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SXSW first @keek update.  SX3B.COM

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Yesterday Lau and I went shopping for some new SXSW digs. West49 hooked us up with a whole bunch of gear from Billabong & Element’s SS 2012 collection. I’m a long time huge fan of surf life & culture so this was totally rad. Safe to say, we had fun! I tried on a bunch and you’ll see all the goodies I picked over the next 10 days while we’re in Texas. There’s a whole bunch of pretty things the full West 49 lookbook here. Billabong recently partnered up with Aussie style blogger Oracle Fox and she designed 15 new items. I’d love to do that! “Growing up by the sea with all my girlfriends, we had an entire lifestyle that revolved around surfing and having fun – we pretty much still do. Most sunny days we have off you can find us surfing, sun baking, chilling a tour local beach kiosk/organic café or going on some road trip adventure. The pieces I designed with Billabong encompass that freedom.” – Oracle Fox Lauren and I both got this totally rad fringe sweater from her collection.  Glittery shorts? Yep, they’re mine now. Follow @West49 on Twitter & Facebook here. Yesterday Kate showed me this totally RAD chose-your-own-adventure HTML5 music video for Chairlift’s new video for “Met Before”. There’s more story lines than I’m sure you have time for in your busy day. However, I suggest you check it out for it’s sheer creativity & production value. Can we make one of these please?  HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!

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Sun on the face. Senators only. Reflection. Welcome to Canada. Baby blue. “I’m melting” The Blondetourage: expressed as neon wolves made of ice at Winterlude 2012. Full circle. Walked from my hotel down to the mall, through the market, around Parliament, through Winterlude, across the canal and back. Kevin was a great tour guide and I posted all kinds of beautiful things you won’t see here I saw on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, Keek, Facebook and a 360 view from Parliament Hill. It’s fairly mild and the sun felt good on my face. I will remember this day forever. Don’t have hair & makeup till 7:30pm, it’s nap time. Might watch a movie too.  

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Ladies your car is here! View from my room at the Westin Ottawa. Once I got settled in I did what I always do when I get to a hotel, jump on the bed, jump into a robe, then jump into bed. I wanted to stay there but we it was time for dinner then shows. Cute boy in red pants. Rachel Sin & her models.

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First Class Ticket to Capitol Hill

Snapped this last night just before my talk at The Working Group. The sun sets so beautifully on Queen Street West. I love Toronto. I thought I was going to miss my train this morning. Luckily, I thought it was at 6am but it was really at 6:40am so I had more than enough time. Unfortunately I rushed out of the house and my luggage is all smushed in a bad and I only have two pairs of shoes. TRAGEDY! The platform was cold and dark but I sat down in my first class seat and went back to sleep. Sitting on the train to Ottawa now with Gabrielle Miller (Corner Gas/Call Me Fitz), Gail McInnes (TDot TV), and Cory Lee (Degrassi). We’ve got rehearsals this afternoon for tomorrow’s “Runway for a Better Way” charity show in support of Unicef. Cory and I are wearing Canadian designer Rachel Sin who’s an architect turned fashion designer. I slept most of the way here. Last time I took the train it was meant to be a short little ride but we got stuck by flooding or snow and I made this video; 420 consecutive photos, one train ride. Via Rail won’t let you watch videos or “download big files” so I’m unable to embed it. One of my most fav things I’ve ever created. I’d love to make a new one on the way home Monday. There was a Zombie Girl on my money last night. I hear a limo is picking us up when we arrive then we head to rehearsals for 1pm. At 2pm I’ve have an interview for a book about Canadian media. So much going on I feel like a whirlwind but I love every minute of it. Last night at the SM Cafe closing party for Social Media Week they asked what tips…

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