Weekend Tune: “Making a Scene” by Fritz Helder & The Phantoms

C’est le week-end! That’s French for it’s the weekend! Is everyone having a good fashion week? Are you très chic? It’s been fun but it’s almost at a close – or should I say clothes? Bahaha puns! Sorry couldn’t help myself.

Anyways! Here’s a music video for you to enjoy and reminisce about LG Fashion Week to. Strike a pose! It’s Toronto’s own Fritz Helder & The Phantoms with “Making a Scene”!

“Making a Scene” – Fritz Helder & The Phantoms from sammy rawal on Vimeo.

Fun fact: Both this music video and “Stumble” by Bonjay were directed by Sammy Rawal! Good job Sammy Rawal!

Have a great weekend everyone!
xo Kate