i hope you don’t screw like you type.

This was meant to go up yesterday but my site was hacked! I had a mini heart attack but then my friend played doctor to my blog baby and now she’s out of emergency and recovering well. Thank jesus!

Lovely walk to work this morning. Played in the park for a min. Got a coffee. Wore suede boots even though its raining, its so slight not enough for wellies. Getting really excited for Florida in two weeks.

Came home last night and kinda wished I had a BF, that thought was gone when I woke up. Gonna do some zoeyng tonight. Have a shirt to make and a vest. Mum gave me heaps of pattern books from the early eighty’s and all that stuff is in style right now.

Just ran into Daniel. He said ‘hi Magical’ I know he means it. That little minute meeting gave me a dose of inspiration and hazaaaa that resembles wheat grass. Pleasure seeing friends that are doing well and doing what they love at the same time. i was so inspired in fact that I kept typing and walked right past Timmy Ho’s. Good thing there’s at least three on my way. Blind Melon ‘No Rain’ is playing as I walk by Jack Astors on John Street. There is inspiration everywhere.

There is inspiration everywhere!

I love this song.


  1. alexjames
    May 13, 2010 / 7:35 pm

    While I agree there's inspiration everywhere, sometimes it's rough trying to reach out and grab it. I envy you the ability to reach out, grab this wonderful city by the balls and wring all the inspiration you can out of it. I need to get out more!

  2. May 14, 2010 / 4:06 am

    Hi Magical,

    I was reading Casie's blog looking for some inspiration and then I got hit with a shot of wheatgrass 🙂

    You are a whole lot of awesome and I miss bumping into you Casie!


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